Donald Trump to withdraw from Paris agreement, 'change course' on climate change, says adviser

Matters not
From the unfccc-

The framework set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms.

The US ratified the 1992 UNFCCC convention, including Annexes I and II, on October 15th, 1992. This was the 'Earth Summit' in Rio, not Kyoto.

God are you stupid

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Global Warming is the biggest hoax since the Jack The Ripper Diary hoax.
You are familiar with scientific research on AGW? Please explain why all those scientists from around the world are involved in such a hoax?
Still laboring under the assumption that this money hemorrhage has something to do with the environment?

Still laboring under the assumption that your liars' cult isn't held in open contempt by most of the planet?

We are being strangled while China and India and the Pacific Rim emits with impunity. < that is your "climate change agreement" in Paris.

China signed on to the treaty. So did every other nation.

Damn, you're stupid.

So, how does your 'tard conspiracy theory work that in?

I've never encountered a global warming denier who wasn't a profoundly stupid human being. Without exception, they all seem to have, as a child, consumed lead paint chips by the bucket load. A shame. If environmental laws had been tougher, they could have been spared the dain bramage.
I believe China made some empty promise that they would START complying with the rules in 2020.
In other words, China is laughing their arses off.
Global Warming is the biggest hoax since the Jack The Ripper Diary hoax.
You are familiar with scientific research on AGW? Please explain why all those scientists from around the world are involved in such a hoax?
It's called a paycheck.
Scientists that get a paycheck from different employers are involved with elaborate international hoaxes?
It would be less stupid to say that everyone working under one nation's President (Trump) is involved in a "Make America Great" hoax, because they get a partisan paycheck.
Global Warming is the biggest hoax since the Jack The Ripper Diary hoax.
You are familiar with scientific research on AGW? Please explain why all those scientists from around the world are involved in such a hoax?
It's called a paycheck.
Scientists that get a paycheck from different employers are involved with elaborate international hoaxes?
It would be less stupid to say that everyone working under one nation's President (Trump) is involved in a "Make America Great" hoax, because they get a partisan paycheck.

I know people who work for various Universities that have donors.
Donors have agendas and they're almost always involve controlling people's behavior.
He can't. Not legally. It's part a treaty. The president can't simply nullify a treaty.

Not that he or his followers care about the law.

Neither can a President VALIDATE "a treaty" now can they? Unless the Senate abdicates their responsibilities.
Global Warming is the biggest hoax since the Jack The Ripper Diary hoax.
You are familiar with scientific research on AGW? Please explain why all those scientists from around the world are involved in such a hoax?

"They" are not involved in a hoax. Various agencies like the IPCC, govt agencies around the world controlled by leftist admins, along with a couple dozen activists in labcoats have given cover to what is a SOCIO-POLITICAL program -- not science.

You only get "consensus" on an issue if you ask the RIGHT questions. And the simple ass questions don't count. So the rejection is on the basis of the IMPORTANT parts of GW theory that are NOT settled science. And these are the catastrophic projections based on SPECULATION about accelerations, positive feedbacks, trigger temps that represent points of no return and other such fantasies.
Trump has made the conspiracy cultists bold, and it's now 100% conspiracy nuttery from the deniers. They no longer see the need to pretend they care about the science. This is the Trump post-truth world, and the cultists believe reality is whatever the cult says it is.

Rational people see things otherwise, of course. Which is why it's so difficult to find a conservative/libertarian scientist in any field. Superstition and science just don't mix.

Carl Sagan called it, in 1995. It just happened quicker than he imagined.

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Sagan's baloney detection kit comes in handy here. He says to check if something is falsifiable, and apply Occam's Razor, and see if they depend on logical fallacies. Denialism fails all those tests, while mainstream climate science passes with flying colors.

If any deniers disagree, they should answer the one question they've always run from, which is "What data would falsify the theory of denialism"?
Trump has made the conspiracy cultists bold, and it's now 100% conspiracy nuttery from the deniers. They no longer see the need to pretend they care about the science. This is the Trump post-truth world, and the cultists believe reality is whatever the cult says it is.

Rational people see things otherwise, of course. Which is why it's so difficult to find a conservative/libertarian scientist in any field. Superstition and science just don't mix.

Carl Sagan called it, in 1995. It just happened quicker than he imagined.

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Sagan's baloney detection kit comes in handy here. He says to check if something is falsifiable, and apply Occam's Razor, and see if they depend on logical fallacies. Denialism fails all those tests, while mainstream climate science passes with flying colors.

If any deniers disagree, they should answer the one question they've always run from, which is "What data would falsify the theory of denialism"?

He says to check if something is falsifiable, and apply Occam's Razor, and see if they depend on logical fallacies.

Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.
Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.

