Donald Trumps Points Out Jewish Hypocrisy


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Excellent news. It's about time someone pointed it out. The liberals have no problems with Israel protecting it's borders and enforcing immigration law. In fact if Trump was suggesting the same policies for Israel as he is for the US not a single liberal would criticize him at all.

build a wall to keep out Muslms ... now there's a novel concept !

I bet the Mexicans are real glad another ethnic group is taking the attention off them.

I bet Trump will get the Muslims to pay for it too.
Excellent news. It's about time someone pointed it out. The liberals have no problems with Israel protecting it's borders and enforcing immigration law. In fact if Trump was suggesting the same policies for Israel as he is for the US not a single liberal would criticize him at all.

View attachment 58586

It's the same here in Europa, we need to rebuild Fortress Europa, but of course this is considered "racist".

This is why they don't like us, the same reason they don't like The Donald, because we're telling the truth....a truth which they're not only in 100% denial of, but a truth which they hate.

Excellent news. It's about time someone pointed it out. The liberals have no problems with Israel protecting it's borders and enforcing immigration law. In fact if Trump was suggesting the same policies for Israel as he is for the US not a single liberal would criticize him at all.

View attachment 58586

It's the same here in Europa, we need to rebuild Fortress Europa, but of course this is considered "racist".

This is why they don't like us, the same reason they don't like The Donald, because we're telling the truth....a truth which they're not only in 100% denial of, but a truth which they hate.

View attachment 58588


what race are you trying to keep out?
the definition of the word RACISM has been EXPANDED to include dislike or rejection of any group------even Mafia or Arapaho Indians. It is a work with VERY
NEGATIVE connotation. I fail to see how Trump's statement "POINTS OUT"--
Israel's "hypocrisy"
Excellent news. It's about time someone pointed it out. The liberals have no problems with Israel protecting it's borders and enforcing immigration law. In fact if Trump was suggesting the same policies for Israel as he is for the US not a single liberal would criticize him at all.

View attachment 58586

It's the same here in Europa, we need to rebuild Fortress Europa, but of course this is considered "racist".

This is why they don't like us, the same reason they don't like The Donald, because we're telling the truth....a truth which they're not only in 100% denial of, but a truth which they hate.

View attachment 58588


what race are you trying to keep out?

One, Islam, not a race of course and two, Sub-Saharan African savages, a race.

Europa is Christian and white and it always has been for many, many Centuries. I don't want to harm the Muslims and the African savages, I just want them kept off my beautiful, cultured and sophisticated Continent and the one's that Traitor Merkel and the Traitor EU Commission have allowed to come charging in, I want them deported ALL of them back to where they come from.

Fortress Europa.

Trump is full of horseshit and a Court Jester. His supporters must be so proud!!!!

He must be doing something right, he's not only got the Leftists freaking but he's got the Cuckservatives freaking also.

Viva Trump!
build a wall around Miami and it would be bigger than the wall protecting Israel.

But Stevie and all the coward RW's need a wall to make them feel safer, THEY can pay for it.
Excellent news. It's about time someone pointed it out. The liberals have no problems with Israel protecting it's borders and enforcing immigration law. In fact if Trump was suggesting the same policies for Israel as he is for the US not a single liberal would criticize him at all.

View attachment 58586

It's the same here in Europa, we need to rebuild Fortress Europa, but of course this is considered "racist".

This is why they don't like us, the same reason they don't like The Donald, because we're telling the truth....a truth which they're not only in 100% denial of, but a truth which they hate.

View attachment 58588


what race are you trying to keep out?

One, Islam, not a race of course and two, Sub-Saharan African savages, a race.

Europa is Christian and white and it always has been for many, many Centuries. I don't want to harm the Muslims and the African savages, I just want them kept off my beautiful, cultured and sophisticated Continent and the one's that Traitor Merkel and the Traitor EU Commission have allowed to come charging in, I want them deported ALL of them back to where they come from.

Fortress Europa.

Europe is hardly a fortress of anything but BABARITY-----how about you climb back
into your tree with the rest of the idiots painted blue----or into the mead halls of the
children of thor? ------or into the bunker of your favorite son-----adolf
Israel has strict gun control laws. What does trump think of that ?
The most common sense of security. Regarding immigration. Either way it would do a better benefit for border patrol.

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