Donald Trump threatens the first amendment

The founder never envisioned a press that would conspire to affect elections, they intended the press to be independent, reporting the goo and bad about everyone. Not collude to bury bad news about one candidate or party, while inventing bad stories or blowing crap totally out of proportion on the other. The job of the press it to report news, not tell us what it means or make judgments of what to bury.
The founders never dreamed there would would be AK-47.

They never dreamed there would be an Internet either and what does an AK-47 have to do with the First Amendment. What is your point?
If you are making excuses why the 1st amendment should be modified because of the new "press". Then the 2nd amendment should be revised because of new "guns".
I'm pretty sure that isn't what he was doing, but meh. You appear to live in an alternate reality.
4 groups of people
1. Those voting for Trump who think he is an idiot but cannot vote for Hillary
2. Those who vote for Hillary
3. Those who do not vote for either Hillary or The Donald

4. Those who openly support and love Trump and voted for him

Groups 1,2 and 3 are good solid Americans
Group 4 is an absolute group of wackos, deplorables

More random association! Awesome!
Donald Trump is saying freedom of the press is rigging our election

How did he "threaten" it, Comrade?

Now who actually HAS attack freedom of the press is Obama;

{.KUMAR: If you say it, it really should be the most transparent, or otherwise people are going to criticize you for that. I think that's why he sort of set himself apart. So when you talk to a lot of these groups that monitor it, they will say, well, he criticized, he says he is the most, and so that's why it's a little bit, they feel, hypocritical. President Obama, and with help from his attorney general, they have gone after more journalists than any other president in history. I mean, I think the statistics easily show that.}

Media Cry Foul as Obama Attacks Freedom of the Press

But that's different, he's a party member.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

The founder never envisioned a press that would conspire to affect elections, they intended the press to be independent, reporting the goo and bad about everyone. Not collude to bury bad news about one candidate or party, while inventing bad stories or blowing crap totally out of proportion on the other. The job of the press it to report news, not tell us what it means or make judgments of what to bury.
The founders never dreamed there would would be AK-47.

They never dreamed there would be an Internet either and what does an AK-47 have to do with the First Amendment. What is your point?
If you are making excuses why the 1st amendment should be modified because of the new "press". Then the 2nd amendment should be revised because of new "guns".

Now don't get hysterical on us. I think you're missing the finer points of 1st Amendment. Like "libel" laws. You cannot start a "ElmerFudd is Serial Rapist" Magazine. If ElmerFudd is not a Serial Rapist. You can be and should be SUED for that. That's NOT an attack on freedom of the press. It's self-defense.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

The founder never envisioned a press that would conspire to affect elections, they intended the press to be independent, reporting the goo and bad about everyone. Not collude to bury bad news about one candidate or party, while inventing bad stories or blowing crap totally out of proportion on the other. The job of the press it to report news, not tell us what it means or make judgments of what to bury.
The founders never dreamed there would would be AK-47.

They never dreamed there would be an Internet either and what does an AK-47 have to do with the First Amendment. What is your point?
If you are making excuses why the 1st amendment should be modified because of the new "press". Then the 2nd amendment should be revised because of new "guns".

He never said the 1st amendment should be modified, the press is currently not protected form intentional lies or dishonestly colluding with a particular political party. I just have no problem with courts fining, jailing, or granting large judgments against organizations who can be proven to have done it. There's a difference.
The founders never dreamed there would would be AK-47.

They never dreamed there would be an Internet either and what does an AK-47 have to do with the First Amendment. What is your point?
If you are making excuses why the 1st amendment should be modified because of the new "press". Then the 2nd amendment should be revised because of new "guns".
I'm pretty sure that isn't what he was doing, but meh. You appear to live in an alternate reality.
4 groups of people
1. Those voting for Trump who think he is an idiot but cannot vote for Hillary
2. Those who vote for Hillary
3. Those who do not vote for either Hillary or The Donald

4. Those who openly support and love Trump and voted for him

Groups 1,2 and 3 are good solid Americans
Group 4 is an absolute group of wackos, deplorables

More random association! Awesome!

And two of the 4 are the same. Don't think his elevator goes all the way to the top.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

Are you referencing something particular, or are you just nutting out?
If you cannot figure it out God help you

Usually in an OP you actually state the concept you wish to convey, and you mention whatever it is you may be referring to.

A link would be nice.

Like...I would say "ElmerMudd doesn't communicate ideas well" and then provide a LINK to your OP.
Try watching the debates and listen to The Donald. Try attending one of his rallies and listen to what he says.
You do have to be able to comprehend and think. A 30 IQ or above should work but maybe you do not have it,.
Where on earth did you get the idea that I don't follow the candidates or know the issues? D
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
You do not know the Constitution and the amendments
1st amendment- freedom of religion, speech and the press
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...