That's been done over and over. Climate science passes all tests with flying colors. It's falsifiable in many ways. It is the simplest explanation for the observed data, hence it passes the Occam's Razor test. And it relies on no logical fallacies.


Can't be falsified. Hence, pseudoscience.

Fails the Occam's Razor test, as it posits an insanely complicated globe-spanning secret conspiracy involving millions of people, none of who will spill the beans.

And it relies entirely on logical fallacies.
More winning.......all this guy Trump does is win. And look at the responses from the AGW folks....:disbelief:....ever seen a more pronounced case of denial in your life? Tell me these people aren't bubble dwellers?:gay:

As Ive been saying for years in here........the science isn't mattering. Its as plain as the nose on your face.:coffee:

Had to sign my kid up for high school classes last Saturday. You go around the gym and stop at each subject table.....took an hour. Noticed the whole time I was there, not one person stopped in at the "SCIENCE CLUB" table. Just sayin'...........:popcorn:
Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.

That's been done over and over. Climate science passes all tests with flying colors. It's falsifiable in many ways. It is the simplest explanation for the observed data, hence it passes the Occam's Razor test. And it relies on no logical fallacies.


Can't be falsified. Hence, pseudoscience.

Fails the Occam's Razor test, as it posits an insanely complicated globe-spanning secret conspiracy involving millions of people, none of who will spill the beans.

And it relies entirely on logical fallacies.

Climate science passes all tests with flying colors.

Who said anything about Climate Science?

Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.

It's falsifiable in many ways.

Great. List a couple of ways.
Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.

That's been done over and over. Climate science passes all tests with flying colors. It's falsifiable in many ways. It is the simplest explanation for the observed data, hence it passes the Occam's Razor test. And it relies on no logical fallacies.


Can't be falsified. Hence, pseudoscience.

Fails the Occam's Razor test, as it posits an insanely complicated globe-spanning secret conspiracy involving millions of people, none of who will spill the beans.

And it relies entirely on logical fallacies.

Climate science passes all tests with flying colors.

Who said anything about Climate Science?

Try that on Global Warming...err...Climate Change...err...Climate Disruption.

It's falsifiable in many ways.

Great. List a couple of ways.

Todd......Im a sick fucker. Every day, as Trump continues to nuke the progressives, I cant help but think of this climate change stuff. I think of the heads of people like Crick, Matthew and Meathead being a big old pumpkin on a batting tee and the bat is in full swing and they are still taking bows about how their sentiments are dominating the PR landscape!!:up:
Great. List a couple of ways.

A lack of warming temperatures over the long term.

A lack of sea level rise over the long term.

Cooling stratospheric temperatures.

A lack of increase in backradiation.

A lack of decrease in outgoing longwave in the greenhouse gas bands.

A lack of increase in CO2 levels.

Now, your turn. What observed data could falsify denialism?
Great. List a couple of ways.

A lack of warming temperatures over the long term.

A lack of sea level rise over the long term.

Cooling stratospheric temperatures.

A lack of increase in backradiation.

A lack of decrease in outgoing longwave in the greenhouse gas bands.

A lack of increase in CO2 levels.

Now, your turn. What observed data could falsify denialism?

Those things would falsify Climate Change?
Those things would falsify Climate Disruption?

Can you point to a period in Earth's history when Climate Change did not occur?
How much must we spend on wind and solar to ensure the climate never changes?
How will we know that the climate has stopped changing?
Those things would falsify Climate Change?

No. Tell us what observable data would falsify the denier belief that global warming is a hoax.

Can you point to a period in Earth's history when Climate Change did not occur?

I'm asking you for observable data now that would disprove denialism, not a logical fallacy.

How much must we spend on wind and solar to ensure the climate never changes?

I'm still not seeing something observable that would disprove denialism.

How will we know that the climate has stopped changing?

And still not seeing it.

That's because there is no such thing. In the minds of deniers, denialism is not falsifiable.
Those things would falsify Climate Change?

No. Tell us what observable data would falsify the denier belief that global warming is a hoax.

Can you point to a period in Earth's history when Climate Change did not occur?

I'm asking you for observable data now that would disprove denialism, not a logical fallacy.

How much must we spend on wind and solar to ensure the climate never changes?

I'm still not seeing something observable that would disprove denialism.

How will we know that the climate has stopped changing?

And still not seeing it.

That's because there is no such thing. In the minds of deniers, denialism is not falsifiable.

Those things would falsify Climate Change?


Then why did you claim they would?

not a logical fallacy.

But enough about AGW.

That's because there is no such thing. In the minds of deniers, denialism is not falsifiable

Denialism isn't a theory, AGW is.

You can see why we're suspicious when this is given as the reason we should spend trillions on less reliable, "Green Energy".

When you guys get your story straight and push for more nuclear energy as the solution to too much CO2, get back to me and we can talk.

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