Donald Trump to Host Rush Limbaugh Program Tomorrow

Are they handing out barf bags?
While I understand your queasiness over the ass-kicking Trump will deliver for three uncensored hours, your barfing accessories are still your own responsibility.

You nutjobs seriously believe we're gonna tune in to three hours of Trump bile?
Nuh Uh :rolleyes:

I doubt that anyone would consider you to be open minded enough.

Oh hell Billie, I had my fill of your clown ever since 2007 when he started his Birther schtick. So have every other normal American.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.

The "CONTEXT" is that over half (160 million) Americans have pre-existing conditions.Obama's number!..AND can't get insurance...WHICH IS A LIE!
FACTS... where are yours and FACT is 160 million Americans many of them with "pre-existing conditions HAVE health insurance... the impression that Obama/Biden wanted idiots to believe is they don't have coverage! LIE!
  • According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, have pre-existing conditions COVERED.
  • Almost all of these 156,199,800 Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions COVERED
  • Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions"..
  • Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA with Pre-existing conditions! | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!

This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
AGAIN the Obamacare covered ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?

Obama is correct

The 20 million number is only the number who got Medicaid under Obamacare in the states that expanded it.
Just about everyone over age 50 has some sort of a preexisting condition.
And now, add ten million more by election time will have been diagnosed with the COVIDS.
That in and of itself is a preexisting condition because there are long-range issues with heart, lungs and assorted neurological issues.

The "CONTEXT" is that over half (160 million) Americans have pre-existing conditions.Obama's number!..AND can't get insurance...WHICH IS A LIE!
FACTS... where are yours and FACT is 160 million Americans many of them with "pre-existing conditions HAVE health insurance... the impression that Obama/Biden wanted idiots to believe is they don't have coverage! LIE!
  • According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, have pre-existing conditions COVERED.
  • Almost all of these 156,199,800 Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions COVERED
  • Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions"..
  • Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA with Pre-existing conditions! | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!

This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
AGAIN the Obamacare covered ONLY 19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???

Stop fudging numbers out of personal embarrassment please. Those on Medicare represent only those over age 65. There are tens of millions more Americans than that y'think?

Additionally there are a tens of millions more who have company insurance plans that covered preexisting conditions when they enrolled but that they may need BADLY when they lost their jobs due to Donald's botched COVID response or they have to find a new plan after Obamacare is trashed.

Conservatively, 100 million Americans will have either NO insurance or NO coverage for pre-existing conditions on short order unless Obamacare is retained and improved upon.

If you believe Republicans care about pre-existing conditions or have a plan for same or ANY health care program (repeal/ replace) - I've got a super-cool bridge and some swampland yer gonna LOVE!
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Conservatively, 100 million Americans will have either NO insurance or NO coverage for pre-existing conditions on short order unless Obamacare is retained and improved upon.

Why would O'care need "improved upon" at all? The Democrats in the Senate broke off debate on the program, and refused to consider any Republican improvements. They said it was perfect as it was passed.
Three hours of unfiltered Trump speaking to the nutty wing of the party while hopped up on steroids, isolated and not sleeping?

Oh please yes.
You don’t like it when Trump impersonates Biden?
Here he is on Fox yesterday but he doesn't mention it yet.

Trump kept this secret and that is awesome... Now we get to see how the master does a virtual ralley that talks directly to We The People...

A rally with 50 million in attendance. I bet Rush breaks a new listening record! SUCK ON THAT, Nancy!

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