Donald Trump says if Hillary Clinton was a man, she would get just 5% of the votes

if trump would have showed some tack and spoke like a guy trying to be a leader to 300 million people instead of just the die hard righties.....he would be way ahead.....

Harry, no POTUS is a leader to all 300 million plus people in America. Hell, in my lifetime I've never actually been represented by a POTUS. The last one who would have represented me is Andrew Jackson, 150 years before I was born.
how could this be
"Donald Trump says if Hillary Clinton was a man, she would get just 5% of the votes"

I say, "If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass when they land."
“pussified men”

reminds me of justin bieber. pussified lol
I awoke this morning to find that the rules have changed again. This morning, there seems to be a new cultural classification, namely "pussified men". Now, does being a pussified man mean that a man should not harbor any respect for women? Does it mean that the virtues of chivalry and gentlemanliness are now vices? Who changed the rules and how did they change so quickly?

To be a Trump supporter is the antithesis of "pussified"? I know that Trump had myself has no respect for women. I know that he regards everyone who is not in firm steady lockstep with his rather skewed and warped attitudes are 'losers'. But in the first quarter of the 21st century, must I abandon the virtues my parents taught me in order to be au courant?

If that's the case I weep for the future as it will be ruled by the boors, the brutes and the self centered.
Punch yourself in the face 50 times for being a politically correct bitch... lol
Go to Hell you SKEEVY little boorish punk. The brutes will never win. Delinquents such as you have always proven to be ultimate losers.
“pussified men”

reminds me of justin bieber. pussified lol
I awoke this morning to find that the rules have changed again. This morning, there seems to be a new cultural classification, namely "pussified men". Now, does being a pussified man mean that a man should not harbor any respect for women? Does it mean that the virtues of chivalry and gentlemanliness are now vices? Who changed the rules and how did they change so quickly?

To be a Trump supporter is the antithesis of "pussified"? I know that Trump had myself has no respect for women. I know that he regards everyone who is not in firm steady lockstep with his rather skewed and warped attitudes are 'losers'. But in the first quarter of the 21st century, must I abandon the virtues my parents taught me in order to be au courant?

If that's the case I weep for the future as it will be ruled by the boors, the brutes and the self centered.
Punch yourself in the face 50 times for being a politically correct bitch... lol
Go to Hell you SKEEVY little boorish punk. The brutes will never win. Delinquents such as you have always proven to be ultimate losers.
if trump would have showed some tack and spoke like a guy trying to be a leader to 300 million people instead of just the die hard righties.....he would be way ahead.....

Harry, no POTUS is a leader to all 300 million plus people in America. Hell, in my lifetime I've never actually been represented by a POTUS. The last one who would have represented me is Andrew Jackson, 150 years before I was born.
real talk
If Hillary was a man...and this corrupt...he's probably right.

If Hillary was a Conservative...and this corrupt...she would be out of the race and in jail by now.

Who would have guessed, 15 years after 9/11/01 - when Al Qaeida attacked the US on US soil, killing 3,000 Americans - not only that even 1 single person would cast a vote for someone who ran weapons to Al Qaeida and helped them take over their on country but are on the verge of potentially making that person President....

from Facebook
Do not become complacent democrats! I know many Republicans are saying they're throwing in the towel and don't plan to vote but don't listen to them! We need to vote blue down the ballot. All of us! So please register and let's send a strong message to the Republican Party that enough is enough! #hillary2016 #voteblue
Like · Reply · 1,045 · 6 hrs
If Hillary was a man...and this corrupt...he's probably right.

If Hillary was a Conservative...and this corrupt...she would be out of the race and in jail by now.

Who would have guessed, 15 years after 9/11/01 - when Al Qaeida attacked the US on US soil, killing 3,000 Americans - not only that even 1 single person would cast a vote for someone who ran weapons to Al Qaeida and helped them take over their on country but are on the verge of potentially making that person President....

if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change
Trump makes no sense . There has never been a woman president, how can he claim that's some inherent advantage ?

These are the same people who claimed that Obama's being black was some great advantage.
If Hillary was a man...and this corrupt...he's probably right.

If Hillary was a Conservative...and this corrupt...she would be out of the race and in jail by now.

Who would have guessed, 15 years after 9/11/01 - when Al Qaeida attacked the US on US soil, killing 3,000 Americans - not only that even 1 single person would cast a vote for someone who ran weapons to Al Qaeida and helped them take over their on country but are on the verge of potentially making that person President....

if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change
Thank you, Michael Jackson....

OR you can NOT vote for lying, corrupt, terrorist-supporting, criminal, sexual deviant, enabling, self-serving, narcissistic, pieces of political feces.

Instead of going to the polls during the Primaries, voters in both parties should gave REFUSED to go, told the parties the candidates - both of them - were NOT acceptable, to replace them with honorable, honest, law-respecting men/women of integrity, morality, who put the nation 1st or else they would not vote in the primaries.

Democrats showed their Primary was rigged to force Hillary on their members, and because of their own f*ed up issues the GOP pretty much herded / gave their constituents no choice except for Trump.

Again, instead of accepting these 2 POSes, America should have told both parties to try again or F* off.
if trump would have showed some tack and spoke like a guy trying to be a leader to 300 million people instead of just the die hard righties.....he would be way ahead.....

Harry, no POTUS is a leader to all 300 million plus people in America. Hell, in my lifetime I've never actually been represented by a POTUS. The last one who would have represented me is Andrew Jackson, 150 years before I was born.
300 million? wow
If Hillary was a man...and this corrupt...he's probably right.

If Hillary was a Conservative...and this corrupt...she would be out of the race and in jail by now.

Who would have guessed, 15 years after 9/11/01 - when Al Qaeida attacked the US on US soil, killing 3,000 Americans - not only that even 1 single person would cast a vote for someone who ran weapons to Al Qaeida and helped them take over their on country but are on the verge of potentially making that person President....

if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change
Thank you, Michael Jackson....

OR you can NOT vote for lying, corrupt, terrorist-supporting, criminal, sexual deviant, enabling, self-serving, narcissistic, pieces of political feces.

Instead of going to the polls during the Primaries, voters in both parties should gave REFUSED to go, told the parties the candidates - both of them - were NOT acceptable, to replace them with honorable, honest, law-respecting men/women of integrity, morality, who put the nation 1st or else they would not vote in the primaries.

Democrats showed their Primary was rigged to force Hillary on their members, and because of their own f*ed up issues the GOP pretty much herded / gave their constituents no choice except for Trump.

Again, instead of accepting these 2 POSes, America should have told both parties to try again or F* off.
yeah i think these are the 2 worse candidates in history

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