Donald Trump poll numbers cut in half in all polls

Trump supporters will go into denial phase and make all kinds of excuses rather than admit the obvious. They are already doing it here. Most likely Trump peaked and then lost support from his crude and arrogant behavior during and following the debate. It made it obvious that he was not Presidential material. Supporters have shifted to other candidates and will in all likelihood continue to do so. Chances of him pissing off even more segment of the voting population are pretty much zero percent. His ego and temperament will not allow him to keep his emotions in control, a Presidential requirement.

So Clinton is Presidential material?

Don't know about that. This is about Trump. There are other Republicans in the field that have a way better chance of beating Clinton. Trump probably has no chance. Watch the rising stars, Kasich and Fiorina.
People are going to call Kasich a RHINO for his expanding Medicaid. I call it a strength. He doesn't back away from it and admits it with pride. He has a valid and good reason for it and it makes sense. We are supposed to be the party of protecting the helpless and not the hopeless.

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The county is ready for a pragmatist. Doesn't much matter which party.
How to fix the economy. Feck blacks, feck Mexicans, feck women, feck veterans, feck everyone but old white men.

So in other words, be just like Obama. Because that is exactly what he did. Well except for illegal immigrants, they have faired outstanding under Obama.

What are you talking about?

The economy has got better, it probably would have anyway, but hey, it's still better. It's the poor people who are getting jobs again who are benefiting.
More people have health insurance, again, more poor people.

So, you're slamming a president because he's looking out for many people who have, in the past, been extremely neglected within the powers of Washington.

Why do you have a problem with poor people getting represented?
How to fix the economy. Feck blacks, feck Mexicans, feck women, feck veterans, feck everyone but old white men.
More like help blacks and Mexicans by opening up jobs that illegals take, many are in the high paying construction field. Help women by having a proven businessman run the economy and provide them with high paying jobs. Look around more women than men are graduating college, getting post grad degrees etc. Law schools have more women then men attending. You are seeing more and more women executives and professionals. Women just need an improved economy and they will thrive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Wait, the same Trump that not only employs immigrants and gets them visas when he could employ Americans, but also the same one who backtracked on stopping immigrants, and then said that the "good ones" could come? Really?
How to fix the economy. Feck blacks, feck Mexicans, feck women, feck veterans, feck everyone but old white men.
More like help blacks and Mexicans by opening up jobs that illegals take, many are in the high paying construction field. Help women by having a proven businessman run the economy and provide them with high paying jobs. Look around more women than men are graduating college, getting post grad degrees etc. Law schools have more women then men attending. You are seeing more and more women executives and professionals. Women just need an improved economy and they will thrive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Wait, the same Trump that not only employs immigrants and gets them visas when he could employ Americans, but also the same one who backtracked on stopping immigrants, and then said that the "good ones" could come? Really?
And for the correct view of the Donald phenomenon...

Obama's Massive Failure Has Delivered Trump's Success!!!!!!!!!

Fiscal Times ^ | August 12, 2015 | Liz Peek
No president in our country’s history has been more concerned about his legacy than has Barack Obama. How ironic that people might someday best remember our first African-American Commander in Chief for having inspired the candidacy of Donald Trump. Six years of Obama forcing unpopular policies down Americans’ throats; six years of lies and misdeeds by unaccountable bureaucrats; six years of lame growth and resulting wage suppression; six years of appeasing our enemies and facing down our friends; six years of dividing the country – they have all taken their toll.
What are you talking about?

The economy has got better, it probably would have anyway, but hey, it's still better. It's the poor people who are getting jobs again who are benefiting.
More people have health insurance, again, more poor people.

So, you're slamming a president because he's looking out for many people who have, in the past, been extremely neglected within the powers of Washington.

Why do you have a problem with poor people getting represented?

Since 2009...The top 7% wage earners have increased their earnings by a RECORD 33%. Absolutely FANTASTIC to be wealthy under Obama.
Meanwhile, the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their earnings on average. Plus we have record social poverty payouts.

