Donald Trump, The Former President Of The U.S., Can Only Get 51% Of The Vote From His Own Party In Iowa

i'm not sure one can not tell what "the people want" by watching commercials or listening to trumpist swarms on a message board. 51% is not a great win in a primary when the other party will oppose trump tooth and nail , many of us to the death if necessary.
You leftists are so retarded,
^^^ this one is really brainwashed.

HIS side is trying to rob the citizens of their right to vote for the candidate they want, and he complains that Trump is the one who‘s a threat.
No logic or common sense left as the sound of the wind whistles through his ears......
Biden when to Univ. of Delaware and graduated from Syracuse Law School. DeSantis went to Yale and graduated from Harvard Law School. If educational achievement is any measure of intelligence, you are very mistaken.
The fact that DeSantis knows that Trump is a menace to this country, but refuses to say it out loud, shows that he is a coward and also not very smart.
^^^ this one is really brainwashed.

HIS side is trying to rob the citizens of their right to vote for the candidate they want, and he complains that Trump is the one who‘s a threat.
Jan 6 says that I'm right and you are wrong.

And there is NOTHING you can say that will change that.

Jan 6 is why there will most likely not be a Republican in the White House again for the next 20 years.
The fact that DeSantis knows that Trump is a menace to this country, but refuses to say it out loud, shows that he is a coward and also not very smart.
Nope. DeSantis knows its not his time this time, plus Trump will do a better job of ridding us of the evil Dim ilk and getting morons like you to leave the country.
Jan 6 says that I'm right and you are wrong.

And there is NOTHING you can say that will change that.

Jan 6 is why there will most likely not be a Republican in the White House again for the next 20 years.
Stupidest post yet.
You leftists are so retarded,
from you, that is a compliment.
Jan 6 says that I'm right and you are wrong.

And there is NOTHING you can say that will change that.

Jan 6 is why there will most likely not be a Republican in the White House again for the next 20 years.
not an elected republican. anyway. i am still concerned that trump will not need to win to be installed by some ridiculous maneuver. .
This is how dumb leftists are, "Trump got 51% that means another candidate got 49%".
“Trump is not a candidate, he’s the leader of a national movement,” said Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker who has advised Mr. Trump. “No one has come to grips with what’s it like to take on the champion of a movement. That’s why even as all these legal issues pile up, it just infuriates his movement and increases their anger unbelievably.”
The Most Durable Force in American Politics: Trump’s Ties to His Voters

If I had to define the movement in one word it would be grievance.
Are you capable of actually making an argument?

You went to the idiot Trump School Of Debating -- insults only because you know NOTHING.
Sorry, just trying to keep you on the ledge so you don't jump off. You are really waaaay out there and missing reality by a long shot. Have you written any manifestos or anything?
How's that for making some conversation?
Oh, plus I'm not an idiot, I didn't vote for Pinochijoe.
Jan 6 says that I'm right and you are wrong.

And there is NOTHING you can say that will change that.

Jan 6 is why there will most likely not be a Republican in the White House again for the next 20 years.

Only REALLY stupid people buy into the insurrection narrative.
Golly....I never considered that!!

Stupid irrelevant statement that says absolutely nothing about Trump's weakness as a candidate.

49% of Republican voters don't want to vote for a former Republican President....that is BAD., that is a really stupid "argument".
Sorry, just trying to keep you on the ledge so you don't jump off. You are really waaaay out there and missing reality by a long shot. Have you written any manifestos or anything?
How's that for making some conversation?
Oh, plus I'm not an idiot, I didn't vote for Pinochijoe.
Shitty....just more frivolous, vapid nonsense that has nothing to do with the topic of Trump's weak candidacy.

And if you didn't vote for Trump, then you shouldn't be working overtime to defend him.
The fact that Trump can only get 51% of the vote within his own party in Iowa shows that he CANNOT win in November.

The fact that Republicans are split like this when voting for their former President does not bode well at all for Trump in November.
Well, pardon me please, you're missing something, Thanos. Many registered Republicans do not tell all, but when it comes to voting, we pick the right person. I'm glad the 25% of us never-tell-alls put the 51% at 76%. which is like "Sorry Demmies!" And the Independents who do not register who they're going to vote for are likely enchanted by the peace efforts as espoused by President Donald J. Trump.

And this voting election will be run right and inspected for fraud, which means the Demmie precinct chairpersonss will have to play nice this time. Tissue?

Shitty....just more frivolous, vapid nonsense that has nothing to do with the topic of Trump's weak candidacy.
Actually, its basic math. If there was one candidate, like in the Reich version of a campaign, he would get all the votes...maybe not Biden.
When there are multiple candidates, the voting gets split.
Get it?

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