Donald Trump ‘strongly considering full pardon’ for Michael Flynn

Why would I be surprised? Instead of choosing to cover up what they have done, the FBI should have the integrity to stand up and resolve the corruption and biases by previous administrators and investigators.

If they can't police themselves, I would give them two days to get their agency in order or else start assigning so many special prosecutors to investigate them, that the news media couldn't keep up with it all.

If that doesn't work, then dismantle the entire agency and start from scratch.

I've been saying it should be obliterspared and rebuilt for some years now. It has a culture of corruption that was instilled from the get go by Hoover one of the most corrupt assholes that ever inhabited Washington. And they've still got the assholes name on their building which says they're happy with their corrupt cesspit just the way it is. That alone is enough good reason to shut that shit down, flush the toilet and begin anew.
This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn
why did you leave out the fbi and doj lost his records?
Wasn't aware 'I' left anything out of the article, but if whatever you say is
true, I'll be sure to look into it.
Not sure a president can levy fines but the DOJ owes Flynn a shit load of money. He lost everything over this bullshit.
Accepting a pardon is tacit admission of guilt. There will be no financial recourse.
Not sure a president can levy fines but the DOJ owes Flynn a shit load of money. He lost everything over this bullshit.
Accepting a pardon is tacit admission of guilt. There will be no financial recourse.
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Is it? It's why Joe Arpaio almost decided not to take the pardon.
Did Arpaio suddenly stop being a crackpot?
According to to you tRumpletins he never started.

But out here in the No.
Accepting a pardon is tacit admission of guilt. There will be no financial recourse.

First came the bombshell report that U.S. Attorney John Durham may be looking into if the Obama administration and the CIA under John Brennan hid or manipulated evidence of Russian meddling.

Second, the extremely disappointing news that the DOJ had chosen not to prosecute Andrew McCabe for the allegedly “lacking candor” with investigators that was outlined in the IG report. It should be noted however that doesn’t foreclose further action under the Durham investigation.

Third, a report that the DOJ would be reviewing the Michael Flynn case and that Attorney General William Barr had appointed an outside U.S Attorney to do the job.

Now, comes the report that Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is asking Barr to make witnesses available to be questioned by his Committer in regard to Crossfire Hurricane and the FBI FISA abuse. It looks like they want to question everyone who had anything to do with Crossfire Hurricane or the affidavits filed for the FISA warrants against Carter Page who is still in the Department of Justice including Bruce Ohr and Dana Boente. The letter from Graham also indicates that they will be pursuing questioning some who have left the DOJ including former FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn
FBI brought this on themselves. Flynn was railroaded because he was a threat to the deep state. I can only imagine how much better off we would have been had he not left as Trump's NSA.

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