Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
Or Baptist ministers.
The Baptist church I go to doesn't even have a children's service, the kids stay with their parents the whole time. And no homos are allowed so we don't have to worry about them molesting kids anyway.
"No homos allowed" if you know.....:lol:
If there were, we would know. I attend Faithful Word Baptist Church, the reputation it has makes it very unlikely any homos would even want to attend.
Unless they were slumming for kicks and then laughing about the nutjobs afterwards..................or in the closet.....:eusa_liar:
The left sure does get themselves all worked up over a little humor between the president, and our next president.
Did you notice some of our posters demonizing gay Americans? Why aren't you complaining about that? Or do you agree?
God demonizes them. The whole world understands they are defective and need therapy.
So....look at your hypocrisy......and thank you for admitting that what you were whining about earlier is exactly what YOU do......demonize your fellow Americans. Your god is proud of your hypocrisy, I'm sure.
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And yet, you have no problem with the demonizing of gay Americans. Go figure.
I don't care about your opinion any more than I care about Trumps. I just provide reason and balance.
"Reason and balance".....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And yet, you have no problem with the demonizing of gay Americans. Go figure.
How do you demonize those who are already demonic?
Look at you........the brave Demonhunter! :lol:
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.

snowflake says wot? maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter, porn creep.

Donald Trump is destroying America’s standing in the world — and may end up destroying the world
Drama queen op-ed article...
Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
Or Baptist ministers.
The Baptist church I go to doesn't even have a children's service, the kids stay with their parents the whole time. And no homos are allowed so we don't have to worry about them molesting kids anyway.
"No homos allowed" if you know.....:lol:
If there were, we would know. I attend Faithful Word Baptist Church, the reputation it has makes it very unlikely any homos would even want to attend.
Unless they were slumming for kicks and then laughing about the nutjobs afterwards..................or in the closet.....:eusa_liar:
Sodomites pickett the church almost every weekend. We have seen pretty much every fag that lives in the area by now.
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.

snowflake says wot? maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter, porn creep.

Donald Trump is destroying America’s standing in the world — and may end up destroying the world
Drama queen op-ed article...
Oooooooo....tell us about drama queens, Mary.
Or Baptist ministers.
The Baptist church I go to doesn't even have a children's service, the kids stay with their parents the whole time. And no homos are allowed so we don't have to worry about them molesting kids anyway.
"No homos allowed" if you know.....:lol:
If there were, we would know. I attend Faithful Word Baptist Church, the reputation it has makes it very unlikely any homos would even want to attend.
Unless they were slumming for kicks and then laughing about the nutjobs afterwards..................or in the closet.....:eusa_liar:
Sodomites pickett the church almost every weekend. We have seen pretty much every fag that lives in the area by now.
Republicans don't really care about the method.

As long as they are killed.

How can a grown man be this fucking stupid?
Are you talking about right wing pastors?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning

A short list of right wing pastors who call for the mass execution of millions of gays. Ask your pastor if they approve of murder. If you are right wing and they are right wing, you shouldn't be surprised by the answer.
It's like being a Republican. You can't say you don't approve of their policies but vote for them anyway. You approve.

They don't call for the mass execution of homos, they say if we lived under a biblically righteous government they'd execute homos. Which is true.

Exactly. Thanks for confirming that if it weren't for our Constitution and our secular government, christians would be just as murderous towards gays as muslims are. They are two sides of the same patriarchal coin.

It would be the government's job to execute homos, not every day Christians.

So you are supporting a Christian Taliban?
You get these right wingers who say, Hey, we don't want to kill millions of gays. You're crazy for suggesting it.

Then you get right wingers who say, We want to kill millions of gays.

So which is it? I suspect it's the "let's kill gays" crowd.

If you vote for people who want to do that, then you want to do that. It's just that simple.
How can a grown man be this fucking stupid?
Are you talking about right wing pastors?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning

A short list of right wing pastors who call for the mass execution of millions of gays. Ask your pastor if they approve of murder. If you are right wing and they are right wing, you shouldn't be surprised by the answer.
It's like being a Republican. You can't say you don't approve of their policies but vote for them anyway. You approve.

