Donald Trump to Host Rush Limbaugh Program Tomorrow

No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million

Limbaugh alone attracts a audience of more than 50 million.

This will be huge, no doubt about it.

The program starts at Noon Eastern Time.

Thanks, PP! Your link says I can still get RUSH in my area on an AM station! I didn't realize that. Years ago he was on an FM station and got taken off for country music of all things.
No link yet but coming! Trump will reach 20 to 50 million
20-50M of the already converted. What good will that do? He'll be sitting in the echo chamber under the false impression that all is well. :laughing0301:

RUSH already draws 60 million. Trump will draw millions more. I plan on listening in on AM radio. I haven't heard RUSH in years. This is spreading like wildfire, everyone will be listening. His program will be spread to others, it could top 70-80 million. How many votes did it take to spank Hillary 4 years ago? Somewhere around 63 million?

Anyone who listens to RUSH tomorrow is surely going to vote for him. They will get to hear a real president, a man not part of the big machine, unfettered by the noise and interference of the MSM. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. How many do you think Biden could draw? a few hundred? A few thousand? Does anyone give a flying crap about Joe Biden at all?
No link yet but coming! Trump will reach 20 to 50 million
And he won't reach a single moderate, independent, honest to God conservative or undecided voter.

Sure, Dr. Dump, not one of the 60-80 million total listeners tomorrow will be a moderate, independent, conservative or undecided. I mean, why would any of THEM people actually want to tune into RUSH and hear Trump?! :eusa_dance:

Even you can't be that dumb, it only took 63 million to smash Hillary and more than that will be tuning in to hear Trump tomorrow.

When's Joe going nationwide on his radio address?

I'll be listening tomorrow and I bet its been over ten years since I last caught RUSH on the air.
No link yet but coming! Trump will reach 20 to 50 million
20-50M of the already converted. What good will that do? He'll be sitting in the echo chamber under the false impression that all is well.
You miss the point. Trump is taking direct questions from the populace and all you have to do is send them into Rush's email... Trump will be talking to ALL OF THE PEOPLE not just those in our circle. That message is clearly getting out to everyone.
I'm afraid YOU'RE missing the point. Who but the Trumpistas listen to or care about what Rush or his guests have to say?

All the same people that go to his rallies or watch any of the debates on TV or want to hear the president to get the straight poop and hear the questions discussed that the MSM and Chris Wallace will never let be discussed? Thou doth protest too much, your very objections show you know this is BAD-- -- for Joe Biden.
While I understand your queasiness over the ass-kicking Trump will deliver for three uncensored hours, your barfing accessories are still your own responsibility.
You nutjobs seriously believe we're gonna tune in to three hours of Trump bile?

No, I expect you will continue your lifelong pattern of living in total ignorance, fake news, and bubble realities.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.

The "CONTEXT" is that over half (160 million) Americans have pre-existing conditions.Obama's number!..AND can't get insurance...WHICH IS A LIE!
FACTS... where are yours and FACT is 160 million Americans many of them with "pre-existing conditions HAVE health insurance... the impression that Obama/Biden wanted idiots to believe is they don't have coverage! LIE!
  • According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, have pre-existing conditions COVERED.
  • Almost all of these 156,199,800 Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions COVERED
  • Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions"..
  • Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA with Pre-existing conditions! | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!

This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
AGAIN the Obamacare covered ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???

Stop fudging numbers out of personal embarrassment please. Those on Medicare represent only those over age 65. There are tens of millions more Americans than that y'think?

Additionally there are a tens of millions more who have company insurance plans that covered preexisting conditions when they enrolled but that they may need BADLY when they lost their jobs due to Donald's botched COVID response or they have to find a new plan after Obamacare is trashed.

Conservatively, 100 million Americans will have either NO insurance or NO coverage for pre-existing conditions on short order unless Obamacare is retained and improved upon.

