Donald Trump Says He's The Most Honest Man That God Ever Created

It's only considered stupid to call people in the same party as you that when we're just being honest. Trump was a great president and I really hope that he runs again, but he has his flaws like everybody else.

So, your position now is that he has "flaws".
Same as every human being.
So, your position now is that he has "flaws".
Same as every human being.

Yes. Otherwise he'd be Jesus and he isn't. He isn't a saint either so even the Catholics shouldn't have any reason to believe he's perfect and sinless. Luckily he doesn't have to be to be a great president and he was before the election was rigged and the presidency was stolen from him.
And he would be correct. The thing is not everybody likes or agrees with him, (there are even lies in this article) but he always speaks the truth and doesn't sugarcoat anything.

i always tended to think so... He certainly speaks VOLUMES of truth, namely things We the People have known for a LONGGG Time!.... and I've never caught him in an actual lie

But since when did that stop the idiots on the other side from accusing him of such... They accuse, accuse... hoping something will stick in the minds of the morons they cater to...
And he would be correct. The thing is not everybody likes or agrees with him, (there are even lies in this article) but he always speaks the truth and doesn't sugarcoat anything.

Rump? The most honest man God ever created? If that attribution is accurate, then...

That's my nomination for
Biggest Smelly Steaming Pile of Hor$e$hit of the Week...
hahaha other then make america great again
Make America great ? That wasn't real either. Nothing is real when it's based on lies and trump was / is nothing but lies.
did you listen to the whole thing?....
I made myself do it. I even recorded it, so I could count all the lies. You know why he repeats things over and over ? Because you have to repeat lies over and over to make them stick. You know why he keeps having these rallies ? The same reason you have to keep repeating lies over and over again ; if you don't, the people you are trying to manipulate come to their senses and realize you're telling lies.
Make America great ? That wasn't real either. Nothing is real when it's based on lies and trump was / is nothing but lies.

I made myself do it. I even recorded it, so I could count all the lies. You know why he repeats things over and over ? Because you have to repeat lies over and over to make them stick. You know why he keeps having these rallies ? The same reason you have to keep repeating lies over and over again ; if you don't, the people you are trying to manipulate come to their senses and realize you're telling lies.
haha no the booming economy was real…ukraine really wasn’t being invaded by Putin again, the taliban really hadn’t overthrown the afghan govt, inflation was normal, gas prices under control…that was all real
Make America great ? That wasn't real either. Nothing is real when it's based on lies and trump was / is nothing but lies.

I made myself do it. I even recorded it, so I could count all the lies. You know why he repeats things over and over ? Because you have to repeat lies over and over to make them stick. You know why he keeps having these rallies ? The same reason you have to keep repeating lies over and over again ; if you don't, the people you are trying to manipulate come to their senses and realize you're telling lies.
you must have thought it was entertaining than.....i would not record any of these assholes ......trump is no longer relevant.....
Oh, it is a cult. Many of these people would have been drinking Kool-Aide in the jungle with Jim Jones if they had the opportunity.
Absolutely agree it's a cult. I don't know how these people could be so gullible .
Absolutely agree it's a cult. I don't know how these people could be so gullible .
it is as much of a cult as the die hard party people on both sides who listen to their stupid party without question....they are also pretty gullible....
Rump? The most honest man God ever created? If that attribution is accurate, then...

That's my nomination for
Biggest Smelly Steaming Pile of Hor$e$hit of the Week...
He believes it. They believe it. And there's not a thing you can say, there's not a list of examples long enough, to change their minds.

Such is the behavior of a cult.

Donald Trump Says He's The Most Honest Man That God Ever Created​

He could be a lying snake and this could still be true. All men are liars, some much more than others.
Absolutely agree it's a cult. I don't know how these people could be so gullible .
This is far beyond politics or issues for them. This is a lifestyle. From the clothes they wear, to the flags and paintings on their cars and trucks, to the very pillow cases and sheets they sleep on, this is their life. Anything negative said about any part of it is an attack on them personally.

