Donald Trump ‘strongly considering full pardon’ for Michael Flynn

This shouldn't surprise anyone.

Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.
Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn

The FBI said they "lost" the Flynn files.

I don't see how Flynn can get a fair trial or adjudication from the courts.

A full and complete dismissal of all charges is the only just thing.

sigh.... Assange lied about the emails that he and his propaganda writers said contained information that showed she lied about what the CIA annex was doing with weapons to Libyans....

HOWEVER, they never produced the emails from the huge assange release of the Podesta files to back the FAKE stories up....

Do a Fact Check on it..... try to find the emails that these conspiracy creators claimed said such.....

see if you can find them.....

YOU are basing your whole claim on it.... without even looking to see if the evidence actually exists as Assange and other Russian and Right wing propagandists wrote articles about....

I'll be waiting to see if you can find any... I couldn't and did a fairly thorough search....
sigh.... Assange lied about the emails that he and his propaganda writers said contained information that showed she lied about what the CIA annex was doing with weapons to Libyans....

HOWEVER, they never produced the emails from the huge assange release of the Podesta files to back the FAKE stories up....

Do a Fact Check on it..... try to find the emails that these conspiracy creators claimed said such.....

see if you can find them.....

YOU are basing your whole claim on it.... without even looking to see if the evidence actually exists as Assange and other Russian and Right wing propagandists wrote articles about....

I'll be waiting to see if you can find any... I couldn't and did a fairly thorough search....
Wikileaks has a record of 100% accuracy. :icon_rolleyes:
Good night twisted sister.

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