Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate Intelligence Committee

Muleller established that there were no events with Russia. Democrats intend to ignore that and pretend that there was some contact with Russia. Maybe they want to know more about the calls from the blocked phones.

He established that there were no russian events involving Trump or his campaign, he did not even look at obvious collusion with the Hillary campaign.
Just reported on MSNBC. I am surprised. What do you think?

Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenas Donald Trump Jr. in Russia probe
I'm sure, just like with everyone else associated with this corrupt administration, daddy will tell him to ignore the subpoena.

In today's corrupt political climate, showing up for subpoenas issued by Congress is optional.

Yep. Hillary made an art of it . . . .
What subpoenas has she ignored?
the one that she had her pc bleach bit and destruction of multiple cell phones. that one!!!!
Bullshit, you lying liar.
Destruction of Hillary Clinton’s Email Records During Government Investigation - Information Requirements Clearinghouse
I'm sure, just like with everyone else associated with this corrupt administration, daddy will tell him to ignore the subpoena.

In today's corrupt political climate, showing up for subpoenas issued by Congress is optional.

Yep. Hillary made an art of it . . . .
What subpoenas has she ignored?
the one that she had her pc bleach bit and destruction of multiple cell phones. that one!!!!
Bullshit, you lying liar.
Destruction of Hillary Clinton’s Email Records During Government Investigation - Information Requirements Clearinghouse

  1. Under 18 USC §1519 destruction of emails with the intent to render them unavailable for any matter is a felony.
  2. By failing to protect government property in her possession, Clinton may be subject to the fines and penalties under 18 USC §1361.
  3. A conviction under a federal statute is a felony if the potential penalty is more than one year in prison or a fine over $250,000 or more.
  4. She violated the provisions of at least two felony statutes related to obstruction of justice and destruction of government property
  5. If other people had destroyed emails subject to a government investigation, they would have promptly be charged with obstruction of justice. A presidential candidate, government official or corporate executive should be treated the same and not “let off the hook”
  6. There are several parties who played a role in the destruction of emails, and the subsequent concealment and cover-up:
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Clinton Staff Members
    • Clinton Attorneys
    • Platte River Network.

If the Democrats are so concerned with Obstruction and Constitutional Crises, THERE IT IS. Donald Trump, William Barr and Rudy Giuliani have their work ahead of them. Lots of democrat heads to roll.


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They are probably just going to ask him if his feelings were hurt. Republicans don’t care about the law or justice or anything except protecting the trumps.
Yep. Hillary made an art of it . . . .
What subpoenas has she ignored?
the one that she had her pc bleach bit and destruction of multiple cell phones. that one!!!!
Bullshit, you lying liar.
Destruction of Hillary Clinton’s Email Records During Government Investigation - Information Requirements Clearinghouse

  1. Under 18 USC §1519 destruction of emails with the intent to render them unavailable for any matter is a felony.
  2. By failing to protect government property in her possession, Clinton may be subject to the fines and penalties under 18 USC §1361.
  3. A conviction under a federal statute is a felony if the potential penalty is more than one year in prison or a fine over $250,000 or more.
  4. She violated the provisions of at least two felony statutes related to obstruction of justice and destruction of government property
  5. If other people had destroyed emails subject to a government investigation, they would have promptly be charged with obstruction of justice. A presidential candidate, government official or corporate executive should be treated the same and not “let off the hook”
  6. There are several parties who played a role in the destruction of emails, and the subsequent concealment and cover-up:
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Clinton Staff Members
    • Clinton Attorneys
    • Platte River Network.
Omarosa accuses Trump White House of destroying at least "five boxes" of evidence relevant to Mueller

Trump Sued for Failing to Keep Official Records

Ivanka Trump used personal email for government work, report says

It’s difficult to complain about her emails when Trump uses non-secure phones and actually hands over classified material to Russians after he cleared out the oval office so Americans can’t see the passing of classified information to the enemies of America.
Besides Hillary hasn’t even been in offices for nearly 7 years.


Trumps crimes are fresh. Hillary deleting some emails is old.
Hmm, no, that's pure fantasy and will not happen. They are going to ask about the Trump tower meeting and the Moscow tower project. As everyone paying attention knows.