This is unique.
This is far beyond politics or issues for them. This is a lifestyle. From the clothes they wear, to the flags and paintings on their cars and trucks, to the very pillow cases and sheets they sleep on, this is their life. Anything negative said about any part of it is an attack on them personally.

This is unique.
Anything negative said about any part of it is an attack on them personally.
same with the die hard party people....
haha no the booming economy was real…ukraine really wasn’t being invaded by Putin again, the taliban really hadn’t overthrown the afghan govt, inflation was normal, gas prices under control…that was all real
Bring me an economy here inherited from Obama, which covid derailed because he failed to address it. The Ukraine was about to join NATO that's why putin took such an insane action. His delusions got the better of him. Just like trump. When trump brokered the so-called deal to get us out of Afghanistan he did not include the Afghan government. Which basically said to the Taliban that they were the power in control of the country, unfortunately it also sent that same message to the people of Afghanistan. That's why it collapsed so quickly. As far as gas goes it began when Saudi Arabia realized that their oil fields are more than 50% depleted. They are trying to get the highest prices they can on the remaining oil because they know when they're gone they have nothing. The war does complicate things but gas as a cheap commodity will never happen again. All the gas on the planet will be depleted by 2038. So whoever has gas left is going to charge big bucks for it. You can blame big oil for holding back progress on developing alternative fuels. That is why they have us at the balls. We've had a lot of things easy in the past. Unfortunately that's not going to continue, the real problem with this world is overpopulation. It's creating all the other problems and compounding them. Until people wake up and governments do something about that problem, the world will be on a downward turn. But I have hope, it seems that the human race is best when things are at their worst. So, in the end we will all become a better people. That begins when we stop attacking each other and acting like assholes. Have a good day, I plan on it.
This is far beyond politics or issues for them. This is a lifestyle. From the clothes they wear, to the flags and paintings on their cars and trucks, to the very pillow cases and sheets they sleep on, this is their life. Anything negative said about any part of it is an attack on them personally.

This is unique.
When you say anything negative about trump, they take it as a negative attack on them. In a cult, the leader becomes their " god ". Their everything. It is a mental illness.
Bring me an economy here inherited from Obama, which covid derailed because he failed to address it. The Ukraine was about to join NATO that's why putin took such an insane action. His delusions got the better of him. Just like trump. When trump brokered the so-called deal to get us out of Afghanistan he did not include the Afghan government. Which basically said to the Taliban that they were the power in control of the country, unfortunately it also sent that same message to the people of Afghanistan. That's why it collapsed so quickly. As far as gas goes it began when Saudi Arabia realized that their oil fields are more than 50% depleted. They are trying to get the highest prices they can on the remaining oil because they know when they're gone they have nothing. The war does complicate things but gas as a cheap commodity will never happen again. All the gas on the planet will be depleted by 2038. So whoever has gas left is going to charge big bucks for it. You can blame big oil for holding back progress on developing alternative fuels. That is why they have us at the balls. We've had a lot of things easy in the past. Unfortunately that's not going to continue, the real problem with this world is overpopulation. It's creating all the other problems and compounding them. Until people wake up and governments do something about that problem, the world will be on a downward turn. But I have hope, it seems that the human race is best when things are at their worst. So, in the end we will all become a better people. That begins when we stop attacking each other and acting like assholes. Have a good day, I plan on it.
hahaha inherited from obama??? haha well to be fair he did have a leg up on obama since he had two years of a gop congress that had been able to fight back the double digit UE that obama and a dem congress had given us.

Look what the dem congress and xiden have. given us now??
When you say anything negative about trump, they take it as a negative attack on them. In a cult, the leader becomes their " god ". Their everything. It is a mental illness.
The world has seen something similar to this before, but this is its own animal. I think the rest of the world (certainly including us) has made a terrible mistake in not taking it as seriously as we should have. While it can be easy to mock and dismiss, it's also dead serious.

This is an asymmetrical confrontation. When one side truly believe it's "at war" and the other is not even fully engaged, the warriors can win the battle through the sheer force of will.

The big winner at the moment is Steve Bannon. Trump and the politicians and MAGA media are just his tools. He has said he wants to bring the whole thing down, and he's doing a pretty good job so far.

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