Donald Trump to Host Rush Limbaugh Program Tomorrow

Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.

Randi Rhoades used to be listenable prior to AA - AA ruined her

Maddow is the biggest conspiracy theorist on the airwaves and they all end up being wrong.
But yeah it does have a bit of a cult following.

The other two - I guess that they exist, I really don't know.


Randi Rhodes

I already told you that I know who she is -
I used to listen to her on terrestrial radio out of Miami, Simulcast in Tampa

Rick and Suds, Randi Rhodes, Neil Rodgers

She was Liberal but not crazy back then.

I gave you the link so you can listen to her live if it's been a while.

she ain't coo coo cray cray by any means & always shows the info sources of which she speaks about. oxyboy just spews.
Just curious, when I tune into RUSH tomorrow on my AM radio, how will anyone know?

The all knowing, all seeing, all sensing, MahaRushie knows all! :D

does he know how long his cancer riddled, anal casted, draft dodging, oxytocin addctied body has left to go b4 satan takes him home?
For all the years he has been on the radio, Limbaugh just tells you what is happening on the other side. Truthfully, our nation should not needed him or others on the radio. We have moved to the left regardless anyway. Before nations self destruct, there are many people who warn. We all know common sense. But many believe that equality is pushing a square peg into a round hole. And no matter how much it costs, it is going to be done.

^ ' For all the years he has been on the radio, Limbaugh just tells you what is happening on the other side.

lol …. you mean like when he spent 3 solid days blasting Sandra fluke & how slutty she was? pure lying venom is what he spews.


I thought calling her a slut assumed facts not in evidence - that was problematic.
He should have explained the parasitic nature of people who want others to pay for their stuff

One of his extremely few misses.

^^^ & there it is ^^^

you're dismissed.
I do find it funny that trump is too much of a bitch to do a virtual debate -- but will do a virtual townhall -- that will be nothing more than circle jerk for incel Trump sycophants...
Terrible that he will reach the people without being filtered by a Biden moderator, ain't it
Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.
I really enjoyed Thom Hartmann; he allowed people who disagreed with him to explain their positions.
Nobody should confuse Trump with Rush.
Rush was anti-Trump and anti-MAGA until way after Trump got the nomination.
Nobody should confuse Trump with Rush.
Rush was anti-Trump and anti-MAGA until way after Trump got the nomination.

I dont remember that at all.
Rush never promotes anyone during the primaries though.
I think I was like Rush. I voted for the most conservative candidate. That was Cruz. Trump got my vote in 2016 because hes not Hillary. Now I'm a Trumo fan, just like tens of millions of others
Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.

Randi Rhoades used to be listenable prior to AA - AA ruined her

Maddow is the biggest conspiracy theorist on the airwaves and they all end up being wrong.
But yeah it does have a bit of a cult following.

The other two - I guess that they exist, I really don't know.


Randi Rhodes

I already told you that I know who she is -
I used to listen to her on terrestrial radio out of Miami, Simulcast in Tampa

Rick and Suds, Randi Rhodes, Neil Rodgers

She was Liberal but not crazy back then.

I gave you the link so you can listen to her live if it's been a while.

she ain't coo coo cray cray by any means & always shows the info sources of which she speaks about. oxyboy just spews.

She simply repeats dem
Nobody should confuse Trump with Rush.
Rush was anti-Trump and anti-MAGA until way after Trump got the nomination.

I dont remember that at all.
Rush never promotes anyone during the primaries though.
I think I was like Rush. I voted for the most conservative candidate. That was Cruz. Trump got my vote in 2016 because hes not Hillary. Now I'm a Trumo fan, just like tens of millions of others

Rush doesn't endorse during the primary.
He can't risk backing someone that doesn't win.
Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.
I really enjoyed Thom Hartmann; he allowed people who disagreed with him to explain their positions.

he is still on the air.
Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.
I really enjoyed Thom Hartmann; he allowed people who disagreed with him to explain their positions.

he is still on the air.
I know he had an App.
I couldn’t tolerate Randi Rhodes; she’s the Liberal version of Rush.
Maddow was good until Trump jumped in the race and then she jumped the shark.
She was all MAGA and anti-GW; then Trump ran on MAGA and she went completely batshit insane.
Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

& most are on their own with successful programs of their own.

