DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
sure i would ... the problem you have is you haven't read the law that is being consider by the FBI that she is allege of have violated ... when you as a citizen read it you to will laugh at these right wing nut jobs here ... so go read the god damn law the see how moronic you post are... there post, here from the right, they are nothing more then right wing wishful thinking
If it was the slam dunk case you think it is, the FBI would have ended the investigation long ago. The fact that they have so many people on the case for so long most likely means that there is evidence of lawbreaking and they want to make absolutely sure they have an airtight case before proceeding. You don't have access to all the evidence they do, nor the attorneys they are consulting with, so to pretend that someone is "moronic" because they refuse to totally exonerate Hillary before the investigation is complete is rather sophomoric, don't you think?
actually they ended it a couple of months ago .... then it was brought back in because of these 22 emails that was just discovered ... the right are saying they were classified ... the left are saying when sent they weren't marked as being classified ... this has been the whole debate so far ... I say you can't convict someone of a law violation after the fact ... thats what our constitution says ... the FBI hasn't said anything about these 22 Emails yet ...only the press has ... the press are the only one who are saying she Might have violated the law ... they use the words may have, might have, could have, but so far nobody in the press has said he violated these laws ... thats what I believe you and many others have missed
Last edited:
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
sure i would ... the problem you have is you haven't read the law that is being consider by the FBI that she is allege of have violated ... when you as a citizen read it you to will laugh at these right wing nut jobs here ... so go read the god damn law the see how moronic you post are... there post, here from the right, they are nothing more then right wing wishful thinking
If it was the slam dunk case you think it is, the FBI would have ended the investigation long ago. The fact that they have so many people on the case for so long most likely means that there is evidence of lawbreaking and they want to make absolutely sure they have an airtight case before proceeding. You don't have access to all the evidence they do, nor the attorneys they are consulting with, so to pretend that someone is "moronic" because they refuse to totally exonerate Hillary before the investigation is complete is rather sophomoric, don't you think?
actually they ended it a couple of months ago .... then it was brought back in because of these 22 emails that was just discovered ... the right are saying they were classified ... the left are saying when sent they weren't marked as being classified ... this has been the whole debate so far ... I say you can't convict some of a law violation after the fact ... thats what our constitution says ... the FBI hasn't said anything about these 22 Emails yet ...only the press has ... the press are the only one who are saying she Might have violated the law ... they use the words may have, might have, could have, but so far nobody in the press has said he violated these laws ... thats what I believe you and many others have missed
The investigation does not stop, then start up again because more evidence is discovered. The fact that these emails were discovered means that someone is still digging through the mountain of evidence, which means the investigation is continuing. How do you think these emails were "discovered" if no one was looking for them?

She has TS-level classified information on her server. Even SHE admits that the NON-Disclosure form that she signed clearly stated that the markings on documents she handled DID NOT MATTER because she was to treat every document as if it were classified. (Had she done so she wouldn't be in this mess.) It also said that she was to know the difference between different levels of classification / classified documents. She received the proper training to be able to do so, even though she BROKE THE LAW by NOT signing the document annotating that, as required by the law.

Going back to treating all documents as if well as the LAW that states once Hillary stepped down as Sect of State and left govt employment...she was required BY LAW to turn over EVERY piece of information, every document, and every e-mail - especially those containing classified info. She was not allowed BY LAW to keep any of it, especially classified and ESPECIALLY any TS-level info/documents.

She PERJURED herself by declaring she had turned all of it over and the only thing on her server was HER 'PERSONAL Documents'. ... but the fact that the FBI has found e-mails the State Department says she never turned over AND the fact that they have found over 1,000 pieces of SECRET and TOP SECRET e-mails/info on her server - documents that could NEVER be confused with being 'her personal stuff', Hillary has been proven to have broken the law AGAIN. She broke the law by KEEPING FOR HERSELF official, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information for her own!

Now WHAT was that BS you were saying about no criminal evidence having been posted?

1st Liberals say, 'Didn't happen' and 'Nothing Found'.

Proven WRONG, they move on to 'Not ENOUGH found' - 'can't charge her for not signing a form (despite not doing so being ILLEGAL).

Then they move on to, 'Wasn't her fault - it was her aides and those who sent her stuff'.

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.


