Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

You know there is an ignore button you can use at any time if what I'm saying hurts your fee-fees so much, right?

I never put people on ignore because you can't spell ignorance without ignore.

I am having way too much fun breaking down your mental deficiencies that clearly reflect on what you do here on these boards. It's all in service of your ego because you are anti-social. You get no validation face-to-face because, let's face it, who the fuck wants to be alone with you anyway? So you turn to the relative safety of the internet where you don't have to hide your shame or tears when someone doesn't pay you the unearned entitlement and respect you think you're owed.

No one owes you anything. You're not entitled to anything. You're just an anti-social loser who can't make friends in real life, so you seek to elicit a response -any response- on a message board.

Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
You know there is an ignore button you can use at any time if what I'm saying hurts your fee-fees so much, right?

I never put people on ignore because you can't spell ignorance without ignore.

I am having way too much fun breaking down your mental deficiencies that clearly reflect on what you do here on these boards. It's all in service of your ego because you are anti-social. You get no validation face-to-face because, let's face it, who the fuck wants to be alone with you anyway? So you turn to the relative safety of the internet where you don't have to hide your shame or tears when someone doesn't pay you the unearned entitlement and respect you think you're owed.

No one owes you anything. You're not entitled to anything. You're just an anti-social loser who can't make friends in real life, so you seek to elicit a response -any response- on a message board.

Whatever you say, Dr. Phil. Lmao
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?

Annnnnnnd since his faith informs his politics, who does he turn to to guide his politics? Those who purvey his faith.
Saying that his faith informs his politics does not mean that is the only thing that informs his politics.
Absolutely. He also owes a lot of favours to rich people. That is as important as his "faith".
You don't know what you're talking about.
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
You couldnt own a "faggot penquin" sonny.

Annnnnnnd since his faith informs his politics, who does he turn to to guide his politics? Those who purvey his faith.
Saying that his faith informs his politics does not mean that is the only thing that informs his politics.
Absolutely. He also owes a lot of favours to rich people. That is as important as his "faith".
You don't know what you're talking about.
I do. Check out the OP sparky.
Whatever you say, Dr. Phil. Lmao

It doesn't take a psychiatrist to see what's happening here. Daddy didn't hug you enough (or he hugged you too much), so you're here seeking validation of any kind. The easiest way to get validation is to elicit negative emotions out of people; hence your statement that you'd vote for someone who wants to hang all gays. I know you don't really believe that, not even a little bit, but you say you do in order to get a response out of people. Like throwing a temper tantrum in the store because mommy wasn't paying attention to you enough. But you know what people say afterwards? "Boy that kid was an asshole".

You're a fraud. A complete and total fraud. And you know it.
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
You couldnt own a "faggot penquin" sonny.
I owned you on the faggot penguin myth. You got schooled and ran away.

Don't make me refresh your memory.
Whatever you say, Dr. Phil. Lmao

It doesn't take a psychiatrist to see what's happening here. Daddy didn't hug you enough (or he hugged you too much), so you're here seeking validation of any kind. The easiest way to get validation is to elicit negative emotions out of people; hence your statement that you'd vote for someone who wants to hang all gays. I know you don't really believe that, not even a little bit, but you say you do in order to get a response out of people. Like throwing a temper tantrum in the store because mommy wasn't paying attention to you enough. But you know what people say afterwards? "Boy that kid was an asshole".

You're a fraud. A complete and total fraud. And you know it.
Quit bringing family into your crap.
Whatever you say, Dr. Phil. Lmao

It doesn't take a psychiatrist to see what's happening here. Daddy didn't hug you enough (or he hugged you too much), so you're here seeking validation of any kind. The easiest way to get validation is to elicit negative emotions out of people; hence your statement that you'd vote for someone who wants to hang all gays. I know you don't really believe that, not even a little bit, but you say you do in order to get a response out of people. Like throwing a temper tantrum in the store because mommy wasn't paying attention to you enough. But you know what people say afterwards? "Boy that kid was an asshole".

You're a fraud. A complete and total fraud. And you know it.
Keep telling yourself I'm a fraud. Maybe some day you'll convince yourself that it's true.
Whatever you say, Dr. Phil. Lmao

It doesn't take a psychiatrist to see what's happening here. Daddy didn't hug you enough (or he hugged you too much), so you're here seeking validation of any kind. The easiest way to get validation is to elicit negative emotions out of people; hence your statement that you'd vote for someone who wants to hang all gays. I know you don't really believe that, not even a little bit, but you say you do in order to get a response out of people. Like throwing a temper tantrum in the store because mommy wasn't paying attention to you enough. But you know what people say afterwards? "Boy that kid was an asshole".

You're a fraud. A complete and total fraud. And you know it.
Quit bringing family into your crap.
He should listen to you for his own sake. He apparently hasn't read the board rules.
Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.
Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.

Again, leave family out of it. Forum rules

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