Donald Trump to announce US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday

Donald Trump 'to announce US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem'

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In weeks past we were being blackmailed and told not to make this move.
Trump may turn out to be the best recruiter that terrorists ever had.

Perhaps. He's promised to destroy them. They're training their eight-year-olds.
They`re training their 8 year olds but we have an army of toddlers that are better armed.
Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015

People are getting shot by toddlers on a weekly basis this year
It will make a salient point.
Yes it would....... :cool:

Quran 5:51 O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them.

Great quote. Just more proof Muslims cannot be trusted and don't belong is Western culture.
I'd LOVE to see those two LIB women wearing their kunt outfits 'march' in a muslim controlled inner city.
Donald Trump 'to announce US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem'

View attachment 108036
In weeks past we were being blackmailed and told not to make this move.
It has been planned since 1995..Except now Congress wants to force the issue to move embassy or all embassies will have security cut...

Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act bill would cut security for U.S. embassies worldwide, unless Israeli embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
The U.S. maintains embassies in almost every country around the world, virtually all of which are located in that nation’s capital. A 1995 law mandated that the U.S. move its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv, Israel’s fourth-largest city of 250 thousand, to Jerusalem, its capital and largest city of 800 thousand. Yet in the 22 years since, the three presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all invoked a provision in the law that delays the move if they deem it in the national security interest.

Some in Congress have had enough and can’t wait any longer. S. 11, theJerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, provides President-elect Donald Trump with an ultimatum. Either move the embassy to Jerusalem, or we drastically cut security for all embassies around the world.
Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act bill would cut security for U.S.
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
No, destroy is correct, a culture that advocates the selling and raping of children must be destroyed. Saudi Arabia practices this but you seem to think they have a death penalty for this crime. I guess if you buy a 7 year old girl to be your wife it is not rape when you start breeding her at puberty?
It's true!
Saudi Arabia has death penalty for rape. Even for raping an adult person. I've read this on the web (maybe Wikipedia but I don't remember) :)
I believe the West would stand and fight for the right of modern Islamic faith to flourish anywhere on the planet where it is accepted.

Islam doesn't require the West's help in order to establish itself around the world ...... :cool:
Makes sense for embassy to be placed in Jerusalem. Probably should have been done immediately after 9/11, if not sooner.
What has 9/11 where US trained Mad Islamic Pilots flew into the twin Towers and this thread,Methinks you have the wrong peoples...this is about Palestinians and Israelis......Try to Moderate your Ignorance, Ta steve
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Might want to check your own backyard before you start pointing at others. ...... :cool:

Rape in the United States - Wikipedia

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Rape and Sexual Assault
It is my backyard, we are One World, and in the United States we do not buy and sell children as sex slaves like the Sunni Men do.
Yes you do,the US is one of the biggest recalsegents in the Prostitution Trade of Minors....What planet do YOU live on !!!!!!!!!!
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
No, destroy is correct, a culture that advocates the selling and raping of children must be destroyed. Saudi Arabia practices this but you seem to think they have a death penalty for this crime. I guess if you buy a 7 year old girl to be your wife it is not rape when you start breeding her at puberty?
Elektra,the youngest "Child" to have a baby was 6.7 years of age !!!!her daughter had a baby at 7.7 years .....making her mother a grandmother at the age of 14 !!!!!!!Sounds unbelievable.....but Sadly True....steve
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
No, destroy is correct, a culture that advocates the selling and raping of children must be destroyed. Saudi Arabia practices this but you seem to think they have a death penalty for this crime. I guess if you buy a 7 year old girl to be your wife it is not rape when you start breeding her at puberty?
Elektra,the youngest "Child" to have a baby was 6.7 years of age !!!!her daughter had a baby at 7.7 years .....making her mother a grandmother at the age of 14 !!!!!!!Sounds unbelievable.....but Sadly True....steve
I am fighting against the rape of children, you are doing what?
It is time to destroy those who rape children in this World, largely it is in the Moslem countries, under the leadership of man or woman does not matter much, either way it is Moslem countries raping children.
Maybe "destroy" is not the right word. Arrest and convict them for raping children ;)
I know almost all Muslim countries have harsh punishment for rape (for example Iran and Saudi Arabia have death penalty for this crime) :)
No, destroy is correct, a culture that advocates the selling and raping of children must be destroyed. Saudi Arabia practices this but you seem to think they have a death penalty for this crime. I guess if you buy a 7 year old girl to be your wife it is not rape when you start breeding her at puberty?
Elektra,the youngest "Child" to have a baby was 6.7 years of age !!!!her daughter had a baby at 7.7 years .....making her mother a grandmother at the age of 14 !!!!!!!Sounds unbelievable.....but Sadly True....steve
I am fighting against the rape of children, you are doing what?
I'm so glad to hear it Elektra,We as a company work with the Government on Battered Women and Child issues such as you mention,so my estimation of you has sky rocketed....Keep up the Great Work....we also help in drug rehabilitation....steve

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