Donald Trump to announce US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday

So it is idiotic to move our embassy to Jerusalem
The U.S. government will be slapping 1.1 billion muslims in the face with this move.
I do not see anything good coming from this relocation of our embassy. ...... :cool:
You are against moving our embassy to Jerusalem based solely on religous grounds? Solely on the basis of a majority of religious zealots that live outside of Israel? The majority of religious zealots outside of Israel dictates to the USA based solely on religion, where our Embassy in Israel will be located?
And you count women in the figure of 1.1 billions Moslems, when they have no voice? No rights?
Yet, 3 muslim countries have had women presidents.

And America has had how many?? ..... :cool:

None. Too busy keeping the men fed. :laugh:

I have no problem with a woman president, but the offerings have been sub-par. I think Jeanne Kirkpatrick was my last American choice.
And you count women in the figure of 1.1 billions Moslems, when they have no voice? No rights?
Yet, 3 muslim countries have had women presidents.

And America has had how many?? ..... :cool:
Just Obama? We see the rights of Women in Moslem countries, they have the right to be beaten and sold into sexual slavery, at the whims of men.
It will make a salient point.
Yes it would....... :cool:

Quran 5:51 O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them.
The End of Days people are creaming their undies right now. should be those who don't realize, know, believe,
we are witnessing Bible prophecy unfolding, being fulfilled,
that are creaming in their undies...they will

I, on the other hand, want Jesus to come quickly...
I am not afraid, I have nothing to fear.... I'm ready already!
I've had it with this God forsaken planet and the idiots of it!
When haven't religious zealots claimed biblical prophecy was unfolding?
When haven't religious zealots claimed biblical prophecy was unfolding?
I'm not a religious zealot and I'm fully aware
of what has been transpiring and the speed
in which it is unfolding before my very eyes.
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
The End of Days people are creaming their undies right now. should be those who don't realize, know, believe,
we are witnessing Bible prophecy unfolding, being fulfilled,
that are creaming in their undies...they will

I, on the other hand, want Jesus to come quickly...
I am not afraid, I have nothing to fear.... I'm ready already!
I've had it with this God forsaken planet and the idiots of it!
When haven't religious zealots claimed biblical prophecy was unfolding?
View attachment 108095

Sorry I couldn't resist the loons and what they do......
And there you have it...more real deplorables
women who think they should be taken seriously

Oye vay... perfect example of why
I've always had more male friends then female friends
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
It will make a salient point.
Yes it would....... :cool:

Quran 5:51 O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them.

Let me tell you something, Sunni Man.

I may be going out on a limb here, but if the true leaders of Islam would stand up as one and denounce those who have become a cancer in their midst, and swear their blood with ours to destroy these people, I believe the West would stand and fight for the right of modern Islamic faith to flourish anywhere on the planet where it is accepted.
Makes sense for embassy to be placed in Jerusalem. Probably should have been done immediately after 9/11, if not sooner.
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
No, destroy is correct, a culture that advocates the selling and raping of children must be destroyed. Saudi Arabia practices this but you seem to think they have a death penalty for this crime. I guess if you buy a 7 year old girl to be your wife it is not rape when you start breeding her at puberty?
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Might want to check your own backyard before you start pointing at others. ...... :cool:

Rape in the United States - Wikipedia

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Rape and Sexual Assault
It is my backyard, we are One World, and in the United States we do not buy and sell children as sex slaves like the Sunni Men do.

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