Donald Trump: Shut Down Government If Necessary To Defund Planned Parenthood

Should government be shut down to defund Planned Parenthood?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
I get tired of Republicans whining and threatening to shut the government down when they don't get their way.

So the huffypost hasn't yet figured out McConnell is the Majority leader? Why do you post shit from people who can't even get their facts straight?

Then you strike this hypocritical pose like the dems have never ever done the same thing. I guess your senility doesn't let you remember how the dems shut down the government, count'em, 6 times just during the Carter administration. 8 times during the Reagan administration and 1 time during the Bush 41 administration. Then good old billy boy Clinton shut the government down twice, vetoing legislation that drug him kicking and screaming towards a balanced budget, you know that balanced budget thing you give him so much credit for.

So how about you take your hypocrisy and put it where the sun don't shine.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.
Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
I think the Nazi nurses might have been better trained. I know they cared more for their patients than abortion ghouls.

What is it with republicans and shutting down government?

If they don't get their way they will take their ball and go home?
Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.
What is going on is right now, they illegally change the procedures they use on women who are aborting babies big enough to earn them some money. They know that's illegal, so in this latest video, they are proposing that they change the procedure for EVERYBODY so they don't have to continue to break the law in order to obtain those intact "specimens". Because they know it's illegal as shit, and risky for the mother. Plus it gives them a motive to encourage women to get late term abortions..and it gives them a reason to hide the numbers of late term abortions they perform (which they already do).
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.
Republicans need to learn to pick their battles

Shutting down govenment so close to an election is not too bright
I get tired of Republicans whining and threatening to shut the government down when they don't get their way.

There's a pretty potent neo-confederate wing in the GOP that actually want the federal government to collapse. Worse, there are 'end of days' adherents that believe in an economic armegeddon. And if reality won't produce one for them, they'll do their best to make it happen.

Its one of the reasons you don't want a party like the GOP that is fundamentally invested in the failure of this country as the leaders of this country.
Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.

And we know he has no excuse ... Native Americans get them for free.
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
It doesn't matter the president of planned parenthood could tell you that to your face and you would still defend it. They have the full transcripts on the conversation and you still don't care. You have the blood of murdered babies on your hands.
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.

And we know he has no excuse ... Native Americans get them for free.
If only she were actually native. Or actually female.
Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
It doesn't matter the president of planned parenthood could tell you that to your face and you would still defend it. They have the full transcripts on the conversation and you still don't care. You have the blood of murdered babies on your hands.

He's afraid those babies will take away his government freebies.

Greed will do that
So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.

And we know he has no excuse ... Native Americans get them for free.
If only she were actually native. Or actually female.

And actually not a paid spammer?
I get tired of Republicans whining and threatening to shut the government down when they don't get their way.
Why didn't the democrat controlled congress pass a budget then?

What Democrat-controlled Congress?
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.

And we know he has no excuse ... Native Americans get them for free.
If only she were actually native. Or actually female.

And actually not a paid spammer?

If anyone is paying that nincompoop to spam they are getting robbed,
It is said they are selling babies intact. Which means they were born alive. Those doctors and nurses are worst than Nazis. You get outraged because you say we are better than water boarding, but you are perfectly okay for a baby being born alive then murdered for research. You are worst than the Nazis.

It is said? Who said it? Where's the proof? Do you have "credible" proof - other than "doctored" videos from NaziCon anti-choice zealots?
Take your meds, weirdo. And tell your doc to lay off the estrogen, you act like you have post partum psychosis.

And we know he has no excuse ... Native Americans get them for free.
If only she were actually native. Or actually female.

And actually not a paid spammer?
Lakota can't work, it would interfere with her ssi payments.
Why do anti-choice NaziCons want to throw pregnant women who are seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons off the cliff? Why don't they care about the women? The women have first priority - ahead of an egg or fetus.

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