Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Indeed it was a horrid week even by Trump standards. And this doesn't even touch on the Barr corruption news or the DHS whistleblower who reveals how the Orange Authoritarian was manipulating intel to downplay the threat from White Supremacist punks and blame everything on AntiFa, demand reports emphasize Chinese and Iranian interference (could NEVER be Russia ;-) and punk the numbers on "thousands" of terrorists coming in through the southern border (there have been a grand total of under two dozen apprehensions from the terrorist watchlist since he took office). Now he's funneling campaign contributions to Junior and Eric? Can't make this shit up, can ya? :icon_rolleyes:

This past week, even by Trump standards, was a political debacle of some proportion. The Atlantic magazine published a story detailing the President’s contempt for those serving in the US military; it was so shocking that other news outlets rushed to investigate – and most of its particulars were confirmed, even at the President’s own favoured outlet, Fox News. Such attitudes must have been dismaying even to the most loyal MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporter of the President.​
And now there is a new book by Bob Woodward, Rage, excerpts of which were released on Thursday. Woodward interviewed the President extensively, on tape. The initial big scoop: Trump confided in Woodward back in February about the coronavirus, displaying specific understanding of how severe the coming outbreak was going to be and how it might be spread in the air – and yet he spent weeks and months in public downplaying its risks to the public and refusing to advise his constituents to wear masks.​
This revelation packs a double whammy: engendering a sneaking suspicion among his base of support that he was killing even them, and nudging those who have not yet decided not to support his re-election into an unhelpful direction.​
There was also one other development much noted by political insiders: A New York Times story delving into how the Trump campaign burned through $800 million in contributions – and has little to show for it. (Among other things, the romantic interests of the elder Trump sons were found to be lavishly compensated on the political payroll.)​
Such revelations are not helpful, to say the least, to a campaign that now has to go back to Republican donors to get across the finish line.​

It was a great week. Trump was everywhere. Even got a second Nobel nom.

Biden was nowhere. Had pudding Thursday night.

Yep, you think he's a terrific leader so it would be no surprise that you consider it a "great week". :laugh:
Pssst - Joe has left his basement.
Double Pssst - Anyone can nominate someone for a Nobel - Have Putin and Erdogan weighed in yet?
It was a great week. Trump was everywhere. Even got a second Nobel nom.

Biden was nowhere. Had pudding Thursday night.

Yep, you think he's a terrific leader so it would be no surprise that you consider it a "great week". :laugh:
Pssst - Joe has left his basement.
Double Pssst - Anyone can nominate someone for a Nobel - Have Putin and Erdogan weighed in yet?

If the best thing you can say about your candidate is he came out of seclusion, maybe you should have picked a better one.

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