If you believe Republicans care about pre-existing conditions or have a plan for same or ANY health care program (repeal/ replace) - I've got a super-cool bridge and some swampland yer gonna LOVE!
Before We get into the lack of empathy and sympathy and all of that, please understand that people have to pay for this. I know medical coverage is a hot potato. Comparing us to other nations is not the same. At some point the medical coverage will most likely be nationalized. And with the sickly men, women and children in our nation very quickly become an endless stream of massive infusions of cash to sustain it. Government will interfere in our lives and force us to eat and drink what it declares as non threatening to our health to keep the costs from the stratosphere. The Prog statistic agendas are always the same but always also end up well short of what they said its going to be. Discourse is slowly increasing in our nation. Most of it by elites, politicians, media and entertainers. Stirring the drink until it is self sustaining in its swirls.

Beats the hell out of having that asshole Biden being fed answers by his handlers and having the moderator protect him.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.

The "CONTEXT" is that over half (160 million) Americans have pre-existing conditions.Obama's number!..AND can't get insurance...WHICH IS A LIE!
FACTS... where are yours and FACT is 160 million Americans many of them with "pre-existing conditions HAVE health insurance... the impression that Obama/Biden wanted idiots to believe is they don't have coverage! LIE!
  • According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, have pre-existing conditions COVERED.
  • Almost all of these 156,199,800 Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions COVERED
  • Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions"..
  • Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA with Pre-existing conditions! | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!

This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
AGAIN the Obamacare covered ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???

Stop fudging numbers out of personal embarrassment please. Those on Medicare represent only those over age 65. There are tens of millions more Americans than that y'think?

Additionally there are a tens of millions more who have company insurance plans that covered preexisting conditions when they enrolled but that they may need BADLY when they lost their jobs due to Donald's botched COVID response or they have to find a new plan after Obamacare is trashed.

Conservatively, 100 million Americans will have either NO insurance or NO coverage for pre-existing conditions on short order unless Obamacare is retained and improved upon.

If you believe Republicans care about pre-existing conditions or have a plan for same or ANY health care program (repeal/ replace) - I've got a super-cool bridge and some swampland yer gonna LOVE!
NO WHERE NO where are you providing ANY supportive data as I did!
Explain to me how come under Obamacare there were only ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???
that is 1/10th of 1% of the over half of all Americans??? less than 20,000 signed up!!!
More importantly YOU idiots seem to forget 49% of all Americans have employer health insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"! Dummy!
There are 62 million people on MEDICARE who's pre-existing conditions are covered!
FACT dummy where are YOURS!!!
In general, Medicare covers pre-existing conditions. You won’t be denied coverage by Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, the federal health-care program. In fact, in some cases, you may be eligible for Medicare before you turn 65 due to health conditions.
FACT dummy!
According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).
ADD the two together... 222 million have employer health or Medicare which COVERS PRE-EXISTING!!!
So where do you idiots like Obama get that over half of all Americans don't have pre-existing conditions covered???
Finally VA... Dummy! 8.92 million people enrolled in VA health care system
The easiest way to prove you had a pre-existing condition is to show that this condition was noted by the military when you first went into service. The records from your entrance medical exam can include this information.
Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide health and long-term care coverage to more than
70 million low-income children, pregnant women, adults, seniors, and people with disabilities in the United States.
Medicaid State Fact Sheets
FACTS Dummy add another 9 million Vets and 70 million Medicaid... TOTAL....301 million Americans covered by Employer,Medicare/Medicaid and VA or
nearly 92% of ALL Americans are COVERED for Pre-existing conditions! GEEZ why is it so hard to recognize the FACTS?
Obama LIED when he presented the premise that over half of all Americans had pre-existing conditions and couldn't get covered! Which is WHY he said it! Wanted dummies like you to believe it!!!

Three hours of unfiltered Trump speaking to the nutty wing of the party while hopped up on steroids, isolated and not sleeping?

Oh please yes.
You don’t like it when Trump impersonates Biden?
View attachment 398758
You forgot the 20,000 pictures of Biden sniffing 8 year old girls.
Why not simply admit that you don't want to lose medical coverage on preexisting conditions?
That's much more valid than posting OMB all day long.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.

The "CONTEXT" is that over half (160 million) Americans have pre-existing conditions.Obama's number!..AND can't get insurance...WHICH IS A LIE!
FACTS... where are yours and FACT is 160 million Americans many of them with "pre-existing conditions HAVE health insurance... the impression that Obama/Biden wanted idiots to believe is they don't have coverage! LIE!
  • According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, have pre-existing conditions COVERED.
  • Almost all of these 156,199,800 Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions COVERED
  • Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions"..
  • Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA with Pre-existing conditions! | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!

