Donald Trump looked bad in this CBS debate

Yep, the establishment stacked the audience with GOP donors and supporters in an attempt to make Trump look bad. They can't win fair and square. All they care about is retaining their own power in the party. It was absolutely despicable.
The audience didn't make Trump look bad. Trump did that all by himself.

I've said it a hundred times. Trump does not have the temperament to be President. He's a spoiled rich boy who throws a fit if he doesn't get his way.

Who's the last President who was graceful in the face of defeat?

George HW Bush
Yep, the establishment stacked the audience with GOP donors and supporters in an attempt to make Trump look bad. They can't win fair and square. All they care about is retaining their own power in the party. It was absolutely despicable.
The audience didn't make Trump look bad. Trump did that all by himself.

I've said it a hundred times. Trump does not have the temperament to be President. He's a spoiled rich boy who throws a fit if he doesn't get his way.

Who's the last President who was graceful in the face of defeat?

George HW Bush
A man who was happy to see factories close down in the US and move to Poland.
Fuck him.
He was mad at all the negative adds run against him and he looked it. What's he going to do when Hillary Slams him with negative adds....Not good:eusa_eh:

they all looked pretty bad last night

i was embarrassed for every one of them
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Not if you reload or refresh the page. I just voted five times for Kasich in the last minute.
Just tested it. Even after reloading it lets me vote again but it doesn't count the vote and has a message stating I already voted.
You know, the difference between the Democrat and Republican debates is that the Democrats are actually talking about policy and how they would enact it, while the Republicans are only interested in making snarky comments and insulting each other.
You know, the difference between the Democrat and Republican debates is that the Democrats are actually talking about policy and how they would enact it, while the Republicans are only interested in making snarky comments and insulting each other.
The best debate happened when one guy stomped his feet in a tantrum & refused to participate. Trump lowers the bar so far with his presence
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Not if you reload or refresh the page. I just voted five times for Kasich in the last minute.
Just tested it. Even after reloading it lets me vote again but it doesn't count the vote and has a message stating I already voted.

An Internet poll is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Not if you reload or refresh the page. I just voted five times for Kasich in the last minute.
Just tested it. Even after reloading it lets me vote again but it doesn't count the vote and has a message stating I already voted.

An Internet poll is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
I think an internet poll reaches more voters than a telephone poll does.
You know, the difference between the Democrat and Republican debates is that the Democrats are actually talking about policy and how they would enact it, while the Republicans are only interested in making snarky comments and insulting each other.

That's because the Democrat debate is a pickpocket contest between the Bern and sHrillary as to who can fleece the taxpayers out of more money.
Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Not if you reload or refresh the page. I just voted five times for Kasich in the last minute.
Just tested it. Even after reloading it lets me vote again but it doesn't count the vote and has a message stating I already voted.

An Internet poll is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
I think an internet poll reaches more voters than a telephone poll does.

Spoken like someone who doesn't understand statistics at all.
You know, the difference between the Democrat and Republican debates is that the Democrats are actually talking about policy and how they would enact it, while the Republicans are only interested in making snarky comments and insulting each other.

That's because the Democrat debate is a pickpocket contest between the Bern and sHrillary as to who can fleece the taxpayers out of more money.

Hey, at least we know how they would try to fleece us out of more money, the republicans won't tell us anything except how bad all the other candidates are.

I told my room mate after the last election that it was just gonna get worse and worse with the name calling, and it has. How exactly is Trump gonna fund his wall?
Look, we all seen the exit polls in NH...........was it 8 or 9 in 10 Republicans basically think their party has been screwing them? If the sentiment is anywhere near that in SC, it will become a proven, viable, trend.
I very much agree with you there. So many people think this is all about Trump, it's not. It's all about the public's antipathy towards the political establishment and all their bullshit promises for decades on end. That is why Trump can say outlandish things and the voters are not going to go anywhere except maybe Cruz's way. Because they have no other option if they want to rid themselves of GOP stench and Obama/Clinton stench and big money lobbyist stench. And the filthy mainstream media.

Trump is the front runner right now, so it is about him. If he cant take personal, negative, adds and explodes like some kind of maniac, he shouldn't be running
I think he kicked ass again. I loved what he said about Cruz and others on stage giving us John Roberts. A supposed 'Conservative Republican' appointed by George Bush, who voted twice in favor of Obamacare. Some of those on stage were responsible for that. So how much credibility do they really have now?
Screaming like a maniac is not kicking ass...Sorry it doesn't look good, certainly not presidential. His number will fall in SC after that debate
I think he kicked ass again. I loved what he said about Cruz and others on stage giving us John Roberts. A supposed 'Conservative Republican' appointed by George Bush, who voted twice in favor of Obamacare. Some of those on stage were responsible for that. So how much credibility do they really have now?
Screaming like a maniac is not kicking ass...Sorry it doesn't look good, certainly not presidential. His number will fall in SC after that debate

did you see how he did in all those overnight polls


Who Won The Debate - List of Polls
You know, the difference between the Democrat and Republican debates is that the Democrats are actually talking about policy and how they would enact it, while the Republicans are only interested in making snarky comments and insulting each other.

That's because the Democrat debate is a pickpocket contest between the Bern and sHrillary as to who can fleece the taxpayers out of more money.

Hey, at least we know how they would try to fleece us out of more money, the republicans won't tell us anything except how bad all the other candidates are.

I told my room mate after the last election that it was just gonna get worse and worse with the name calling, and it has. How exactly is Trump gonna fund his wall?

Don't know. Don't care. Trump is an asshole and needs his face punched in.
I think he kicked ass again. I loved what he said about Cruz and others on stage giving us John Roberts. A supposed 'Conservative Republican' appointed by George Bush, who voted twice in favor of Obamacare. Some of those on stage were responsible for that. So how much credibility do they really have now?
Screaming like a maniac is not kicking ass...Sorry it doesn't look good, certainly not presidential. His number will fall in SC after that debate

did you see how he did in all those overnight polls


Who Won The Debate - List of Polls

You mean the internet polls? The polls have that have no reliability whatsoever?
I think he kicked ass again. I loved what he said about Cruz and others on stage giving us John Roberts. A supposed 'Conservative Republican' appointed by George Bush, who voted twice in favor of Obamacare. Some of those on stage were responsible for that. So how much credibility do they really have now?
Do fascist have a definite party affiliation?

Just pointing out that Trump was absolutely Spot On for ripping Cruz and others on stage for supporting John Roberts. They are partially responsible for Obamcare.

Bullshit ,everyone thought Roberts a strong conservative. Trump didn't know any different

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