Donald Trump Runs From Courthouse With His Tail Between His Legs After Epic Beat Down

Never said created your own strawman.
You do that a lot.
I think I will just let everyone else see your embarrassing lie for themselves. No need to respond further.

Thanks for working so hard to make my point. I can always use a good assistant.
One Term President Trump creates his own problems through his own poor decisions.
Laws of mercy, frighswinger. Oops, typo! Why is Biden now copying all those poor decisions of closing the border to sex traffickers and drug cartels that killed 300,000 Americans on Biden's failure to watch out for the common defense of American citizens, not Drug Cartels he gets money for having that damn open border crisis 24-7-365 for every day he's been president up till 10 minutes ago when his loss of Democrats to the Republican Party because they love America and they believe in the Oath of Office that the President is required to provide for the common defense. Biden finally wakes up to lie some more in the 11th hour. This time, I'm not gonna faint, but I am going to take a nap.

To our Democrats who are embarrassed by Joe Biden's leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, allowing an open border for Chinese products of relaxation to kill 300,000 American young people experimenting with easy-to-get cartel drugs, how can the people who lost their children and loved ones to avowed enemies like China who was gonna decimate Taiwan if we didn't hand it over protection of them for nothing. That seems to be on the back burner with the media like anything else the Republicans are horrified at because it kills American in the most heartless manner as Mao ZeDong's dispiriting murder of a hundred million of his own people in WWII when Europe and America were focused on stopping Hitler from killing ethnic Hebrews in Europe because of their thrifty ways that led to wealth and jealousy was easy to elicit with Hitler's land grabbing ways, and they say Eisenhower was horrified by the communists in Russia as well as out-of-the-picture China that was getting rid of any semblance of free speech by killing entire villages of Chinese people if only one of them criticized Mao's hateful murders. What a headache we had when we finally heard Hitler killed 6 million Chinese that they recorded in forcing them to take Sarin (or its equivalent) poisons that horrified the world when they found out what dirty tricks the Nazis pulled on their own citizens who happened to be Jewish. They made them carry their wealth in suitcases, then after they killed them, put the gold in banks making Hitler one of the wealthiest murderers in human history, may his nose be filled with vomit in hell for a million years for each life he stole with brainwashed young soldiers who were brainwashed into thinking they were doing God and man a favor by killing and torturing Jews after they raped their women, saving the pretty ones for their special favors house and killing off the unsightly ones who likely spent their previous life serving all other people with their hard work and devotion.

I want Biden's receipts of cash from the Sex Traffikers, Chinese Fentanyl poison makers in cooperation with the Mexican Drug Cartel Fatcats being paid handsomely for colluding with the Chinese to kill American youth to weaken us in the event that China hastens war with the USA to take out the dollar from the world and replace it with the yen. That wouldn't bother me if they hadn't joined with the Mexican no-goods about killing off Americans with fentanyl.

Is Biden sorry he allowed 130 countries to empty their prisons and mental hospital patients on our border? I don't have the statistics, but the total so far is about 7 million criminals and ne'r do wells are now safely within our borders being treated to luxury hotels and $200,000 for business investments for quite a few of the crossers. His smug face tells me he is enjoying his notoriety. I want the man to spend a few years in jail for stealing 30% of every Foreign Aid packages Congresses and VP (President of the Senate) he was part of for 46 years was it?
And I want Biden to be liable to repay the taxpayers he cheated out of the foreign aid packages. By the time he was recorded on several viral videos in or around 2018, he was a seasoned pro when he bragged about how he had "the enemy" recipient country putting a billion dollars on Air Force II in less than six hours. For the last 2 years there is still a video out there of his bragging, but it was mainly about firing somebody who asked Hunter Biden for his qualifications to be on the Burisma gas and oil enterprise of the Ukraine, which Joe Biden decided to make a huge amount of money for putting his poor little son Hunter through all that assininity. Poor little rich fella. :rolleyes-41:

See y'all later. Hopefully we won't have the Biden criminal families running the country a year from now. We can't afford them after Biden punished the nation with his inflationary stupidity his handlers wanted to show the American people they would not be abiding by the United states Constitution for the duration of Biden's sit in.
Laws of mercy, frighswinger. Oops, typo! Why is Biden now copying all those poor decisions of closing the border to sex traffickers and drug cartels that killed 300,000 Americans on Biden's failure to watch out for the common defense of American citizens, not Drug Cartels he gets money for having that damn open border crisis 24-7-365 for every day he's been president up till 10 minutes ago when his loss of Democrats to the Republican Party because they love America and they believe in the Oath of Office that the President is required to provide for the common defense. Biden finally wakes up to lie some more in the 11th hour. This time, I'm not gonna faint, but I am going to take a nap.

