Donald Trump "You Know My Plan For Muslim Ban & Registry"

so much for one of the main things this country was founded on.....

So you'd rather have people here that hate gays, force women to cover up head to toe. and would support someone you love getting raped.
Do you have no clue how most of these people are from 3rd world nations and have no regard for human life.
Do you have no clue their own kids are taught to kill as young as 5, have you no clue these people have grown up around killing.....
we have people here now who hate gays and they aint muslim....and you are saying something about me that i have never advocated.....but then going by some of the shit you have posted around here,it doesnt surprise me....
They don't go around killing them now do they " JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY"
tell that to gays like that guy shepard....and im sure if they could,they would...just read some of the fucking posts in here....
------------------------------------------- what 'shephard' do you refer to Harry ??
some info , speculation is that Shepherd was killed by a couple gay guys for grugs and sex . NO TIME now , gotta go , talk to you later Harry !!
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

It is not fascism, but patriotism.
Fascists are those who want to replace Christian America by a Muslim one.

Another Constitutional conservative who seems to have a problem with the Constitution

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIG DEAL , its simply muslims killing other muslims and not my concern Nia . And this idea of muslims converting to Christianity , well maybe a few can and will and that's ok but who could trust muslim taqiya as a mass conversion or a taqiyah event were to take place . If I had my way , no muslim would ever enter the USA . My argument is that no one has a RIGHT to import themselves into the USA Nia !!

But my point was why would they convert to Christianity. Wouldn't something like atheism be better as it doesn't deal with any religion? And the fact you mentioned Christianity shows your bias.

You're no different than some muslims who think Christians should convert.

Howe about we let people believe in what they want.
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

A constitution that your muslim cult will do away with as soon they have enough power.
Why do,Conservatives read the 2nd amendment as an absolute but the first amendment as a mere suggestion?

the leftist retreads have it backwards. The want a communist nation

Strip the free speech
strip the guns
strip privacy ( all to feel safe and secure
strip our rights............

Uhmm yeah that's ass backwards
And the Right seems to want a Facist nation.

Label people as others.
Round them up without due process.
Ignore the constitution.
Put all faith in a strongman leader and eschew any questioning of him.
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

A constitution that your muslim cult will do away with as soon they have enough power.

The only ones that seem to be interested in doing away with the constitution is white conservatives. They are the ones talking about Muslim bans and registries. Muslim are here in America because they enjoy the freedoms. But it seems like conservatives don't like freedom unless it involves guns and bigotry.
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

A constitution that your muslim cult will do away with as soon they have enough power.

The only ones that seem to be interested in doing away with the constitution is white conservatives. They are the ones talking about Muslim bans and registries. Muslim are here in America because they enjoy the freedoms. But it seems like conservatives don't like freedom unless it involves guns and bigotry.

You're enjoying freedoms that you wouldn't enjoy in any muslim country, that's for sure. Islam, where ever it goes, tolerates no other belief system , and will destroy it's host country whenever it gains enough power. Historical fact. Your cult doesn't have the numbers to rise up and destroy us yet. Look at what's happening in the european countries now. Same thing that happens to all free countries who have allowed their muslim population to grow to any appreciable degree.
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIG DEAL , its simply muslims killing other muslims and not my concern Nia . And this idea of muslims converting to Christianity , well maybe a few can and will and that's ok but who could trust muslim taqiya as a mass conversion or a taqiyah event were to take place . If I had my way , no muslim would ever enter the USA . My argument is that no one has a RIGHT to import themselves into the USA Nia !!

But my point was why would they convert to Christianity. Wouldn't something like atheism be better as it doesn't deal with any religion? And the fact you mentioned Christianity shows your bias.

You're no different than some muslims who think Christians should convert.

Howe about we let people believe in what they want.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- see what the countries that are Christian Protestant majority have achieved Nia . Look at their high standard of living for the most people in those countries Nia . Compare those Protestant majority countries to muslim hell holes Nia .
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

Well said Donald!

Convert to Christianity? Ok, fine you don't like Islam and want Muslims to leave it. But you want them to convert to Christianity? How is this different from Shariah law?

I will never understand how people can paint a billion people with on brush.

Muslims are the biggest casualties of terrorist. These fucking sickos don't care who they kill. They use religion as a shield as man had done since beginning of time.

Yeah good luck closing mosques and banning Quran. Lol. Thank goodness we have something called the constitution in place.

A constitution that your muslim cult will do away with as soon they have enough power.

The only ones that seem to be interested in doing away with the constitution is white conservatives. They are the ones talking about Muslim bans and registries. Muslim are here in America because they enjoy the freedoms. But it seems like conservatives don't like freedom unless it involves guns and bigotry.

---------------------------------------------------- so now you are a Constitutional Scholar eh Nia . Trump as President will possibly find a Constitutional way to exclude muslim if that's what he deems that action necessary . I simply say that there is NO RIGHT for anyone to come to the USA . If the Trump disagrees with that , well he is President but other President have excluded muslims for various reasons . See what 'jimmy carter' did to exclude some muslims Nia .
Bad time for kebabs! Hopefully Trump will close all mosques, prohibit Quran and sometimes demand either to convert to Christianity or leave.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

It is not fascism, but patriotism.
Fascists are those who want to replace Christian America by a Muslim one.

Another Constitutional conservative who seems to have a problem with the Constitution

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
-------------------------------------------- they can exercise all they like if they are here , stop them from coming here . As I keep asking what RIGHT do they or anyone else have to come to the USA BRO ??
There really is no right to kill people as a practice of religion.

Of course there isn't. Not sure if you ever noticed, but most of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims don't happen to feel that is a right.
If they are pious practicing Muslims they do. They may not all want to be killers. They support the right of killers to kill b in the name of their religion.

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