That would make some sense as they most likely had radio shows prior to having the Air America stigma around their neck.
What are their names? -

thom Hartmann, randi rhodes, mike Malloy & oh you might have heard of Racheal maddow. I am sure there are more..

now, by successful - I mean they are making a decent living, pay their bills, & have a clear conscience & clean soul.
I really enjoyed Thom Hartmann; he allowed people who disagreed with him to explain their positions.

he is still on the air.
I know he had an App.
I couldn’t tolerate Randi Rhodes; she’s the Liberal version of Rush.
Maddow was good until Trump jumped in the race and then she jumped the shark.
She was all MAGA and anti-GW; then Trump ran on MAGA and she went completely batshit insane.

randi rhodes is no way the liberal version of oxyboy.

she never took drugs, while at the same time railed against drug users & said they 'ought to be sent up ' like oxyboy did.

she never used a lame excuse like an anal cyst to get a draft deferment, like oxyboy has - in fact, she willingly enlisted in the military & is an air force vet.

AND she has a 'homework section' on her website that clearly shows the sources for everything she talks about ...

oxyboy just spews lies upon lies that he pulls outa his anal cysted ass.

as for hartmann - you can watch him live 12-3pm EST on free speech tv

Free Speech TV - Free Speech TV

or catch the day's show later in the day on rerun. also he's on terrestrial radio in many cities & can get him thru tune in.
Last edited:
I do find it funny that trump is too much of a bitch to do a virtual debate -- but will do a virtual townhall -- that will be nothing more than circle jerk for incel Trump sycophants...
Terrible that he will reach the people without being filtered by a Biden moderator, ain't it

poindexter and the other democrats pretend they don't understand why Trump doesn't want to allow biden to cheat with a virtual isn't enough that the moderators are all anti-Trumpers, that the democrat party has likely been given a heads up on the questions.........but allowing biden to be secluded, with his own people feeding him answers and coaching him?

The democrat party is the source of evil in this country....from their founding by slave owners to the current destruction of the black family....they are vile.
Nobody should confuse Trump with Rush.
Rush was anti-Trump and anti-MAGA until way after Trump got the nomination.

I dont remember that at all.
Rush never promotes anyone during the primaries though.
I think I was like Rush. I voted for the most conservative candidate. That was Cruz. Trump got my vote in 2016 because hes not Hillary. Now I'm a Trumo fan, just like tens of millions of others

That is me too..........
I do find it funny that trump is too much of a bitch to do a virtual debate -- but will do a virtual townhall -- that will be nothing more than circle jerk for incel Trump sycophants...
Terrible that he will reach the people without being filtered by a Biden moderator, ain't it

poindexter and the other democrats pretend they don't understand why Trump doesn't want to allow biden to cheat with a virtual isn't enough that the moderators are all anti-Trumpers, that the democrat party has likely been given a heads up on the questions.........but allowing biden to be secluded, with his own people feeding him answers and coaching him?

The democrat party is the source of evil in this country....from their founding by slave owners to the current destruction of the black family....they are vile.
It's not just the democrat party, it's the establishment. The council on presidential debates is made up of Republicans too.

I do find it funny that trump is too much of a bitch to do a virtual debate -- but will do a virtual townhall -- that will be nothing more than circle jerk for incel Trump sycophants...
Terrible that he will reach the people without being filtered by a Biden moderator, ain't it

poindexter and the other democrats pretend they don't understand why Trump doesn't want to allow biden to cheat with a virtual isn't enough that the moderators are all anti-Trumpers, that the democrat party has likely been given a heads up on the questions.........but allowing biden to be secluded, with his own people feeding him answers and coaching him?

The democrat party is the source of evil in this country....from their founding by slave owners to the current destruction of the black family....they are vile.
It's not just the democrat party, it's the establishment. The council on presidential debates is made up of Republicans too.

Styx is a smart guy....his insights are always good.

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