She has TS-level classified information on her server. Even SHE admits that the NON-Disclosure form that she signed clearly stated that the markings on documents she handled DID NOT MATTER because she was to treat every document as if it were classified. (Had she done so she wouldn't be in this mess.) It also said that she was to know the difference between different levels of classification / classified documents. She received the proper training to be able to do so, even though she BROKE THE LAW by NOT signing the document annotating that, as required by the law.

Going back to treating all documents as if well as the LAW that states once Hillary stepped down as Sect of State and left govt employment...she was required BY LAW to turn over EVERY piece of information, every document, and every e-mail - especially those containing classified info. She was not allowed BY LAW to keep any of it, especially classified and ESPECIALLY any TS-level info/documents. She PERJURED herself by declaring she had done so, but the fact that the FBI has found e-mails the State Department says she never turned over AND the fact that they have found over 1,000 pieces of SECRET and TOP SECRET e-mails/info on her server - documents that could NEVER be confused with being 'her personal stuff', Hillary has been proven to have broken the law AGAIN. She broke the law by KEEPING FOR HERSELF official, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information for her own!

Now WHAT was that BS you were saying about no criminal evidence having been posted?

1st Liberals say, 'Didn't happen' and 'Nothing Found'.

Proven WRONG, they move on to 'Not ENOUGH found' - 'can't charge her for not signing a form (despite not doing so being ILLEGAL).

Then they move on to, 'Wasn't her fault - it was her aides and those who sent her stuff'.

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.

And it would not stop should there be a trial and conviction. They would still be protesting her innocence every step of the way and long after she did whatever penalty was handed down.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
thereupon she pick this company plate river network was said to be more secure then the government servers ... thats the reason she picked it was it smart not politically because republicans are using it against here implying all the time that its not a secure site ... thats gravy for republicans ... for people who do research look at the law and see she didn't violate any law by doing this will tell you witch hunt ... i would say in this case it wasn't a good choice by going to a private server as for not being smart, can you imagine if any one on the right got ahold of her private emails, it could be a field day for the right ... thats why i said it wasn't a good decision .. as for smart, i would say it was a good decission but not a real smart political one
You say it was a good decision, but that's based on a faulty premise. Platte River Networks was NOT cleared by the DSS to handle classified materials, so your statement that it was "said to be more secure than the government servers" is a non-starter. I've worked in IT for 30 years now, and when someone has access to upgrade and maintain a server, unless someone takes extraordinary steps to specifically block it, they can access the data on that server as well. In my personal experience, I worked for a company that holds a government contract, and I had to get a security clearance because I had access to the data. That was just for healthcare related data, not information on our drone or satellite programs. The admin access plus the company not being cleared to handle classified information tells me that Hillary put classified information at risk, whether through neglect or ignorance. That is NOT a good or smart thing to do. I do applaud you, however, for at least attempting to make the case that it was.
It seems you have missed many of my post hell there a 146 pages I can see where you might have missed that ...I've already said that plate rive networks wasn't cleared by the government i said it many times... thats doesn't mean just because its not approved by the government that its not secure... by people in the know, I.T. people have said it far superior then a government server ... thats what I was saying to you in my last post ... even though it wasn't cleared by the government, the law doesn't say you can't use a private server thats not approved by the government ... thats what you keep missing here ... the law clearly says if your private serve and its not approved by the government and it is hacked, then you will be held accountable ... it hasn't be hacked ... if it hasn't been hacked then she hasn't violated the law ... the rest of what you felt about her putting information at risk ... in a court, the government would have to prove that the server she use was inferior ... the government would have failed at that... how many time have I heard from the right the government can't do anything right ... now when they say your server is from the private sector which they would rather you have, its not good ...why is that ??? why would you say a private sectors companies sever is inferior...
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.
The FBI said no such thing. They are still investigating it.
*snip winger rant*

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.


and yet there wasn't... despite the partisan hacks' multiple hearings.

In the midst of the hearings Hillary's own e-mails are brought out and read, showing how she told a foreign Ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack, that it had been the result of a terrorist attack...

...the same terrorist attack which she and other nations was warned about, warnings that led EVERY OTHER nation to pull their people out of Benghazi in plenty of time to spare their people's lives. Hillary, however, ignored the warnings, kept Stevens in harm's way, denied over 600 please for additional security, still refused to pull him out, took away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound and despite both threats of the coming attack and a call for his assassination in retaliation for a Benghazi-Al Qaeida leader killed months earlier in a drone strike...


