Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And that's because they are actually atheist faggot pedophiles who went into the priesthood so they could have a position of authority and trust to lure in victims.
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.

You again do not have the first fucking clue, you dishonest lying bull.

Give it up, NOBODY takes your ramblings serious, you're a flamer, nothing more and possibly less. Right BoPete? Dishonest to your core
I like how she named herself after a failed warrior. Definitely suits her since she is a failure as well.
It's precious watching you flail around like that.....:lol:
Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to 'hang all the gays'

The sinister anti Gay agenda laid bare.

How have you let these people take power ?
/----/ He was joking. Libs have no sense of humor and can't separate a joke from reality.
Trump 'joked Mike Pence wanted to hang all gay people'

Doesn't matter if he is joking. He's the POTUS and joking about killing a group of people that are part of the reason for HATE CRIME laws is not something he needs to be joking about.

Did you know that on the Celebrity Apprentice he fired someone for making a joke.

"Despite her rather stellar showing on tasks in "The Celebrity Apprentice," Donald Trump fired former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis after she made a comment about contestant Curtis Stone and his, ahem, bowel movements."

'The Celebrity Apprentice' - No crap! Maria Kanellis is fired

Watch this video and remember Trump and "locker room" talk...

/----/ Oh Spanky, reality shows are scripted. They aren't real. Get a grip. Do you really think the storage bins aren't salted with treasures? Do you think the cooking contest aren't selected ahead of time? Same with the singing contests. And most of the winners on Shark Tank have the deals withdrawn.
Does the Bible say homosexuality is an abomination? Why yes, yes it does. Perhaps it's you that does not know the Bible
Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
And that's because they are actually atheist faggot pedophiles who went into the priesthood so they could have a position of authority and trust to lure in victims.
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
Facts don't compute for libtards.
You should tell us more about how big, tough you wants to shoot gay Americans......:lol:
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.

You again do not have the first fucking clue, you dishonest lying bull.

Give it up, NOBODY takes your ramblings serious, you're a flamer, nothing more and possibly less. Right BoPete? Dishonest to your core
I like how she named herself after a failed warrior. Definitely suits her since she is a failure as well.
It's precious watching you flail around like that.....:lol:
I'm not flailing around though. I'm sitting here eating some eggs and bacon with toast.
Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
And that's because they are actually atheist faggot pedophiles who went into the priesthood so they could have a position of authority and trust to lure in victims.
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
Facts don't compute for libtards.
You should tell us more about how big, tough you wants to shoot gay Americans......:lol:
Why when you can tell everyone for me?
Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to 'hang all the gays'

The sinister anti Gay agenda laid bare.

How have you let these people take power ?
/----/ He was joking. Libs have no sense of humor and can't separate a joke from reality.
Trump 'joked Mike Pence wanted to hang all gay people'

Doesn't matter if he is joking. He's the POTUS and joking about killing a group of people that are part of the reason for HATE CRIME laws is not something he needs to be joking about.

Did you know that on the Celebrity Apprentice he fired someone for making a joke.

"Despite her rather stellar showing on tasks in "The Celebrity Apprentice," Donald Trump fired former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis after she made a comment about contestant Curtis Stone and his, ahem, bowel movements."

'The Celebrity Apprentice' - No crap! Maria Kanellis is fired

Watch this video and remember Trump and "locker room" talk...

/----/ Oh Spanky, reality shows are scripted. They aren't real. Get a grip. Do you really think the storage bins aren't salted with treasures? Do you think the cooking contest aren't selected ahead of time? Same with the singing contests. And most of the winners on Shark Tank have the deals withdrawn.

And you missed the point entirely. Not surprising.

Do you think Conservative on this forum would dismiss it if Obama said Joe Biden wants all rednecks hung? No... this forum would have blown up.

Trump should be focusing on making sure Puerto Rico gets fixed, not all the shit he is doing now.
Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
And that's because they are actually atheist faggot pedophiles who went into the priesthood so they could have a position of authority and trust to lure in victims.
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.

You again do not have the first fucking clue, you dishonest lying bull.

Give it up, NOBODY takes your ramblings serious, you're a flamer, nothing more and possibly less. Right BoPete? Dishonest to your core
It's so cute to watch you act all indignant as if we didn't already know you troll/visit Bi-dating sites.....for what exactly?
And the Catholic Hierarchy can protect them and move them around for decades.......yay, Catholics!

Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.
Lol....if you knew real teachers, the last thing you'd call them is intelligent. 90% if not more are bubble headed morons that barely even understand the topics they "teach".
Well, we see the effect they had on you. Isn't it odd how so many trumpanzees are willing to criticize teachers, but none step up to become the solution? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't have the patience to deal with kids all day. Teaching is a woman's job in my opinion anyway.
Men can't cut it in academia? Maybe it's just the ones you know....knuckle draggers and trumpanzees.
Obviously, Catholic Priests who participate in same sex don't fear hell.
Or Baptist ministers.
The Baptist church I go to doesn't even have a children's service, the kids stay with their parents the whole time. And no homos are allowed so we don't have to worry about them molesting kids anyway.
"No homos allowed" if you know.....:lol:
If there were, we would know. I attend Faithful Word Baptist Church, the reputation it has makes it very unlikely any homos would even want to attend.
Still waiting on you to demonize educators, who are 100 more times more likely to sexually abuse children, you dishonest old hack. You're such a fucking fraud
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.
Lol....if you knew real teachers, the last thing you'd call them is intelligent. 90% if not more are bubble headed morons that barely even understand the topics they "teach".
Well, we see the effect they had on you. Isn't it odd how so many trumpanzees are willing to criticize teachers, but none step up to become the solution? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't have the patience to deal with kids all day. Teaching is a woman's job in my opinion anyway.
Men can't cut it in academia? Maybe it's just the ones you know....knuckle draggers and trumpanzees.
Academia and public school teaching aren't even comparable.
And here you are deflecting to educators again....people who are ten times smarter than trumpanzees....people who actually fire and charge any that abuse opposed to catholics who hide their pedophiles...sometimes for decades.
Lol....if you knew real teachers, the last thing you'd call them is intelligent. 90% if not more are bubble headed morons that barely even understand the topics they "teach".
Well, we see the effect they had on you. Isn't it odd how so many trumpanzees are willing to criticize teachers, but none step up to become the solution? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't have the patience to deal with kids all day. Teaching is a woman's job in my opinion anyway.
Men can't cut it in academia? Maybe it's just the ones you know....knuckle draggers and trumpanzees.
Academia and public school teaching aren't even comparable.
Ok, I now see where your problem is. Our conversations are way over your little head.
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And yet, you have no problem with the demonizing of gay Americans. Go figure.
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And yet, you have no problem with the demonizing of gay Americans. Go figure.
I don't care about your opinion any more than I care about Trumps. I just provide reason and balance.
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.
And yet, you have no problem with the demonizing of gay Americans. Go figure.
How do you demonize those who are already demonic?
mr big brain aka our so-called president sure knew having nutjob pence as VP would certainly safeguard his presidency.


"Donald Trump loves reminding his underlings who is in charge, and gets a kick out of joking about Mike Pence’s bigoted, anti-gay ideologies to his face."

Donald Trump mocks Mike Pence for wanting to "hang" all gay people

What I want is everything, slag.

offensively open what?? :blahblah:

Ive had posts deleted for less. Lib leaning mods deleted it for not being "family friendly." We'll see if leftist porn stays.

snowflake says wot? maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter, porn creep.

Donald Trump is destroying America’s standing in the world — and may end up destroying the world

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