Donald Trump to Host Rush Limbaugh Program Tomorrow

Maybe Biden can get an Air America Host to let him take over his show! :auiqs.jpg:

Air America went under 10 years ago.

Know why? Because progressives aren't a bunch of angry, old, retired white guys with too much time on their hands.
Study your enemy. Know their abilities. Their strengths and weaknesses. They have not even begun to show their hand yet. Whereas you have shown yours for many years. You are to sloppy. You head for the prize but waste to much time doing because it is not direct. Angering people on your side in the process. Your first lesson is there are millions and millions of deplorables and millions more who can shoot. And Shoot well. They will defend their areas quite well.
Study your enemy. Know their abilities. Their strengths and weaknesses. They have not even begun to show their hand yet. Whereas you have shown yours for many years. You are to sloppy. You head for the prize but waste to much time doing because it is not direct. Angering people on your side in the process. Your first lesson is there are millions and millions of deplorables and millions more who can shoot. And Shoot well. They will defend their areas quite well.

Oh Lord Jesus - This ^ sounds like a threat. You gonna go out and start a race war or civil war when Donald loses?
Charlie Manson and Dylann Roof tried that .. Didn't end well for them or their victims.
Rush is out today but he pre-recordrd a message saying tomorrows show will be the largest virtual Trump rally in radio broadcast history :banana: :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::dance::yes_text12:
Trump goes around the Lame Stream Media.... Its going to be massive... I bet they break records in listener ship...
Some shit stain will jam the air or kill the power.
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?
No link yet but coming! Tru.p will reach 20 to 50 million
Are they handing out barf bags?
Please... you don't have to listen. But I hope you do and I hope and pray YOU call and ask a question of Trump.
Ask him how many Americans signed up for Obamacare's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" and he probably won't know but the FACT is
out of the Obama statement "Over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions" why did only 19,569 people sign up?
Trump would only lie, so why ask?

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