Donbass Lawmakers green lighting execution of Mercenaries.

Nobody could possibly explain this to you, because you are amoral and delusional and do not understand what everyone else understands:

Russia illegally invaded Ukraine, and Ukraine is defending its territory.
I dont care about your Globalist institutions and what you people in the US think. Ukraine is being demilitarized and will continue to loose more land unless Zelensky negotiates and just returns to the Minsk agreement.
We know how this will end and so does Zelensky. Give up, declare neutrality and get NATO facilites and US bio labs out of our doorstep, or Russia will just take more and more land, killing more Ukrainians in the process.
It's all cool. Just remember that Putin's little green men (Wagner) will be treated precisely the same. That stuff stops being clever when it starts being YOUR people doing the dying.
And Russia will avenge them.
Even then, these republics adhere to the Geneva convention. They are not POWs and thus not entitled to the privilege.

Actually, they are prisoners of war as recognized by the Geneva Convention. And if executed, they are guilty of war crimes.

But if they are independent, then why is it so important what Russia thinks, and why did you say that Russia is going to execute them?

Funny, you got caught showing they are just a puppet state, and you seem to be trying and failing to now say otherwise.
Actually, they are prisoners of war as recognized by the Geneva Convention. And if executed, they are guilty of war crimes.

But if they are independent, then why is it so important what Russia thinks, and why did you say that Russia is going to execute them?

Funny, you got caught showing they are just a puppet state, and you seem to be trying and failing to now say otherwise.
Not from our point of view. These people were nothing but soldiers of fortune trying to help Ukrainian army for their anti Russian agenda. They are not born in Ukraine, never served the military or have ukrainian citizenship.
Nobody could possibly explain this to you, because you are amoral and delusional and do not understand what everyone else understands:

Russia illegally invaded Ukraine, and Ukraine is defending its territory.
Ukrainians illegally overthrew it’s own government in 2014 and has been in a civil war ever since. I know you are amoral and delusional but those are the facts.
It does not matter what "your point of view" is, that is International Law.
International laws have no meaning anymore.
US didnt adhere to them, UK didnt, Turkey didnt, Japan didnt, Pakistan didnt neither will Russia.
That’s the dumbest thing I have heard today. If Ukraine is going to pretend to be a legitimate country, then they need to treat prisoners of war according to international law and not execute them.
My God man, can you fucking read beyond third grade level?

Those being executed are fighting for Ukraine and the executioners will be the Russians!
Nobody could possibly explain this to you, because you are amoral and delusional and do not understand what everyone else understands:

Russia illegally invaded Ukraine, and Ukraine is defending its territory.
The "Geneva Convention", and it's accompanying rules make no distinction, nor differentiation, when it comes to invader, or invadee...
Good try though...
The "Geneva Convention", and it's accompanying rules make no distinction, nor differentiation, when it comes to invader, or invadee

True. But it does state what a "mercenary" is. And one of the main qualifications is that they are significantly paid more than "regular soldiers" in the military of that country, or are enticed by sizeable financial rewards.

Under the Geneva Convention, these are not "mercenaries". No more than the poor deluded individuals who went to Afghanistan or Iraq were "mercenaries". Or those that returned to fight in France during WWII.
My God man, can you fucking read beyond third grade level?

Those being executed are fighting for Ukraine and the executioners will be the Russians!
I’m talking about a different video. One where Ukrainians have captured Russian soldiers and they shoot them and leave them to bleed out and die.
I’m talking about a different video. One where Ukrainians have captured Russian soldiers and they shoot them and leave them to bleed out and die.
Yeah, they have shot their kneecaps and in some videos even scoped out their eyes. The same barbarism that Russians were subjected to under the Nazis.
If Ukraine wont treat Russian POWs with the dignity they deserve, then neither will Russia. The Mercenaries should be lucky they are going to get a quick death.
Yeah, they have shot their kneecaps and in some videos even scoped out their eyes. The same barbarism that Russians were subjected to under the Nazis.
If Ukraine wont treat Russian POWs with the dignity they deserve, then neither will Russia. The Mercenaries should be lucky they are going to get a quick death.
Scoped out their eyes? Try English.

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