Donald Trump poll numbers cut in half in all polls

Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.
With unemployment in the United States stuck at 9.1 percent and millions of people still seeking work, restaurateurs across the country, including one who attended President Obama's job creation speech in Washington, D.C., say the biggest hiring obstacles they face are the uncertainty and lack of clarity surrounding current tax codes and numerous federal regulations.
Taxes regulatory concerns cited as reasons for slow job growth National Restaurant Association

Start-ups typically create jobs so fast at the beginning of recoveries that even a modest drop in that pace can affect the whole economy. In fact, slower job growth among new businesses may have resulted in 760,000 fewer jobs in the first year of the current recovery. Because housing wealth is an important factor in the financing of new businesses, lower house prices may have been partly to blame for the slower growth. Conversely, recently increasing house prices may already be boosting start-up growth and, with it, overall job growth.
Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco Slow Business Start-ups and the Job Recovery
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.
With unemployment in the United States stuck at 9.1 percent and millions of people still seeking work, restaurateurs across the country, including one who attended President Obama's job creation speech in Washington, D.C., say the biggest hiring obstacles they face are the uncertainty and lack of clarity surrounding current tax codes and numerous federal regulations.
Taxes regulatory concerns cited as reasons for slow job growth National Restaurant Association

Start-ups typically create jobs so fast at the beginning of recoveries that even a modest drop in that pace can affect the whole economy. In fact, slower job growth among new businesses may have resulted in 760,000 fewer jobs in the first year of the current recovery. Because housing wealth is an important factor in the financing of new businesses, lower house prices may have been partly to blame for the slower growth. Conversely, recently increasing house prices may already be boosting start-up growth and, with it, overall job growth.
Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco Slow Business Start-ups and the Job Recovery

Who's responsible for this?
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.
With unemployment in the United States stuck at 9.1 percent and millions of people still seeking work, restaurateurs across the country, including one who attended President Obama's job creation speech in Washington, D.C., say the biggest hiring obstacles they face are the uncertainty and lack of clarity surrounding current tax codes and numerous federal regulations.
Taxes regulatory concerns cited as reasons for slow job growth National Restaurant Association

Start-ups typically create jobs so fast at the beginning of recoveries that even a modest drop in that pace can affect the whole economy. In fact, slower job growth among new businesses may have resulted in 760,000 fewer jobs in the first year of the current recovery. Because housing wealth is an important factor in the financing of new businesses, lower house prices may have been partly to blame for the slower growth. Conversely, recently increasing house prices may already be boosting start-up growth and, with it, overall job growth.
Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco Slow Business Start-ups and the Job Recovery

Who's responsible for this?




How to fix the economy. Feck blacks, feck Mexicans, feck women, feck veterans, feck everyone but old white men.

So in other words, be just like Obama. Because that is exactly what he did. Well except for illegal immigrants, they have faired outstanding under Obama.

What are you talking about?

The economy has got better, it probably would have anyway, but hey, it's still better. It's the poor people who are getting jobs again who are benefiting.
More people have health insurance, again, more poor people.

So, you're slamming a president because he's looking out for many people who have, in the past, been extremely neglected within the powers of Washington.

Why do you have a problem with poor people getting represented?

The problem with these people are non believers that the economy is getting better, more people are insured than ever. Just about all aspects of industries are growing.
There are more buildings being build, car manufacturers are making billions, I'm selling more products.
And these people deny all of that. Meaning their brains are carve in stone that life is so miserable.
How to fix the economy. Feck blacks, feck Mexicans, feck women, feck veterans, feck everyone but old white men.

So in other words, be just like Obama. Because that is exactly what he did. Well except for illegal immigrants, they have faired outstanding under Obama.

What are you talking about?

The economy has got better, it probably would have anyway, but hey, it's still better. It's the poor people who are getting jobs again who are benefiting.
More people have health insurance, again, more poor people.

So, you're slamming a president because he's looking out for many people who have, in the past, been extremely neglected within the powers of Washington.

Why do you have a problem with poor people getting represented?

The problem with these people are non believers that the economy is getting better, more people are insured than ever. Just about all aspects of industries are growing.
There are more buildings being build, car manufacturers are making billions, I'm selling more products.
And these people deny all of that. Meaning their brains are carve in stone that life is so miserable.

Once again....a stat that is inarguable, cast in stone, not up for debate....since 2009, the top 7% wage earners have enjoyed a RECORD 33% earnings increase. While the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline in earnings.
Only the top wealthiest people in the nation have received benefit of "the recovery".
You can ignore that all you want. But the most important statistic in measuring an economy is earnings. PERIOD.
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.

The reality is GOPs control both senate and congress but their policy of do nothing is hurting them. Tramp is soaring because rwingers are sick of their own lawmakers. It is the republican congress and senate that are killing this country.
Can you give an example that democrat are hostile to job creations?
Can you give an example that democrat are hostile to job creations?

I can, I will just keep repeating the same thing since all of you don't seem to get it.
Of course this isn't just Democrats...

Once again....a stat that is inarguable, cast in stone, not up for debate....since 2009, the top 7% wage earners have enjoyed a RECORD 33% earnings increase. While the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline in earnings.
Only the top wealthiest people in the nation have received benefit of "the recovery".
You can ignore that all you want. But the most important statistic in measuring an economy is earnings. PERIOD.
Well, according to conservatives and the GOP..The wealthy will create jobs if they are given the financial incentive, and they are, just not in the USA...
Problem is......Democrats are hostile to job creation in "this" country in many as long as they control the Whitehouse....Congress won't be able to do anything to reverse the destructive course we're currently on. Throw all of the bumbs out of Congress and you still have an anti-American anarchist occupying the Oval Office.

The reality is GOPs control both senate and congress but their policy of do nothing is hurting them. Tramp is soaring because rwingers are sick of their own lawmakers. It is the republican congress and senate that are killing this country.
Can you give an example that democrat are hostile to job creations?

The house and Senate can vote for legislation....but cannot make it law without cooperation from the president.

An example of the Democrats' hostility toward job creation is their tax policies and their claims that income-inequality is a real serious issue in America. But what is really hostile to job creation is Obama's regulatory policies. Try owning a business in this environment.....much less start an new business.

Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of top corporate executives that has been President Obama's closest ally in the business community, accused the president and Democratic lawmakers Tuesday of creating an "increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation."

Ivan G. Seidenberg, chief executive of Verizon Communications, said that Democrats in Washington are pursuing tax increases, policy changes and regulatory actions that together threaten to dampen economic growth and "harm our ability . . . to grow private-sector jobs in the U.S."

"In our judgment, we have reached a point where the negative effects of these policies are simply too significant to ignore," Seidenberg said in a lunchtime speech to the Economic Club of Washington. "By reaching into virtually every sector of economic life, government is injecting uncertainty into the marketplace and making it harder to raise capital and create new businesses."

Seidenberg's remarks reflect corporate America's growing discontent with Obama. The president has assiduously courted the nation's top executives since taking office last year, seeking their counsel on economic policy in the wake of the recession and issuing dozens of invitations to the White House. In return, the Roundtable has generally supported the president's policies; it was the only major business group to back Obama's successful push for an overhaul of the health-care system.
Business leaders say Obama s economic policies stifle growth

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