Donald Trump’s 'working visit' to UK dropped

Good for May.

Don't let trump stink up England the way he's stinking up the U.S.
Well, after the reign of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown ends, we shall see what President Pence can do, other than lose the Presidential election in 2020.
Naturally you liberals love a foul little nation of American-hating-dehumanizing psychopaths (read the BBCrap or Guardiabomination, or any UK cyberspace feces) who perform so much Islam fellatio, they allow muslims carte blanche to fuck their young daughters. Of course you admire a country that loves Islam more than their own innocent children. Says it all about your abhorrent values, really.
Trump stands up for Americans

so the left must absolutely show their unbridled hatred.

fuck England and fuck you America haters for supporting them.


The Brits have been bred out and there is nothing of any real substance left to the vast majority of them any more as proven by them peacefully giving up their guns.

Brits circa 1880 would have fought the government tooth and nail.

The few that still have a spine are welcome to the USA, IMO.

But who really cares what May does? She is an appointed moron lacky to multinational corporations.
Why won't the Left Wingers condemn Islamic hate and violence? Are the Democrats so sick with hate that they are identifying with it?
Why won't the Left Wingers condemn Islamic hate and violence? Are the Democrats so sick with hate that they are identifying with it?
You want to talk about hate? Lose the hypocrisy. For a true example of over-all right wing hate, read WillMunny's post, #9 in this thread. It exemplifies the boundless ignorance and hate that passes for right wing "thinking" these days.

No thinking, no logic, nothing of value. Just accusing others of the hate, racism, and stupidity, that is so deeply embedded in those on the polical right. That post sums up how unbelievably sick right wing thinking has become. Black is white, up is down, hate is love.
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Good. We need to distance ourselves from England, France and Germany. Under Obama we were one of 4 countries being used to spread UN control and Muslim diaspora. We are countrymen first and now have little in common with the other 3. For now....
Yesterday Teresa May didn't seem at all ready to cancel his visit. Her parliament was getting pretty hysterical, though. Interesting if this is the visit she just assured everyone yesterday is still planned.
Maybe this "working visit" was a pit stop scheduled on another trip somewhere?
I dunno. She doesn't flip flop as much as our President does.
Trump is a usurper, elected by a broken electoral system with a minority of the vote. The window is open for the world to undermine the U.S.

Winning 30 of 50 states popular vote is not a “minority vote”.

The only folks undermining the US are progressives like you.
Trump is a usurper, elected by a broken electoral system with a minority of the vote. The window is open for the world to undermine the U.S.

Winning 30 of 50 states popular vote is not a “minority vote”.

The only folks undermining the US are progressives like you.
He got 3,000,000 less votes. Thus he won with a minority. If you need help with basic math, I’m sure I can google up a site that can help you.
The UK stood to Trump :woohoo:

Donald Trump’s 'working visit' to UK dropped as tensions with Theresa May grow over president's far-Right retweets

US diplomats have dropped plans for Donald Trump to conduct a visit to Britain in January amid a war of words between the two countries’ leaders.

The UK’s leadership is still weak. Kind of like the GOP here, a bunch of cucks too afraid of being labeled “racist”. The UK needs a leader like President Trump, someone who calls it how it is. Sad to see the country of Churchill turned into a nation of sissies, although their people seem to still have some fight in them, as they voted for Brexit over the wishes of their weak leadership.
Trump is a usurper, elected by a broken electoral system with a minority of the vote. The window is open for the world to undermine the U.S.

Winning 30 of 50 states popular vote is not a “minority vote”.

The only folks undermining the US are progressives like you.
He got 3,000,000 less votes. Thus he won with a minority. If you need help with basic math, I’m sure I can google up a site that can help you.

The Royals are no doubt pleased.

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