To our Democrats who are embarrassed by Joe Biden's leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, allowing an open border for Chinese products of relaxation to kill 300,000 American young people experimenting with easy-to-get cartel drugs, how can the people who lost their children and loved ones to avowed enemies like China who was gonna decimate Taiwan if we didn't hand it over protection of them for nothing. That seems to be on the back burner with the media like anything else the Republicans are horrified at because it kills American in the most heartless manner as Mao ZeDong's dispiriting murder of a hundred million of his own people in WWII when Europe and America were focused on stopping Hitler from killing ethnic Hebrews in Europe because of their thrifty ways that led to wealth and jealousy was easy to elicit with Hitler's land grabbing ways, and they say Eisenhower was horrified by the communists in Russia as well as out-of-the-picture China that was getting rid of any semblance of free speech by killing entire villages of Chinese people if only one of them criticized Mao's hateful murders. What a headache we had when we finally heard Hitler killed 6 million Chinese that they recorded in forcing them to take Sarin (or its equivalent) poisons that horrified the world when they found out what dirty tricks the Nazis pulled on their own citizens who happened to be Jewish. They made them carry their wealth in suitcases, then after they killed them, put the gold in banks making Hitler one of the wealthiest murderers in human history, may his nose be filled with vomit in hell for a million years for each life he stole with brainwashed young soldiers who were brainwashed into thinking they were doing God and man a favor by killing and torturing Jews after they raped their women, saving the pretty ones for their special favors house and killing off the unsightly ones who likely spent their previous life serving all other people with their hard work and devotion.

I want Biden's receipts of cash from the Sex Traffikers, Chinese Fentanyl poison makers in cooperation with the Mexican Drug Cartel Fatcats being paid handsomely for colluding with the Chinese to kill American youth to weaken us in the event that China hastens war with the USA to take out the dollar from the world and replace it with the yen. That wouldn't bother me if they hadn't joined with the Mexican no-goods about killing off Americans with fentanyl.

Is Biden sorry he allowed 130 countries to empty their prisons and mental hospital patients on our border? I don't have the statistics, but the total so far is about 7 million criminals and ne'r do wells are now safely within our borders being treated to luxury hotels and $200,000 for business investments for quite a few of the crossers. His smug face tells me he is enjoying his notoriety. I want the man to spend a few years in jail for stealing 30% of every Foreign Aid packages Congresses and VP (President of the Senate) he was part of for 46 years was it?
And I want Biden to be liable to repay the taxpayers he cheated out of the foreign aid packages. By the time he was recorded on several viral videos in or around 2018, he was a seasoned pro when he bragged about how he had "the enemy" recipient country putting a billion dollars on Air Force II in less than six hours. For the last 2 years there is still a video out there of his bragging, but it was mainly about firing somebody who asked Hunter Biden for his qualifications to be on the Burisma gas and oil enterprise of the Ukraine, which Joe Biden decided to make a huge amount of money for putting his poor little son Hunter through all that assininity. Poor little rich fella. :rolleyes-41:

See y'all later. Hopefully we won't have the Biden criminal families running the country a year from now. We can't afford them after Biden punished the nation with his inflationary stupidity his handlers wanted to show the American people they would not be abiding by the United states Constitution for the duration of Biden's sit in.

Stopped reading your screed when I realized it had nothing to do with the criminal charges against the one term former President
I think I will just let everyone else see your embarrassing lie for themselves. No need to respond further.

Thanks for working so hard to make my point. I can always use a good assistant.
Good luck....if you had anything to point to you would point to it. You didn't. Nuff said.

Perhaps in the future you should stop putting words into people's mouths and trying to sculpt a conversation that you can then argue with.
You might also be quite surprised to find out that everyone else doesn't give a shit. Your looking for everyone else to vindicate you says something doesn't it?
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I will not be bullied. And so Mr. Trump is no longer here. The Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt."

And off to Cletisville he goes

trump picks lint.jpg
Exxxxxxactly..... Trump is winning on the campaign trail. He can't campaign from the court room. I fully expect that there will be an effort to jail him if his numbers continue as they are. The collusion between state and federal lawfare agencies here is wide open.
I don't know. I think he's winning not being on the campaign trail. Biden wasn't and won. Plus, he's getting free publicity again from all the news networks like in 2016. He didn't have that in 2020.
The court doesn't know what Trump claimed only the bank assessors knows what Trump. claimed

You know the court has the documents called “Statements of Financial Conditions” that are legal documents filed by Trump Org as part of the business transactions…


We’re not talking whisperings that Trump made to Stormy Daniels during an after romp smoke break.

Actually, fraud has already been proven and stated by the judge
No, most of the case is still active, only liar Trump claims otherwise

All that is left is damages

Fraud proven by the judge? It's the judges job to prove the prosecutions case?

Damn, I must have missed something in law school.
Laws of mercy, frighswinger. Oops, typo! Why is Biden now copying all those poor decisions of closing the border to sex traffickers and drug cartels that killed 300,000 Americans on Biden's failure to watch out for the common defense of American citizens, not Drug Cartels he gets money for having that damn open border crisis 24-7-365 for every day he's been president up till 10 minutes ago when his loss of Democrats to the Republican Party because they love America and they believe in the Oath of Office that the President is required to provide for the common defense. Biden finally wakes up to lie some more in the 11th hour. This time, I'm not gonna faint, but I am going to take a nap.