This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
AGAIN the Obamacare covered ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???

Stop fudging numbers out of personal embarrassment please. Those on Medicare represent only those over age 65. There are tens of millions more Americans than that y'think?

Additionally there are a tens of millions more who have company insurance plans that covered preexisting conditions when they enrolled but that they may need BADLY when they lost their jobs due to Donald's botched COVID response or they have to find a new plan after Obamacare is trashed.

Conservatively, 100 million Americans will have either NO insurance or NO coverage for pre-existing conditions on short order unless Obamacare is retained and improved upon.

If you believe Republicans care about pre-existing conditions or have a plan for same or ANY health care program (repeal/ replace) - I've got a super-cool bridge and some swampland yer gonna LOVE!
NO WHERE NO where are you providing ANY supportive data as I did!
Explain to me how come under Obamacare there were only ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???
that is 1/10th of 1% of the over half of all Americans??? less than 20,000 signed up!!!
More importantly YOU idiots seem to forget 49% of all Americans have employer health insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"! Dummy!
There are 62 million people on MEDICARE who's pre-existing conditions are covered!
FACT dummy where are YOURS!!!
In general, Medicare covers pre-existing conditions. You won’t be denied coverage by Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, the federal health-care program. In fact, in some cases, you may be eligible for Medicare before you turn 65 due to health conditions.
FACT dummy!
According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).
ADD the two together... 222 million have employer health or Medicare which COVERS PRE-EXISTING!!!
So where do you idiots like Obama get that over half of all Americans don't have pre-existing conditions covered???
Finally VA... Dummy! 8.92 million people enrolled in VA health care system
The easiest way to prove you had a pre-existing condition is to show that this condition was noted by the military when you first went into service. The records from your entrance medical exam can include this information.
Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide health and long-term care coverage to more than
70 million low-income children, pregnant women, adults, seniors, and people with disabilities in the United States.
Medicaid State Fact Sheets
FACTS Dummy add another 9 million Vets and 70 million Medicaid... TOTAL....301 million Americans covered by Employer,Medicare/Medicaid and VA or
nearly 92% of ALL Americans are COVERED for Pre-existing conditions! GEEZ why is it so hard to recognize the FACTS?
Obama LIED when he presented the premise that over half of all Americans had pre-existing conditions and couldn't get covered! Which is WHY he said it! Wanted dummies like you to believe it!!!

Obamacare was probably the most destructive legislation to pass in 50 years.
Absolute failure
100 % Democrat failure
Rush is out today but he pre-recordrd a message saying tomorrows show will be the largest virtual Trump rally in radio broadcast history :banana: :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::dance::yes_text12:
Trump goes around the Lame Stream Media.... Its going to be massive... I bet they break records in listener ship...

And nobody who isn't already voting for him will be listening. Its playing into Biden's hands.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Good to see that he has that kind of time. It isn't as if there is some sort of killer virus roaming the country side.

Can you imagine the decontamination measures Limbo will take once the blob oozes out of the chair.

Because he actually is going to fly to Florida to host a radio show that can be hosted anywhere
So dumb
No link yet but coming! Trump will reach 20 to 50 million
20-50M of the already converted. What good will that do? He'll be sitting in the echo chamber under the false impression that all is well. :laughing0301:

RUSH already draws 60 million. Trump will draw millions more. I plan on listening in on AM radio. I haven't heard RUSH in years. This is spreading like wildfire, everyone will be listening. His program will be spread to others, it could top 70-80 million. How many votes did it take to spank Hillary 4 years ago? Somewhere around 63 million?

Anyone who listens to RUSH tomorrow is surely going to vote for him. They will get to hear a real president, a man not part of the big machine, unfettered by the noise and interference of the MSM. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. How many do you think Biden could draw? a few hundred? A few thousand? Does anyone give a flying crap about Joe Biden at all?

The 60 million number was a point that Rush was making regarding people projecting.

He just projected that that number were listening

Pointing out absurdity by being absurd.
Its some of his best stuff.

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