Donald Trump ‘strongly considering full pardon’ for Michael Flynn

The power to issue a pardon is there for any President to use so no it shouldn't be a surprise he is considering it just like it wasnt one when past Presidents considered it and it won't or shouldn't be when future Presidents consider doing so.
One thing that would be AWESOME is if Trump win' reelection which I expect he will is to make Flynn his National Security Adviser or Secretary of Defense. Flynn scared Obama,the neo cons and the deep state for a reason.
Accepting a pardon is tacit admission of guilt. There will be no financial recourse.

First came the bombshell report that U.S. Attorney John Durham may be looking into if the Obama administration and the CIA under John Brennan hid or manipulated evidence of Russian meddling.

Second, the extremely disappointing news that the DOJ had chosen not to prosecute Andrew McCabe for the allegedly “lacking candor” with investigators that was outlined in the IG report. It should be noted however that doesn’t foreclose further action under the Durham investigation.

Third, a report that the DOJ would be reviewing the Michael Flynn case and that Attorney General William Barr had appointed an outside U.S Attorney to do the job.

Now, comes the report that Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is asking Barr to make witnesses available to be questioned by his Committer in regard to Crossfire Hurricane and the FBI FISA abuse. It looks like they want to question everyone who had anything to do with Crossfire Hurricane or the affidavits filed for the FISA warrants against Carter Page who is still in the Department of Justice including Bruce Ohr and Dana Boente. The letter from Graham also indicates that they will be pursuing questioning some who have left the DOJ including former FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
A distraction for the easily manipulated base.
This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn
He SHOULD be pardoned. It was a total setup to put him behind bars. Disgraceful.
He would be
if Hillary was president. They would have made up something.
it wasn't a set up... he did what he did with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it FOR President Trump who directed Flynn to make the phone calls and offers. Flynn took the hit, for pres elect, then pres.Trump....

of course Trump would pardon him.....

(maybe even get him out of debt later)
Angel, you seem like a sweet guy, but you really should check out your sources before spreading their propaganda

Overall, we rate DC Dirty Laundry Questionable due to extreme right wing bias and promotion of propaganda and conspiracies. This source also publishes fake news as evidenced from the above links, but they have not been fact checked by an IFCN fact checker as of yet.

DC Dirty Laundry - Media Bias/Fact Check
it wasn't a set up... he did what he did with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it FOR President Trump who directed Flynn to make the phone calls and offers. Flynn took the hit, for pres elect, then pres.Trump....

of course Trump would pardon him.....

(maybe even get him out of debt later)
Angel, you seem like a sweet guy, but you really should check out your sources before spreading their propaganda

Overall, we rate DC Dirty Laundry Questionable due to extreme right wing bias and promotion of propaganda and conspiracies. This source also publishes fake news as evidenced from the above links, but they have not been fact checked by an IFCN fact checker as of yet.

DC Dirty Laundry - Media Bias/Fact Check
Thanks, but you need to learn more about what went down in Libya
and stop being so quick to defend a war criminal like Hillary Clinton.
This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn


The Obama administration did to General Flynn what one would expect dictatorial governments like Iraq under former leader Saddam Hussein or Syria under President Al-Assad to do to political opponents....

McCabe lied to him, setting him up in a 2nd 'interrogation' disguised as a friendly chat - telling him he did not need his counsel...FBI agents testified they did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI, but it was proven co-Conspirator Strzok who made the call to indict / charge. In an horrific case of prosecutorial misconduct they threatened to go after (indict / jail / ruin) his family if he did not sign a full confession waiving any and all rights....and now they have suddenly 'LOST' all of the records regarding his case except for his 'signed confession'?

Not only do I hope he gets a full pardon (which will NOT erase all he and has family has been through and will not change the fact that they are bankrupt), but I also hope Durham and Barr track down every corrupt SOB who had anything to do with not only Flynn's case but the whole failed COUP and 'BURN' them - indict ,charge, prosecute!
Thanks, but you need to learn more about what went down in Libya
and stop being so quick to defend a war criminal like Hillary Clinton.
Barry and Hillary were running weapons to ISIS in Syria against Al Assad, which is why they did not want to / did not order everyone out of Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out due to the growing Al Qaeda numbers and rising violence.
Thanks, but you need to learn more about what went down in Libya
and stop being so quick to defend a war criminal like Hillary Clinton.
Barry and Hillary were running weapons to ISIS in Syria against Al Assad, which is why they did not want to / did not order everyone out of Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out due to the growing Al Qaeda numbers and rising violence.
"I've.....never seen them act this way before.
Denial can be an ugly thing."
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This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn

Well that will fix the pandemic......
If you want people to take you Syriusly , you really should try to
be more creative than that.

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