Donald Trump, The Former President Of The U.S., Can Only Get 51% Of The Vote From His Own Party In Iowa

Those are your reading comprehension shortcomings, not mine.

I have nothing but contempt for both DeSantis and Haley. They are both pathetic cowards afraid to tell the truth about Trump and the menace to democracy that he is.

The menace to Democracy is our current President who is allowing millions to flow into our country at an unprecedented rate.
Yeah, DeSantis may not be the most dynamic candidate, but he is far more intelligent that our current President.
No question. Biden graduated at the very bottom of his so-so law school. And that was before dementia took hold.
Nope. They don’t show it because he points out how Biden has done wrong and how he will reverse it. A big one last night was restarting the drilling and becoming energy independent.

As far as the border, what’s racist about pointing out that many of these illegals have criminal backgrounds? One-third of all women on the trek up are sexually assaulted.

As far as immigrants, I don’t recall Trump mentioning them at all. he was referring to the scofflaws invading our country.
Yes, we need more drilling with the planet already choking on pollution and suffering from climate change.

A brilliant solution.
The menace to Democracy is our current President who is allowing millions to flow into our country at an unprecedented rate. roll with that, dude.

I'll take that over a threat to democracy like Trump ANY day.
if biden ran agqainst jfk jr i would be totally amazed. rfk jr has zero chance as a dem. how much video of rfk schmoozing with bannon, flynn, and the pillow guy do we really need ?

newsome may beat biden and could easily take trump or haley. i'd be ok with it, but i don't think he will run.

too bad bernie is as old as the others. in any case, "president" does not haver the same role in the democratic party that dear leader has among repubs. he is bo expected to be the "strong decisive" dear leader that repubs NEED in order to function.
this country needs another kenedy like it needs a hole in the head
Biden graduated from law school and was a Senator forever.

Yes, he is far more intelligent than both Trump and DeSantis.
Those are your reading comprehension shortcomings, not mine.

I have nothing but contempt for both DeSantis and Haley. They are both pathetic cowards afraid to tell the truth about Trump and the menace to democracy that he is.
So Poopeypants is your guy....lefelong grifter and plagarizer, liar and mafia boss. He hates the country as I assume you do.
If Independents, in general, would vote with their heads and not their hearts, Trump would win hands down. The problem with most Independents, is that their social agenda and bleeding hearts typically outweigh their practical side.
Except this time….

1) they are having trouble paying for groceries and filling the gas tank
2) their 11-year-olds are being schooled in the art of oral sex
Biden graduated from law school and was a Senator forever.

Yes, he is far more intelligent than both Trump and DeSantis.
Half the people on this message board are smarter than Biden ever was. The half who were smart enough not to vote for him in the first place.
Biden graduated from law school and was a Senator forever.

Yes, he is far more intelligent than both Trump and DeSantis.
Biden when to Univ. of Delaware and graduated from Syracuse Law School. DeSantis went to Yale and graduated from Harvard Law School. If educational achievement is any measure of intelligence, you are very mistaken.
Half the people on this message board are smarter than Biden ever was. The half who were smart enough not to vote for him in the first place.
This is why Republicans make such terrible voting decisions --- they are uneducated, yet they think they somehow have more wisdom and knowledge than everyone else. Just incredible hubris and narcissism about themselves, very much like Trump.

And you are Exhibit A. roll with that, dude.

I'll take that over a threat to democracy like Trump ANY day.
^^^ this one is really brainwashed.

HIS side is trying to rob the citizens of their right to vote for the candidate they want, and he complains that Trump is the one who‘s a threat.
Biden graduated from law school and was a Senator forever.

Yes, he is far more intelligent than both Trump and DeSantis.
Yes, like 75th in his claass of 50.....
This is why Republicans make such terrible voting decisions --- they are uneducated, yet they think they somehow have more wisdom and knowledge than everyone else. Just incredible hubris and narcissism about themselves, very much like Trump.

And you are Exhibit A.
And you agree with rumpart on everything....
Nuff said....
Let's hope you are correct. There's still a lot of time before election day , a lot can and will happen. In this case , the possibilities are really endless. I hope you are correct , we don't need the king of chaos in the White House again.
Most of those supporting Haley or Desantis will line up behind Trump when he wins the nomination. The real story here is that 2nd and third were so close, they will continue to slug it out. Dividing the Trump dissenters within the party guarantees his nomination. If there were 1 clear alternative, it would be more troublesome for Trump within the party.

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