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

there is nothing illegal about accepting political information from a foreign source. What's illegal is using foreign lies to enact a FISA warrant to spy on american citizens.

Did I say there was anything 'illegal' about it? No, I did not.

The FAILURE of EVERYONE within the Trump campaign that knew anything about this should have notified the FBI.
That would have been the 'right thing to do' and it would have demonstrated CHARACTER & PRINCIPLE by Trump's campaign.
We ALL however know that did not happen; WHY? Because no one associated with the Trump campaign has a shred of CHARACTER, nor PRINCIPLE.

These assholes would NOT 'do the right thing', ever.

you have it backwards, the FBI should have notified the trump campaign that Russians were trying to infiltrate the campaign. The FBI should also have taken action against the Hillary campaign for paying russian interests for a fake dossier of lies.

If Mueller's task was to find Russian influence why did he ignore the obvious influence via the hillary campaign?


Hmm, no, that's pure fantasy and will not happen. They are going to ask about the Trump tower meeting and the Moscow tower project. As everyone paying attention knows.

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

there is nothing illegal about accepting political information from a foreign source. What's illegal is using foreign lies to enact a FISA warrant to spy on american citizens.

Did I say there was anything 'illegal' about it? No, I did not.

The FAILURE of EVERYONE within the Trump campaign that knew anything about this should have notified the FBI.
That would have been the 'right thing to do' and it would have demonstrated CHARACTER & PRINCIPLE by Trump's campaign.
We ALL however know that did not happen; WHY? Because no one associated with the Trump campaign has a shred of CHARACTER, nor PRINCIPLE.

These assholes would NOT 'do the right thing', ever.

you have it backwards, the FBI should have notified the trump campaign that Russians were trying to infiltrate the campaign. The FBI should also have taken action against the Hillary campaign for paying russian interests for a fake dossier of lies.

If Mueller's task was to find Russian influence why did he ignore the obvious influence via the hillary campaign?

No, I do NOT have it backwards; Trump's campaign had the duty to notify the FBI concerning dubious, unsolicited contacts from Russians, or from any other suspicious individuals.

You sound pretty fucking stupid: The FBI typically warns nominee POTUS campaigns concerning the potential for suspicious contacts in regard to the respective nominee campaign. This is typical SOP.

You really don't know shit about any of this; all you are doing is spewing bullshit. You really are fucking stupid.
I bet you voted for that ball of turd, Trump.

FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.

Trump's first intelligence briefing as Republican nominee was Aug. 17, 2016, sources told NBC News at the time.

Next time, before you open your mouth, insert your foot into your mouth, and prove to EVERYONE here that you are dumber than a goddamn bag of rocks, try a Google search. Can you Google?

FBI warned trump campaign about russians - Google Search

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

there is nothing illegal about accepting political information from a foreign source. What's illegal is using foreign lies to enact a FISA warrant to spy on american citizens.

Did I say there was anything 'illegal' about it? No, I did not.

The FAILURE of EVERYONE within the Trump campaign that knew anything about this should have notified the FBI.
That would have been the 'right thing to do' and it would have demonstrated CHARACTER & PRINCIPLE by Trump's campaign.
We ALL however know that did not happen; WHY? Because no one associated with the Trump campaign has a shred of CHARACTER, nor PRINCIPLE.

These assholes would NOT 'do the right thing', ever.

you have it backwards, the FBI should have notified the trump campaign that Russians were trying to infiltrate the campaign. The FBI should also have taken action against the Hillary campaign for paying russian interests for a fake dossier of lies.

If Mueller's task was to find Russian influence why did he ignore the obvious influence via the hillary campaign?

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three gold stars my ass; re: post #147.

You Trumpers are beyond dumber than shit.