To our Democrats who are embarrassed by Joe Biden's leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, allowing an open border for Chinese products of relaxation to kill 300,000 American young people experimenting with easy-to-get cartel drugs, how can the people who lost their children and loved ones to avowed enemies like China who was gonna decimate Taiwan if we didn't hand it over protection of them for nothing. That seems to be on the back burner with the media like anything else the Republicans are horrified at because it kills American in the most heartless manner as Mao ZeDong's dispiriting murder of a hundred million of his own people in WWII when Europe and America were focused on stopping Hitler from killing ethnic Hebrews in Europe because of their thrifty ways that led to wealth and jealousy was easy to elicit with Hitler's land grabbing ways, and they say Eisenhower was horrified by the communists in Russia as well as out-of-the-picture China that was getting rid of any semblance of free speech by killing entire villages of Chinese people if only one of them criticized Mao's hateful murders. What a headache we had when we finally heard Hitler killed 6 million Chinese that they recorded in forcing them to take Sarin (or its equivalent) poisons that horrified the world when they found out what dirty tricks the Nazis pulled on their own citizens who happened to be Jewish. They made them carry their wealth in suitcases, then after they killed them, put the gold in banks making Hitler one of the wealthiest murderers in human history, may his nose be filled with vomit in hell for a million years for each life he stole with brainwashed young soldiers who were brainwashed into thinking they were doing God and man a favor by killing and torturing Jews after they raped their women, saving the pretty ones for their special favors house and killing off the unsightly ones who likely spent their previous life serving all other people with their hard work and devotion.

I want Biden's receipts of cash from the Sex Traffikers, Chinese Fentanyl poison makers in cooperation with the Mexican Drug Cartel Fatcats being paid handsomely for colluding with the Chinese to kill American youth to weaken us in the event that China hastens war with the USA to take out the dollar from the world and replace it with the yen. That wouldn't bother me if they hadn't joined with the Mexican no-goods about killing off Americans with fentanyl.

Is Biden sorry he allowed 130 countries to empty their prisons and mental hospital patients on our border? I don't have the statistics, but the total so far is about 7 million criminals and ne'r do wells are now safely within our borders being treated to luxury hotels and $200,000 for business investments for quite a few of the crossers. His smug face tells me he is enjoying his notoriety. I want the man to spend a few years in jail for stealing 30% of every Foreign Aid packages Congresses and VP (President of the Senate) he was part of for 46 years was it?
And I want Biden to be liable to repay the taxpayers he cheated out of the foreign aid packages. By the time he was recorded on several viral videos in or around 2018, he was a seasoned pro when he bragged about how he had "the enemy" recipient country putting a billion dollars on Air Force II in less than six hours. For the last 2 years there is still a video out there of his bragging, but it was mainly about firing somebody who asked Hunter Biden for his qualifications to be on the Burisma gas and oil enterprise of the Ukraine, which Joe Biden decided to make a huge amount of money for putting his poor little son Hunter through all that assininity. Poor little rich fella. :rolleyes-41:

See y'all later. Hopefully we won't have the Biden criminal families running the country a year from now. We can't afford them after Biden punished the nation with his inflationary stupidity his handlers wanted to show the American people they would not be abiding by the United states Constitution for the duration of Biden's sit in.
Maybe on account if Joe Biden never existed,then Superman would
be on some welfare line prematurely.Plus Lois Lane.
And that crotchety Boss with the nice brown furniture
in his Newspaper office.Or big hallways where Superman
can run into some bathroom and come out like some
super hero.Lookin' fir guys like Joe Biden who are always
pullin' stuff and blaming others.But Clark Kent was an original
and just some marvel of TV in the early stages of development.
I'm not sure what Joe Biden is.Ain't knowed human chameleon.
Even though he does prefer to slighter off like some newt
however slow and unsteady.
You know the court has the documents called “Statements of Financial Conditions” that are legal documents filed by Trump Org as part of the business transactions…


We’re not talking whisperings that Trump made to Stormy Daniels during an after romp smoke break.

The banks have appraisers who knows what a loan value is for something they are willing to give a loan for.
Fraud proven by the judge? It's the judges job to prove the prosecutions case?

Damn, I must have missed something in law school.

That is the way it works
When the evidence is so overwhelming the judge can make a summary judgement
Fraud proven by the judge? It's the judges job to prove the prosecutions case?

Damn, I must have missed something in law school.
Judges are in Court to Hold Court accountable for procedures
and the like.Motions or delays or being out of order.
Dint you done learn't that growing up.Like TV was flooded with
court shows.Perry Mason was tops.
Judge Judy more low down snarky.
"Judges ought to remember that their office
is jus dicere and not jus dare, to interpret
law,and not make law or give law. "
Francis Bacon { English essayist,philosopher } 1561-1626
That is the way it works
When the evidence is so overwhelming the judge can make a summary judgement
Um ... pardom moi!. " Summary Judgements " are used PRIOR
to Verdict and rendered by the court because NO material issue
of fact exists and one party or another is entitled to a judgement
as a matter of law.
So Let the Party begin.

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