Donald Trump’s 'working visit' to UK dropped

American diplomats called off President Trump's "working visit" to the UK less than 48 hours after he drew international ire over retweeting the leader of a British far-right group, according to a report.
Trump was scheduled to travel to London in January for the inauguration of a new American embassy. But those plans were dropped Thursday, a senior U.S. diplomat told the Telegraph.
"The idea of a visit has obviously been floated, but not December and not January," the diplomat told the British newspaper. "I would not expect a Trump visit in January."

Trump’s UK visit canceled amid outrage over far-right tweets

No biggie, as I expected. WE cancelled the trip. Teresa May has not rescinded the idea of a visit by Trump and neither has the Royal family rescinded their invitation. The only one to pick it up was the Daily News, which is usually good for the bottom of the bird cage.
Theresa May goes wherever the wind blows. She is a weak politician with no convictions.

Margaret Thatcher she ain't.:rolleyes:
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit

He's not supposed to side with the muzz that are now killing the British people either.
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit

Did you read the post I was responding to which said that Trump was “siding with the British people”? No, of course you didn’t.

And you call me a “nit wit”. Context is everything, asshat.
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit
He sided with "Britain First", a Fascist group.
you mean people that stand against islam, like most normal humans.

look, we get it, you hate trump you hate America and support murderers

but plz, keep it up, you hate got trump into the WH and it will work again.
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit

Did you read the post I was responding to which said that Trump was “siding with the British people”? No, of course you didn’t.

And you call me a “nit wit”. Context is everything, asshat.
she was talking about islamists

good lord
Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit

He's not supposed to side with the muzz that are now killing the British people either.

But he sides with the gun owning terrorists who are killing Americans, showing what a hypocrite he is. As long as the White Christian males are doing the killing, that’s OK.
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Trump let the muzz cat out of the bag and stood with the British people.

No, the British people want nothing to do with Trump. The group that posted these hate videos received less than 1% of the vote in England so Trump isn’t siding with the British people at all.
He's not supposed to side with the british people

fucking nitwit

Did you read the post I was responding to which said that Trump was “siding with the British people”? No, of course you didn’t.

And you call me a “nit wit”. Context is everything, asshat.
she was talking about islamists

good lord

No she wasn’t. She said Trump was standing with the British people. The problem being that the “British people” strongly disagree with Trump and the Britain First group he’s supporting. They don’t vote for them and they sure as hell disagree with the xenophobia and hatred Trump is espousing.

Trumps golf courses in Scotland are losing money hand over first and the British people want him banned from the country.
Trump is a usurper, elected by a broken electoral system with a minority of the vote. The window is open for the world to undermine the U.S.

Winning 30 of 50 states popular vote is not a “minority vote”.

The only folks undermining the US are progressives like you.
He got 3,000,000 less votes. Thus he won with a minority. If you need help with basic math, I’m sure I can google up a site that can help you.

The total population of the states President Trump won are far more than the blue states, hence the EC vote that reflects that. Extra votes and fraudulent votes in corrupt blue states won’t win you extra representation. That’s exactly why the EC was created by the Founding Fathers, who were infinitely more intelligent and wise than you progressive morons. If you need help with basic US election rules, I’m sure I can google up a sixth grade level site that can help you.
Some brits won't tolerate any criticism of muslims. Some outsiders like robert spencer are banned from britain for trying to speak the truth about islam, but they don't ban imans that outright preach their muslim hatred of the west and of non believers of islam. Still, can't make the muslims angry and all that.

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