Donald Trump threatens the first amendment

Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

The founder never envisioned a press that would conspire to affect elections, they intended the press to be independent, reporting the goo and bad about everyone. Not collude to bury bad news about one candidate or party, while inventing bad stories or blowing crap totally out of proportion on the other. The job of the press it to report news, not tell us what it means or make judgments of what to bury.
The founders never dreamed there would would be AK-47.

They never dreamed there would be an Internet either and what does an AK-47 have to do with the First Amendment. What is your point?
If you are making excuses why the 1st amendment should be modified because of the new "press". Then the 2nd amendment should be revised because of new "guns".

Who said the First Amendment should be modified? I guess I missed that.

Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!
Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress | HuffPost
Do you mean the freedom they have been abusing by lying all the time and spreading unfounded rumors with unverifiable sources? If so, then I'm all for ending that "freedom".
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

Um, your historically wrong here bucky. Trump has only complained. Obama actually jailed reporters and threatened many more.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

Ooh look, a democrat fascist is lying. How unusual.

You Nazis sure slander and libel a lot - what you NEVER do is offer any sort of evidence for your blatant lies.

Well, you're Nazis, it's your way...
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!
Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress | HuffPost
Do you mean the freedom they have been abusing by lying all the time and spreading unfounded rumors with unverifiable sources? If so, then I'm all for ending that "freedom".

The Bolshevik press has the right to spread the lies and gossip that the NY Times, CNN, and WaPo do. That is their right. And Trump has the right to call them liars. The left wants to cry that Trump is mean because he points out the FACT that the Bolshevik press are a bunch of fucking liars.

Pointing out that CNN are gutter scum liars is in no way infringing their right to publish, it is simply a matter of stating facts.
It's not that he's a horrible candidate, it a rigged system!

Yes, but the rigging failed, which is why you fascists are so up in arms. It was never supposed to be POSSIBLE for anyone but the party member to win.

Which was the bigger loss to you, when your beloved USSR fell to Reagan, or when the Soros machine failed to put Hillary in power in contradiction to the will of the people?
You claimed Trump was threatening the press, he hasn't and hasn't even threatened speech. You are as clear as Mudd.
He said SNL should be cancelled for being mean to him. He sued Bill Maher and said libel laws should be strengthened. Just like with contractors and banks, he tries to leverage his wealth to get his way. Typical bully, he can dish it out, but he can't take it.

So libel laws are unconstitutional? :eek:

Damn, you fascists have some odd views....
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!
Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress | HuffPost
Do you mean the freedom they have been abusing by lying all the time and spreading unfounded rumors with unverifiable sources? If so, then I'm all for ending that "freedom".
There are laws that can be enforced criminally and civilly if the press knowingly lies.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!
Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress | HuffPost
Do you mean the freedom they have been abusing by lying all the time and spreading unfounded rumors with unverifiable sources? If so, then I'm all for ending that "freedom".
There are laws that can be enforced criminally and civilly if the press knowingly lies.

Unless they make Half Black Jesus mad.Obamas was likely one of the most opaque presidential administrations we have had up to date.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

As far as I know, CNN is still on the air. Do you have anymore made up bullshit about Trump trumping the first amendment?

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