"Free press" if it is being ran by the CIA and other "gubermint" agencies isn't actually a "free press"'s called yellow journalism.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
You do not know the Constitution and the amendments
1st amendment- freedom of religion, speech and the press
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...

"Free press" if it is being ran by the CIA and other "gubermint" agencies isn't actually a "free press"'s called yellow journalism.

Your ignorance is showing yet again Dale, because if the government runs the media, it's called state propaganda.

Yellow journalism is something much different.................

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.[1]

Yellow journalism - Wikipedia
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
You do not know the Constitution and the amendments
1st amendment- freedom of religion, speech and the press
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...

"Free press" if it is being ran by the CIA and other "gubermint" agencies isn't actually a "free press"'s called yellow journalism.

Your ignorance is showing yet again Dale, because if the government runs the media, it's called state propaganda.

Yellow journalism is something much different.................

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.[1]

Yellow journalism - Wikipedia

Your "gubermint" is a corporate entity that is no different than Wal-Mart...even the CIA is incorporated and you can find them on Dun and once again you come off looking like an idiot. Do you know about the Smith-Mundt Act? It no longer applies so your beloved corporate "gubermint" can lie to you with impunity. Once again you have been schooled.
Hi all. I was browsing different internet forums and came across this place and this post. Figured I'd make an account and chime in.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!


"We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of curating function that people agree to" Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh.

Obama decries 'wild west' media landscape

You know what, let me fix that for you.

Obama feels a free press is unfair and exposes political corruption!

There we go. :)
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
You do not know the Constitution and the amendments
1st amendment- freedom of religion, speech and the press
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...

"Free press" if it is being ran by the CIA and other "gubermint" agencies isn't actually a "free press"'s called yellow journalism.

Your ignorance is showing yet again Dale, because if the government runs the media, it's called state propaganda.

Yellow journalism is something much different.................

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.[1]

Yellow journalism - Wikipedia
Getting all uppity and using Wikipedia for your source is foolish.
fag biker never heard the term before, I guarantee it. Our press engages in both yellow and state propaganda.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
Donald Trump is saying freedom of the press is rigging our election
When did he say that? He has the right to complain, correct?
He did not complain, he said freedom of the press was rigging our election. Our elections are not fair because of freedom of the press., he did not say that, either.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
It's called freedom of speech but you didn't even try to support your allegation.
You do not know the Constitution and the amendments
1st amendment- freedom of religion, speech and the press
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to ...

"Free press" if it is being ran by the CIA and other "gubermint" agencies isn't actually a "free press"'s called yellow journalism.

Your ignorance is showing yet again Dale, because if the government runs the media, it's called state propaganda.

Yellow journalism is something much different.................

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.[1]

Yellow journalism - Wikipedia
Getting all uppity and using Wikipedia for your source is foolish.
Queerbiker is a fool lol. He had to look it up himself. Then he acts like he knew it all along. Tiny pompous little twit.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

Obama Is More Hostile Towards The Press Than Any President In History

President Nixon's legendary hate affair with the press makes it look like a love fest with Obama.
Donald Trump seems to have no knowledge or ignores the freedom of the press as guaranteed in the 1st amendment.
Dictatorships, Kingdoms, Despots will not allow the press to print anything that is negative to the leader. Our founding Father's put the freedom of the press in the 1st amendment so a leader cannot suppress negative press.

Donald Trump feels a free press is unfair!

Guess what else they put in there?
Freedom OF Religion...not freedom FROM.
Can any Democrats explain to me why they are for putting me in prison for asking

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?

Since Democrats claim to love free speech and accuse Trump of threatening it, I had to point out their uber hypocrisy here. The Democratic Platform not only threatens free speech, it makes it illegal to notice that CO2 based climate change is a FRAUD.
Can any Democrats explain to me why they are for putting me in prison for asking

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?

Since Democrats claim to love free speech and accuse Trump of threatening it, I had to point out their uber hypocrisy here. The Democratic Platform not only threatens free speech, it makes it illegal to notice that CO2 based climate change is a FRAUD.

Here we go again.

The press is spreading lies and acting as a propaganda outlet for the Clinton Criminal Cartel. They get ANYTHING that comes their way. If you libtards hadn't noticed trust in the mainstream media is at an ALL TIME LOW. YOU are on the wrong side of this issue as usual.
Sounds what it is like living under a communist regime. Only the press accepted by the leader can be published.
North Korea is the same.

Ambitious Imbeciles

The media right now are the spokesmen of an elitist ruling class plotting against the majority. The fact that you defend them as if they were the opposite proves what kind of totalitarianism we live under. If we are led by them into making criticisms that don't reflect the real situation, then we need to have freedom from the press, including its fake-alternative Internet plants.

Second, the media's scribblers and yackers are defective in knowledge of grammar, history, and logic. This is because a decadent ruling class chooses inferior people as its flunkies. No one with any self-respect would class-climb into that class. But those with no self-respect have no talent to respect themselves for anyway.

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