Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
I guess you have to grab and cherish your little victories when and where you can find them, eh?
I would have forgot about it until Fat Hitler in a Sweater piped up.
Again, leave family out of it. Forum rules

How we interacted with our families, and how they interacted with us when we were kids, completely informs who you are as an adult. So his lack of attention -or too much attention- from his parents growing up turned him into the anti-social, lazy, lonely person he is today. Why else would he spend all this time pushing crap he doesn't believe on a message board if not to fill the childhood wound of not getting enough (or getting too much) attention?

Against the rules, child
Quit bringing family into your crap.

But how our parents raised us has tremendous impact on how we act as adults. In the case of that guy, his childhood need -attention- was something he never got (or got too much of) so that's why he's on the message boards today, saying things he doesn't believe in order to elicit some kind of emotional response. That emotional response is the attention he craves. Make no mistake, it's not his's his parents' fault...but he is old enough to be aware of it and can take steps to correct it. Unless he's too lazy.
Your silly pop psychology aside, you aren't to bring people's family into discussions.

He'll soon learn that valuable lesson
He seems to be begging to be reported :rolleyes-41:
I believe what I am saying. Death to all faggots, I have no love for reprobate trash.

Ehhhhh, I don't believe you. I think this is just you trying to get a response out of me in order to satiate whatever primal, childhood cravings your lizard brain has. I doubt you believe any of what you post. I think you're just a fraud with an unearned sense of entitlement. Nothing more.
I don't care what you think, buddy. It's means Nada to me.
You don't know the first thing about me, child. Cease pretending you do, now take your childish little avatar that matches your childish little temper tantrum comments and stick them, boy

My avatar is DEADPOOL!!! Deadpool rocks. And he fights for all people, even the gays. Deadpool is the hero we all need.

Anyway, I may not know the first thing about the details of your life, but we can certainly surmise from your posting who you are as a person. I was wrong lumping you into the same boat as the other guy; you're not in his boat. You're just a spiteful, hateful person. He has a need for attention...I'm not sure what your need is yet but I'm confident it's just as stupid and self-serving.
It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
You couldnt own a "faggot penquin" sonny.
I owned you on the faggot penguin myth. You got schooled and ran away.

Don't make me refresh your memory.
I bet it was the highlight of your life, wasn't it?
I don't know about that...but it was fun though.
You don't know the first thing about me, child. Cease pretending you do, now take your childish little avatar that matches your childish little temper tantrum comments and stick them, boy

My avatar is DEADPOOL!!! Deadpool rocks. And he fights for all people, even the gays. Deadpool is the hero we all need.

Anyway, I may not know the first thing about the details of your life, but we can certainly surmise from your posting who you are as a person. I was wrong lumping you into the same boat as the other guy; you're not in his boat. You're just a spiteful, hateful person. He has a need for attention...I'm not sure what your need is yet but I'm confident it's just as stupid and self-serving.

It's childish, like your meager attempts at trying to be somewhat relevant. Now run along and grab a cookie
You don't know the first thing about me, child. Cease pretending you do, now take your childish little avatar that matches your childish little temper tantrum comments and stick them, boy

My avatar is DEADPOOL!!! Deadpool rocks. And he fights for all people, even the gays. Deadpool is the hero we all need.

Anyway, I may not know the first thing about the details of your life, but we can certainly surmise from your posting who you are as a person. I was wrong lumping you into the same boat as the other guy; you're not in his boat. You're just a spiteful, hateful person. He has a need for attention...I'm not sure what your need is yet but I'm confident it's just as stupid and self-serving.
Your avatar is a gimp and it represents what you do in real life.
Your silly pop psychology aside, you aren't to bring people's family into discussions.

Fine. Then he didn't get enough (or got too much) attention from Father Time, and so he has to spam the boards to get a reaction because Father Time either rewarded all his tantrums with reactions, or ignored his tantrums completely.
I don't care what you think, buddy. It's means Nada to me.

You know what? That, I actually believe. I agree that you don't care what someone thinks about you, so long as they're thinking about you at all. So you don't care if the reaction you get is positive or're just looking for that reaction. That's why you're a fraud.
I believe what I am saying. Death to all faggots, I have no love for reprobate trash.

Ehhhhh, I don't believe you. I think this is just you trying to get a response out of me in order to satiate whatever primal, childhood cravings your lizard brain has. I doubt you believe any of what you post. I think you're just a fraud with an unearned sense of entitlement. Nothing more.

It's pretty common for fags to defend fags....jus sayin. :poke:
It's even more common for those in the closet to pretend they are anti-gay to mask.....also "catfishing" and "bearding".
It's childish, like your meager attempts at trying to be somewhat relevant. Now run along and grab a cookie

Deadpool made $363,000,000 at the box office with an R rating. If you're so desperate to diminish me that you're attacking my avatar, then I know you got nothin'.
Ive been catching up on this thread. He is coming across as quite needy. Trying to impress with his hard man credentials and desperate to strike up some sort of relationship with people who have better things to do. It comes across as a bit forced and sad. As well as being deadly dull.

It so fucking boring because it's the same shit over and over; stake out a horrendous position on a message board in order to elicit a response so that he can feel like he is a part of something.
It can be funny when they have brains. Not so in this case.
I remember when I owned your dumb ass on the faggot penguin myth. Boy that was a really fun discussion, wasn't it, fat Hitler in a sweater?
Go ahead.
Your avatar is a gimp and it represents what you do in real life.

Deadpool is a gimp? No, Deadpool is the hero we all need:

BS VP is a step up

A step up from being a loser, I guess.

Selina Meyer didn't think it was a step up. Granted, she's not a real person...but Veep is satire.
There's this:
Being vice president is comparable to "a man in a cataleptic fit; he cannot speak; he cannot move; he suffers no pain; he is perfectly conscious of all that goes on, but has no part in it." — Thomas R. Marshall, vice president under Woodrow Wilson.

But Pence also has the job of reminding trump to sign the EO's he's started walking out without signing................twice.
I don't care what you think, buddy. It's means Nada to me.

You know what? That, I actually believe. I agree that you don't care what someone thinks about you, so long as they're thinking about you at all. So you don't care if the reaction you get is positive or're just looking for that reaction. That's why you're a fraud.
You sure are a sniveling bitch, boy.
This guy is trying way too hard. I bet his life sucks as bad as his attempts at psychoanalysis.

Ahhhh, but see...look how I've derailed the shit you were saying before! All because I think the shit you said before was shit you don't even believe. I doubt you believe any of what you say. I think you're just saying it because that's how you get people to pay attention to you.

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