Only a rabidly partisan, Hillary ass-kissing Liberal could call all of that 'nothing happened, nothing found'.
You just can't reason with ... or fix .. that amount of stupid.

She has TS-level classified information on her server. Even SHE admits that the NON-Disclosure form that she signed clearly stated that the markings on documents she handled DID NOT MATTER because she was to treat every document as if it were classified. (Had she done so she wouldn't be in this mess.) It also said that she was to know the difference between different levels of classification / classified documents. She received the proper training to be able to do so, even though she BROKE THE LAW by NOT signing the document annotating that, as required by the law.

Going back to treating all documents as if well as the LAW that states once Hillary stepped down as Sect of State and left govt employment...she was required BY LAW to turn over EVERY piece of information, every document, and every e-mail - especially those containing classified info. She was not allowed BY LAW to keep any of it, especially classified and ESPECIALLY any TS-level info/documents. She PERJURED herself by declaring she had done so, but the fact that the FBI has found e-mails the State Department says she never turned over AND the fact that they have found over 1,000 pieces of SECRET and TOP SECRET e-mails/info on her server - documents that could NEVER be confused with being 'her personal stuff', Hillary has been proven to have broken the law AGAIN. She broke the law by KEEPING FOR HERSELF official, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information for her own!

Now WHAT was that BS you were saying about no criminal evidence having been posted?

1st Liberals say, 'Didn't happen' and 'Nothing Found'.

Proven WRONG, they move on to 'Not ENOUGH found' - 'can't charge her for not signing a form (despite not doing so being ILLEGAL).

Then they move on to, 'Wasn't her fault - it was her aides and those who sent her stuff'.

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.

And it would not stop should there be a trial and conviction. They would still be protesting her innocence every step of the way and long after she did whatever penalty was handed down.
your implication here time and time again she is guilty I will say this one more time
Can you acknowledge that if she used the email system for all of her emails instead of her server, that the email system was an UNCLASSIFIED email server as well? A yes or no...

Is the email system a secure CLASSIFIED system OR is it an UNCLASSIFIED email system?

Please answer.
To the best of my knowledge, the .gov email system is not supposed to be used for private communications. We're not talking about private communications, we're talking about official Secretary of State communications.

If she utilized the equipment and software that the government certified to be secure, I would have no complaint about it. Now, I'm not privy to all the training she received as Sec State, but I'm sure that there are protocols to be followed when communicating classified information. If she was told to use the .gov email system for classified transmission, then I would have to believe that it was a classified system. Since I don't work for the government, I cannot tell you the level of security in the .gov email system (of course, if I DID work for the government, I still couldn't tell you).

It comes down to this. If she followed protocol, this would not be an issue. She did not, therefore it is. She should have used the .gov system for Sec State business and something else for private.
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?
Armitage was a rightie?
Yes, he is.
*snip winger rant*

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.


and yet there wasn't... despite the partisan hacks' multiple hearings.

In the midst of the hearings Hillary's own e-mails are brought out and read, showing how she told a foreign Ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack, that it had been the result of a terrorist attack...

...the same terrorist attack which she and other nations was warned about, warnings that led EVERY OTHER nation to pull their people out of Benghazi in plenty of time to spare their people's lives. Hillary, however, ignored the warnings, kept Stevens in harm's way, denied over 600 please for additional security, still refused to pull him out, took away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound and despite both threats of the coming attack and a call for his assassination in retaliation for a Benghazi-Al Qaeida leader killed months earlier in a drone strike...


Only a rabidly partisan, Hillary ass-kissing Liberal could call all of that 'nothing happened, nothing found'.
You just can't reason with ... or fix .. that amount of stupid.
You spread manure better than my John Deere tractor.

She has TS-level classified information on her server. Even SHE admits that the NON-Disclosure form that she signed clearly stated that the markings on documents she handled DID NOT MATTER because she was to treat every document as if it were classified. (Had she done so she wouldn't be in this mess.) It also said that she was to know the difference between different levels of classification / classified documents. She received the proper training to be able to do so, even though she BROKE THE LAW by NOT signing the document annotating that, as required by the law.