No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.
What subpoenas has she ignored?
the one that she had her pc bleach bit and destruction of multiple cell phones. that one!!!!
Bullshit, you lying liar.
Destruction of Hillary Clinton’s Email Records During Government Investigation - Information Requirements Clearinghouse

  1. Under 18 USC §1519 destruction of emails with the intent to render them unavailable for any matter is a felony.
  2. By failing to protect government property in her possession, Clinton may be subject to the fines and penalties under 18 USC §1361.
  3. A conviction under a federal statute is a felony if the potential penalty is more than one year in prison or a fine over $250,000 or more.
  4. She violated the provisions of at least two felony statutes related to obstruction of justice and destruction of government property
  5. If other people had destroyed emails subject to a government investigation, they would have promptly be charged with obstruction of justice. A presidential candidate, government official or corporate executive should be treated the same and not “let off the hook”
  6. There are several parties who played a role in the destruction of emails, and the subsequent concealment and cover-up:
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Clinton Staff Members
    • Clinton Attorneys
    • Platte River Network.
Omarosa accuses Trump White House of destroying at least "five boxes" of evidence relevant to Mueller

Trump Sued for Failing to Keep Official Records

Ivanka Trump used personal email for government work, report says

It’s difficult to complain about her emails when Trump uses non-secure phones and actually hands over classified material to Russians after he cleared out the oval office so Americans can’t see the passing of classified information to the enemies of America.
Besides Hillary hasn’t even been in offices for nearly 7 years.


Trumps crimes are fresh. Hillary deleting some emails is old.
All Fake
No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.
If Trump loves the uneducated then he must ass-fuck you every night.
Sorry but I'm not Melania
You wouldn't make it as her dog.

Trump is (already) her pet

Lucky him. You're the pet's stool.

You bring in concepts like "ass-fuck" & "dog" & "stool" aka poop into the thread but I was under the impression the thread is about Trump Jr. getting subpoenaed.

Maybe you should lay off the booze for a while.
If Trump loves the uneducated then he must ass-fuck you every night.
Sorry but I'm not Melania
You wouldn't make it as her dog.

Trump is (already) her pet

Lucky him. You're the pet's stool.

You bring in concepts like "ass-fuck" & "dog" & "stool" aka poop into the thread but I was under the impression the thread is about Trump Jr. getting subpoenaed.

Maybe you should lay off the booze for a while.

Sorry but I'm not Melania
You wouldn't make it as her dog.

Trump is (already) her pet

Lucky him. You're the pet's stool.

You bring in concepts like "ass-fuck" & "dog" & "stool" aka poop into the thread but I was under the impression the thread is about Trump Jr. getting subpoenaed.

Maybe you should lay off the booze for a while.


So, you prefer to derail threads instead of discussing topical & OP content.
You wouldn't make it as her dog.

Trump is (already) her pet

Lucky him. You're the pet's stool.

You bring in concepts like "ass-fuck" & "dog" & "stool" aka poop into the thread but I was under the impression the thread is about Trump Jr. getting subpoenaed.

Maybe you should lay off the booze for a while.


So, you prefer to derail threads instead of discussing topical & OP content.

What's to derail. The OP is a joke. Nothing will come of this latest subpoena as with all the others and the Democrats like you are nothing but toothless yapping chihuahuas who think making a loud noise will fool the public into getting any real work done. You ain't going to subpoena nothing out of no one. The only constitutional crisis is Nancy Pelosi.

What's your next cute media dog trick?
Trump is (already) her pet

Lucky him. You're the pet's stool.

You bring in concepts like "ass-fuck" & "dog" & "stool" aka poop into the thread but I was under the impression the thread is about Trump Jr. getting subpoenaed.

Maybe you should lay off the booze for a while.


So, you prefer to derail threads instead of discussing topical & OP content.

What's to derail. The OP is a joke. Nothing will come of this latest subpoena as with all the others and the Democrats like you are nothing but toothless yapping chihuahuas who think making a loud noise will fool the public into getting any real work done. You ain't going to subpoena nothing out of no one. The only constitutional crisis is Nancy Pelosi.

What's your next cute media dog trick?

That is funny; so, when you consume too much booze your bark gets kinda funny sounding & you start wheezing too. :abgg2q.jpg:
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They are probably just going to ask him if his feelings were hurt. Republicans don’t care about the law or justice or anything except protecting the trumps.

What can they ask him that they haven't already asked? He spent 13 hours of questions and answers. If somebody believe he broke a law, they take it to the DOJ, not bring somebody back to answer the same questions. This is pure harassment and politics.

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