They don't call for the mass execution of homos, they say if we lived under a biblically righteous government they'd execute homos. Which is true.

Exactly. Thanks for confirming that if it weren't for our Constitution and our secular government, christians would be just as murderous towards gays as muslims are. They are two sides of the same patriarchal coin.

It would be the government's job to execute homos, not every day Christians.

So you are supporting a Christian Taliban?

We don't live in a christian theocracy and it is highly unlikely that we ever I wouldn't get so worked up about what the Pastor is saying.
You get these right wingers who say, Hey, we don't want to kill millions of gays. You're crazy for suggesting it.

Then you get right wingers who say, We want to kill millions of gays.

So which is it? I suspect it's the "let's kill gays" crowd.

If you vote for people who want to do that, then you want to do that. It's just that simple.
We got an honest answer from one trumpanzee. If gays weren't protected by our secular would be open hunting season.
You get these right wingers who say, Hey, we don't want to kill millions of gays. You're crazy for suggesting it.

Then you get right wingers who say, We want to kill millions of gays.

So which is it? I suspect it's the "let's kill gays" crowd.

If you vote for people who want to do that, then you want to do that. It's just that simple.
I'd vote for a politician that promised to kill the fags. Sure.
You get these right wingers who say, Hey, we don't want to kill millions of gays. You're crazy for suggesting it.

Then you get right wingers who say, We want to kill millions of gays.

So which is it? I suspect it's the "let's kill gays" crowd.

If you vote for people who want to do that, then you want to do that. It's just that simple.
I'd vote for a politician that promised to kill the fags. Sure.
You get these right wingers who say, Hey, we don't want to kill millions of gays. You're crazy for suggesting it.

Then you get right wingers who say, We want to kill millions of gays.

So which is it? I suspect it's the "let's kill gays" crowd.

If you vote for people who want to do that, then you want to do that. It's just that simple.
I'd vote for a politician that promised to kill the fags. Sure.
You shouldn't be surprised. I think I have made myself clear on this topic enough times.
We don't live in a christian theocracy and it is highly unlikely that we ever I wouldn't get so worked up about what the Pastor is saying.

The problem is that Mike Pence eschews all scientists, doctors, laureates, mathematicians, economists, and anyone with a brain in favor of getting advice from people like that shitty Pastor.

So because of that, Pence is a theocrat who wants his own form of Sharia Law.

But it won't matter. Pence is too closely aligned to Russia to not get dragged down by Trump. And you can sure as shit bet that Trump is gonna take as many of these Conservatives as he can down with him. In fact, the first person Trump will sell out will be Pence. Why? Because he will see it as Pence trying to take his job -and no one takes a job from the Don.

I'd vote for a politician that promised to kill the fags. Sure.

So what do you do when you run into a Conservative like this who embraces a shitty position with no shame? You call bullshit.

I doubt you would actually do that. I think you're just saying it for the sake of the MB because you want to get a rise out of people. I doubt you even believe any of the shit you post; I think it's all in service of your attention-seeking ego and nothing more. I think you're so anti-social that interaction on a MB is the closest you're going to get to human contact. So you try to elicit strong emotions out of people because that way, you can convince yourself that you actually matter. But you don't matter. Not at all. Not to anyone. Not for any purpose. Not for any belief or goal. You're just...there. Trying to carve out an existence for yourself because what you've done so far hasn't managed to get you out into society, interacting with people face-to-face.

You're a fraud. Nothing more.
We don't live in a christian theocracy and it is highly unlikely that we ever I wouldn't get so worked up about what the Pastor is saying.

The problem is that Mike Pence eschews all scientists, doctors, laureates, mathematicians, economists, and anyone with a brain in favor of getting advice from people like that shitty Pastor.

So because of that, Pence is a theocrat who wants his own form of Sharia Law.

But it won't matter. Pence is too closely aligned to Russia to not get dragged down by Trump. And you can sure as shit bet that Trump is gonna take as many of these Conservatives as he can down with him. In fact, the first person Trump will sell out will be Pence. Why? Because he will see it as Pence trying to take his job -and no one takes a job from the Don.
What pastor is giving Pence advice? I know you're not saying my pastor does. My pastor doesn't like any politicians.

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