Going back to treating all documents as if well as the LAW that states once Hillary stepped down as Sect of State and left govt employment...she was required BY LAW to turn over EVERY piece of information, every document, and every e-mail - especially those containing classified info. She was not allowed BY LAW to keep any of it, especially classified and ESPECIALLY any TS-level info/documents. She PERJURED herself by declaring she had done so, but the fact that the FBI has found e-mails the State Department says she never turned over AND the fact that they have found over 1,000 pieces of SECRET and TOP SECRET e-mails/info on her server - documents that could NEVER be confused with being 'her personal stuff', Hillary has been proven to have broken the law AGAIN. She broke the law by KEEPING FOR HERSELF official, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information for her own!

Now WHAT was that BS you were saying about no criminal evidence having been posted?

1st Liberals say, 'Didn't happen' and 'Nothing Found'.

Proven WRONG, they move on to 'Not ENOUGH found' - 'can't charge her for not signing a form (despite not doing so being ILLEGAL).

Then they move on to, 'Wasn't her fault - it was her aides and those who sent her stuff'.

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.

And it would not stop should there be a trial and conviction. They would still be protesting her innocence every step of the way and long after she did whatever penalty was handed down.
your implication here time and time again she is guilty I will say this one more time
Obviously you can't read.....probably too busy to pull your face out of the crack of Hillary's ass to take time to do so. I am enjoying your frothing at the mouth and extra effort to enlarge the letters and bold them, as if doing so would in any way make your post less stupid...or more correct. :p
*snip winger rant*

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.


and yet there wasn't... despite the partisan hacks' multiple hearings.

In the midst of the hearings Hillary's own e-mails are brought out and read, showing how she told a foreign Ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack, that it had been the result of a terrorist attack...

...the same terrorist attack which she and other nations was warned about, warnings that led EVERY OTHER nation to pull their people out of Benghazi in plenty of time to spare their people's lives. Hillary, however, ignored the warnings, kept Stevens in harm's way, denied over 600 please for additional security, still refused to pull him out, took away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound and despite both threats of the coming attack and a call for his assassination in retaliation for a Benghazi-Al Qaeida leader killed months earlier in a drone strike...


Only a rabidly partisan, Hillary ass-kissing Liberal could call all of that 'nothing happened, nothing found'.
You just can't reason with ... or fix .. that amount of stupid.
when you give an opinion thats not a fact.. when you are told by the CIA what it was, then you go by what the CIA has said and the CIA said it was over a move ... so she went with what the CIA had said ... thats not lying thats what you are being told ... giving her opinion to her daughter is just that an opinion .. you idiot ... and thats how it was taken

She has TS-level classified information on her server. Even SHE admits that the NON-Disclosure form that she signed clearly stated that the markings on documents she handled DID NOT MATTER because she was to treat every document as if it were classified. (Had she done so she wouldn't be in this mess.) It also said that she was to know the difference between different levels of classification / classified documents. She received the proper training to be able to do so, even though she BROKE THE LAW by NOT signing the document annotating that, as required by the law.

Going back to treating all documents as if well as the LAW that states once Hillary stepped down as Sect of State and left govt employment...she was required BY LAW to turn over EVERY piece of information, every document, and every e-mail - especially those containing classified info. She was not allowed BY LAW to keep any of it, especially classified and ESPECIALLY any TS-level info/documents. She PERJURED herself by declaring she had done so, but the fact that the FBI has found e-mails the State Department says she never turned over AND the fact that they have found over 1,000 pieces of SECRET and TOP SECRET e-mails/info on her server - documents that could NEVER be confused with being 'her personal stuff', Hillary has been proven to have broken the law AGAIN. She broke the law by KEEPING FOR HERSELF official, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information for her own!

Now WHAT was that BS you were saying about no criminal evidence having been posted?

1st Liberals say, 'Didn't happen' and 'Nothing Found'.

Proven WRONG, they move on to 'Not ENOUGH found' - 'can't charge her for not signing a form (despite not doing so being ILLEGAL).

Then they move on to, 'Wasn't her fault - it was her aides and those who sent her stuff'.

And now we're back full circle in denial to 'Nothing happened, nothing found'.

