Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.
You're such a whiny ass crybaby. Need your bah-bah, baby boy?
Keep telling yourself I'm a fraud. Maybe some day you'll convince yourself that it's true.

I don't need to tell myself that, I already know it to be true. Why else would you be here shitting out things you don't personally believe? Either because 1) you're paid to do it or 2) you need the attention.
Keep telling yourself I'm a fraud. Maybe some day you'll convince yourself that it's true.

I don't need to tell myself that, I already know it to be true. Why else would you be here shitting out things you don't personally believe? Either because 1) you're paid to do it or 2) you need the attention.
I believe what I am saying. Death to all faggots, I have no love for reprobate trash.
You're such a whiny ass crybaby. Need your bah-bah, baby boy?

We know what yhour bah-bah is...attention. If attention could be bottled, you'd be suckling on that rubber nipple all the freaking time. But you got the next best thing; an anonymous platform from which you can spew forth the worst you can imagine where people are sure to react, giving you the attention you crave.
Dude, I know of nobody that takes you serious. You whine about attention seeking while seeking attention.

Well given that you're an anti-social nutcase who craves human contact but lacks the courage to make real-life connections, I don't fucking care what you think.
I believe what I am saying. Death to all faggots, I have no love for reprobate trash.

Ehhhhh, I don't believe you. I think this is just you trying to get a response out of me in order to satiate whatever primal, childhood cravings your lizard brain has. I doubt you believe any of what you post. I think you're just a fraud with an unearned sense of entitlement. Nothing more.
Dude, I know of nobody that takes you serious. You whine about attention seeking while seeking attention.

Well given that you're an anti-social nutcase who craves human contact but lacks the courage to make real-life connections, I don't fucking care what you think.

You don't know the first thing about me, child. Cease pretending you do, now take your childish little avatar that matches your childish little temper tantrum comments and stick them, boy
Even if that were so, I'm not in the government and I don't know of any elected official who is as staunchly anti-sodomite as I am. Or even close.

I mean, you say you're anti-gay...but are you really? Are you willing to say something you don't believe in order to get something you want? I'd say definitely.
Dude, I know of nobody that takes you serious. You whine about attention seeking while seeking attention.

Well given that you're an anti-social nutcase who craves human contact but lacks the courage to make real-life connections, I don't fucking care what you think.
I think you are projecting. You are the actual nutcase with a need for attention. You're probably a narcissist most leftist morons are. Narcissistic morons with underdeveloped amygdala and shit for brains.
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
I guess you have to grab and cherish your little victories when and where you can find them, eh?
I believe what I am saying. Death to all faggots, I have no love for reprobate trash.

Ehhhhh, I don't believe you. I think this is just you trying to get a response out of me in order to satiate whatever primal, childhood cravings your lizard brain has. I doubt you believe any of what you post. I think you're just a fraud with an unearned sense of entitlement. Nothing more.

It's pretty common for fags to defend fags....jus sayin. :poke:
Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.
Your silly pop psychology aside, you aren't to bring people's family into discussions.
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
You couldnt own a "faggot penquin" sonny.
I owned you on the faggot penguin myth. You got schooled and ran away.

Don't make me refresh your memory.
I bet it was the highlight of your life, wasn't it?
Again, leave family out of it. Forum rules

How we interacted with our families, and how they interacted with us when we were kids, completely informs who you are as an adult. So his lack of attention -or too much attention- from his parents growing up turned him into the anti-social, lazy, lonely person he is today. Why else would he spend all this time pushing crap he doesn't believe on a message board if not to fill the childhood wound of not getting enough (or getting too much) attention?
Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.
Your silly pop psychology aside, you aren't to bring people's family into discussions.

He'll soon learn that valuable lesson

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