Donald Trump, The Former President Of The U.S., Can Only Get 51% Of The Vote From His Own Party In Iowa

If Republicans are this shaky about voting for Trump, then Independents are definitely not going to vote for him. Trump lost the Independent vote by 13% to Biden in 2020.

Trump is going to lose by at least 10 million votes in November. It won't be as close as 2020.

If Independents, in general, would vote with their heads and not their hearts, Trump would win hands down. The problem with most Independents, is that their social agenda and bleeding hearts typically outweigh their practical side.
If Independents, in general, would vote with their heads and not their hearts, Trump would win hands down. The problem with most Independents, is that their social agenda and bleeding hearts typically outweigh their practical side.

If Independents would just vote for your beloved party then your party would win, but then they would not be Independents they would be GOP sheep like you
No she won't. She will be staying in her home and not moving anywhere. You on the other hand.....
Exactly. But I WILL make sure my car is in the garage on Election Night and for a week after. I live right outside DC, full of violent leftists, and there will be riots that night when the people choose Trump.
DeSantis is a joke...that's why so many of his donors pulled out months ago.

He just spent a fortune in Iowa and barely finished second. He is an absolutely horrible, robotic candidate with zero charisma. And not very smart, either.
So, now you like Trump.
You looneybins sure are goofy.
But there's no way he can be written off. This is 50/50, even if he rapes and/or shoots someone on Fifth Avenue.

And it would be 50/50 even if Trump cured cancer and Biden‘s traitorous actions(China) came into full light.

Yes, is indeed sad that this is where we are.
Wait.....The sad sacks over at CNN were saying last evening that if Trump got over 50% it would be a historic showing in Iowa.

Moving the goal posts much OP?
I checked CNN last night while Trump was giving his excellent victory speech. They would t even cover it. Their purpose is, as always, to hide how good he is. Same with MSNBC. They know that their only chance to get Biden reinstalled is to keep their voters ignorant and brainwashed.
I checked CNN last night while Trump was giving his excellent victory speech. They would t even cover it. Their purpose is, as always, to hide how good he is. Same with MSNBC. They know that their only chance to get Biden reinstalled is to keep their voters ignorant and brainwashed.
Well we have one good candidate right here.....the OP.
The fact that Trump can only get 51% of the vote within his own party in Iowa shows that he CANNOT win in November.

The fact that Republicans are split like this when voting for their former President does not bode well at all for Trump in November.

Though he didn't say the actual word, I called this one last week. :laugh2:
If Independents would just vote for your beloved party then your party would win, but then they would not be Independents they would be GOP sheep like you

They can all vote for Mickey Mouse as far as I care. The point was that if they sway to Biden over Trump they are less than pragmatic.
I checked CNN last night while Trump was giving his excellent victory speech. They would t even cover it. Their purpose is, as always, to hide how good he is. Same with MSNBC. They know that their only chance to get Biden reinstalled is to keep their voters ignorant and brainwashed.
They didn't show it because all Trump does is constantly lie about the 2020 election and make racist comments about immigrants.
But a little while ago you were building both he and Haleyrino up.....make up your mind Dimbo.
Those are your reading comprehension shortcomings, not mine.

I have nothing but contempt for both DeSantis and Haley. They are both pathetic cowards afraid to tell the truth about Trump and the menace to democracy that he is.
They didn't show it because all Trump does is constantly lie about the 2020 election and make racist comments about immigrants.
Nope. They don’t show it because he points out how Biden has done wrong and how he will reverse it. A big one last night was restarting the drilling and becoming energy independent.

As far as the border, what’s racist about pointing out that many of these illegals have criminal backgrounds? One-third of all women on the trek up are sexually assaulted.

As far as immigrants, I don’t recall Trump mentioning them at all. he was referring to the scofflaws invading our country.

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