Do try and keep up.
Trump is still 10 points above his nearest competitor. Probably the hoopla around the debate has finally cooled?
Trump is still 10 points above his nearest competitor. Probably the hoopla around the debate has finally cooled?
No, he is 7 points above his nearest two competitors with his numbers on a downward trend and his competitors numbers on an upward trend. Of course that could change any time, but 7 points is not the same as 10. They important part of the poll is the fact Trump has dropped 9 points, or over 30% of his lead.
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox media. When they call you to survey they ask three questions before proceeding. The first question: is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three questions they skip over you as you are too bright for a Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen is pure junk, that anyone follows them is a clear indicator of partisan insanity syndrome.

did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.
Since 2009...The top 7% wage earners have increased their earnings by a RECORD 33%. Absolutely FANTASTIC to be wealthy under Obama.
Meanwhile, the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their earnings on average. Plus we have record social poverty payouts.

Do try and keep up.

Are we going to do this like we're stupid? Are we going to say as soon as a president steps down all of their influence of the previous 8 years disappears?

Obama's time in office was in the second worst recession the US has ever experienced. A lot of the reason why this recession happened was because of wars started by Bush. Part of it was a natural recession, however I think it should have happened earlier and Bush tried to pump the economy when it should have been allowed to drop. This is a result of the system where presidents are in for 8 years and want to make sure they get out of it without having the finger being pointed.

The recession led to the rich getting richer. The recession was helped massively by Bush. Obama's administration has been all about trying to deal with the recession. There's no surprise that the rich got richer. But anyone who says that it's about Obama is clearly just looking for a partisan fight and is not going to look at the situation properly.

Obama did what had to be done. He kept things steady and the economy got better. Not because of Obama, but because this sort of thing happens naturally. I wouldn't go in for all this "Obama made this many jobs", presidents don't usually make jobs at all. They can lose lots of jobs or keep things steady for nature to take over in capitalism.

Social payouts are because of Obama? Did Obama make the laws that gave people these social payouts? Did Obama make the economy go bad so so many people lost their jobs?

No, so why the feck are you talking about these things in relation to Obama?

Let's get real here.
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox media. When they call you to survey they ask three questions before proceeding. The first question: is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three questions they skip over you as you are too bright for a Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen is pure junk, that anyone follows them is a clear indicator of partisan insanity syndrome.

did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.

What's a "Democrap"?
Since 2009...The top 7% wage earners have increased their earnings by a RECORD 33%. Absolutely FANTASTIC to be wealthy under Obama.
Meanwhile, the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their earnings on average. Plus we have record social poverty payouts.

Do try and keep up.

Are we going to do this like we're stupid? Are we going to say as soon as a president steps down all of their influence of the previous 8 years disappears?

Obama's time in office was in the second worst recession the US has ever experienced. A lot of the reason why this recession happened was because of wars started by Bush. Part of it was a natural recession, however I think it should have happened earlier and Bush tried to pump the economy when it should have been allowed to drop. This is a result of the system where presidents are in for 8 years and want to make sure they get out of it without having the finger being pointed.

The recession led to the rich getting richer. The recession was helped massively by Bush. Obama's administration has been all about trying to deal with the recession. There's no surprise that the rich got richer. But anyone who says that it's about Obama is clearly just looking for a partisan fight and is not going to look at the situation properly.

Obama did what had to be done. He kept things steady and the economy got better. Not because of Obama, but because this sort of thing happens naturally. I wouldn't go in for all this "Obama made this many jobs", presidents don't usually make jobs at all. They can lose lots of jobs or keep things steady for nature to take over in capitalism.

Social payouts are because of Obama? Did Obama make the laws that gave people these social payouts? Did Obama make the economy go bad so so many people lost their jobs?

No, so why the feck are you talking about these things in relation to Obama?

Let's get real here.

Catch your breath.....I am not the one claiming there has been a recovery am I?
That would be you.
So when someone (you) tells us how great this recovery is - I am always glad to point them in a truer destination.
The END RESULT of an economy is WHO GET"S THE MONEY.
You can spout off GDP numbers, you can show graphs of the DOW, you can quote housing statistics - whatever you like to say an economy is doing well. But the statistic that matters more than anything else - IS WHO GETS THE MONEY.

And since 2009 - BECAUSE OF OBAMA'S Wall Street monthly giveaway to now over one $TRILLION - after the intial TARP by Bush - not Bush's TARP, just Obama. - the top 7% wealthiest in the nation have got actually OVER 100% of the benefit since 2009.
And this my friend is not up for debate. Inarguable. This has been the result of "the recovery"
Last edited:
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox media. When they call you to survey they ask three questions before proceeding. The first question: is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three questions they skip over you as you are too bright for a Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen is pure junk, that anyone follows them is a clear indicator of partisan insanity syndrome.

did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.