And it would not stop should there be a trial and conviction. They would still be protesting her innocence every step of the way and long after she did whatever penalty was handed down.
your implication here time and time again she is guilty I will say this one more time
Obviously you can't read.....probably too busy to pull your face out of the crack of Hillary's ass to take time to do so. I am enjoying your frothing at the mouth and extra effort to enlarge the letters and bold them, as if doing so would in any way make your post less stupid...or more correct. :p
Coming from you the boards moron, doesn't really give any value here... it only points out what a fool you are stop making a fool out of your self

Hillary did not sign a form she was required to by law. The link to this has been posted .. and ignored by Libs such as yourself .. in this thread about a dozen times.
- Other Libs on this board have not disputed this but instead have argued this crime 'isn't worth indicting her for'...of course NO CRIMINAL ACT proven so far is worth it to them.

The statements about her Non-Disclosure were proven, she ADMITTED IT, and, again, the links to all of this have been provided...and again ignored.

It IS ILLEGAL for a private citizen to have classified info, especially TS info, in their possession, and that is exactly what Hillary is - a private citizen. She is no longer in the State Dept. She no longer has a 'need to know'. She no longer has authorization to access State Department files, SECRET Info, and especially TS programs she is no longer 'read into'. THAT IS A FACT! Hillary having personal possession of that info she was supposed to turn in and swore she did turn in is a CRIME!

Dude, grow up. Educate yourself. I am embarrassed for you...

Bernie Sanders Calls Hillary Clinton's Emails 'A Very Serious Issue'

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is still steering clear of directly attacking opponent Hillary Clinton over her email controversy, but said Sunday it's a "serious issue" -- and that his past statement that he was "sick and tired of hearing about [her] damn emails" doesn't mean he thinks she did nothing wrong.

Clinton, a former secretary of state, is under renewed scrutiny for her use of private email during her time at the State Department. The agency announced Friday that it had withheld 22 emails determined to be "top secret" from public release, although at the time they were sent they were not marked as classified.

CNN's Jake Tapper asked Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont, about his memorable "damn emails" remark in an October debate and whether it meant he didn't think Clinton erred in her use of a private email account.

"Nope, nope. That is not, I think, a fair assessment," Sanders replied on CNN's "State of the Union." "That is, I think, a very serious issue. There is a legal process taking place, I do not want to politicize that issue. It is not my style."

He called the controversy "a serious issue" on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday as well, although again he said he wouldn't make personal attacks on Clinton.

"I am not going to attack Hillary Clinton," Sanders told NBC's Chuck Todd. "The American people will have to make that judgment."

That could hurt Mao. This makes him a flip flopper. In the first debate he claimed her treason was no big deal and is now reversing himself.

If the scandal isn't hurting Hill (as some here claim - or at least not with the MOST partisan of hacks), then why would it affect Bernie? He's probably going to come out of this looking MUCH better than the old Hill. That's my opinion on the matter.
Condoleezza Rice Aides, Colin Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Emails

by Ken Dilanian

State Department officials have determined that classified information was sent to the personal email accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, NBC News has learned.

In an interview with NBC News, Powell challenged the conclusion, saying nothing that went to his personal account was secret. Rice did not initially respond to an interview request.
In a letter to Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy dated Feb. 3, State Department Inspector General Steve Linick said that the State Department has determined that 12 emails examined from State's archives contained national security information now classified "Secret" or "Confidential." The letter was read to NBC News.

Two of the messages were sent to Powell's personal account, and 10 were sent to personal accounts of Rice's senior aides, the letter said

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
totally wrong. The laws regarding classified documents are not new. you are a victim of dem propaganda and lies.

HRC broke the law. The FBI will document it. The only question is what will the AG do with it. Is the entire govt scared of the Clintons?

He isn't a victim, he is a perpetrator.

It is a huge mistake to think the democrats here can be swayed with facts. They already know the facts. Seite know's that Hillary broke the law. He doesn't give a fuck about that, he only cares that he can distort or obfuscate. The ONLY thing that matters to the leftists here is the party. You can't reason with them, they will NEVER tell the truth, all you can do is expose their lies. Bear in mind that anything Seite or the other hack sycophants post here, started out on a Soros hate site. These are orchestrated lies and all of the drones will tell the same lies in unison.
If the scandal isn't hurting Hill (as some here claim - or at least not with the MOST partisan of hacks), then why would it affect Bernie? He's probably going to come out of this looking MUCH better than the old Hill. That's my opinion on the matter.

Look at Iowa, this is destroying Hilliary.

The reason this could hurt Mao is that he portrays himself as incorruptible, some one with integrity who gives a straight answer. This shows that it isn't the case.

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