What do they call the liberal party in your country?
Since 2009...The top 7% wage earners have increased their earnings by a RECORD 33%. Absolutely FANTASTIC to be wealthy under Obama.
Meanwhile, the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their earnings on average. Plus we have record social poverty payouts.

Do try and keep up.

Are we going to do this like we're stupid? Are we going to say as soon as a president steps down all of their influence of the previous 8 years disappears?

Obama's time in office was in the second worst recession the US has ever experienced. A lot of the reason why this recession happened was because of wars started by Bush. Part of it was a natural recession, however I think it should have happened earlier and Bush tried to pump the economy when it should have been allowed to drop. This is a result of the system where presidents are in for 8 years and want to make sure they get out of it without having the finger being pointed.

The recession led to the rich getting richer. The recession was helped massively by Bush. Obama's administration has been all about trying to deal with the recession. There's no surprise that the rich got richer. But anyone who says that it's about Obama is clearly just looking for a partisan fight and is not going to look at the situation properly.

Obama did what had to be done. He kept things steady and the economy got better. Not because of Obama, but because this sort of thing happens naturally. I wouldn't go in for all this "Obama made this many jobs", presidents don't usually make jobs at all. They can lose lots of jobs or keep things steady for nature to take over in capitalism.

Social payouts are because of Obama? Did Obama make the laws that gave people these social payouts? Did Obama make the economy go bad so so many people lost their jobs?

No, so why the feck are you talking about these things in relation to Obama?

Let's get real here.

Catch your breath.....I am not the one claiming there has been a recovery am I?
That would be you.
So when someone (you) tells us how great this recovery is - I am always glad to point them in a truer destination.
The END RESULT of an economy is WHO GET"S THE MONEY.
You can spout of GDP numbers, you can show graphs of the DOW, you can say quote housing - whatever you like to say an economy is doing well. But the statistic that matters more than anything else - IS WHO GETS THE MONEY.

And since 2009 - BECAUSE OF OBAMA'S Wall Street monthly giveaway to now over one $TRILLION - after the intial TARP by Bush - not Bush's TARP, just Obama. - the top 7% wealthiest in the nation have got actually OVER 100% of the benefit since 2009.
And this my friend is not up for debate. Inarguable. This has been the result of "the recovery"

I'm not claiming you said anything other than you claiming Obama is at fault for things he clearly isn't at fault for.

Sure, Obama gave out loads of money and rich people benefited. However had he not done this then the poor people would have been even worse off. It's not Obama's fault the system was set up like it was. However he couldn't afford for the system to fail.

Where I'd put Obama in the spotlight, and all future presidents until the next recession hits and hits hard, is why they didn't do enough to stop this sort of thing. I'm not against recessions per se, I'm against BIG recessions like we are coming out of now.

Has Obama done enough to stop this? I don't know, but I'd doubt it. I doubt anyone will do anything about it. People forget, the good times come, now one cares until the bad times hit again and they go searching for people to blame again.

In Europe every country, (I think) except Germany, changed their leader (and Germany because their economy went upwards for historical reasons and perhaps because Merkel is one of the best politicians around and German politics is designed more for the people than anything else, though not entirely) from whichever wing was in power to the other wing. The UK from Labour to Conservative. Spain from Socialist to Conservative. It didn't matter who was in power, they were kicked out.
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox media. When they call you to survey they ask three questions before proceeding. The first question: is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three questions they skip over you as you are too bright for a Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen is pure junk, that anyone follows them is a clear indicator of partisan insanity syndrome.

did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.

What's a "Democrap"?
A steaming pile of excrement that has no useful purpose.
did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.

What's a "Democrap"?
A steaming pile of excrement that has no useful purpose.

Well, that could be a lot of things.
did you notice the other 2 polls that confirms Rasmussen? ;)
Trump still leads. That's what counts. Expect his lead to grow in the next two weeks as his specifics on fixing the economy and ridding the country of wetbacks is released.

His lead was cut by 50%! He now on the same level as Bush, Kasich, Cruz. Had he of done this early by coming out with specifics it would have held more water since he was up by over 15 points! Now it wont.
Polls....schmolz........They fluctuate daily.

It doesn't matter who long as it isn't a Democrap.

What's a "Democrap"?
A steaming pile of excrement that has no useful purpose.

Yep...the words of the low information sheep.

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