DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I wonder when the assholes who have destroyed the conservative brand will ever figure out that smear tactics and whining don't win Presidential elections.

Sooner or later, you have to stop your retard wishful thinking and put some ideas on the table for the American people to choose from. Because when offered a choice between Plan A and NOTHING, they always go with Plan A.

Hillary's not going to jail, idiots. So you better come up with Plan B. Soon. Because for many years now, you've had NOTHING.
I agree. Personally, I have no faith in either party any more to come up with a bold solution to any of the problems we face. Therefore, my cynicism is content to see the Clinton brand retire from politics.
I'm saying that there were no markings on the particular format/message involved
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
That is most likely true. It definitely pays to be rich, well connected and powerful. All are equal under the law, but some are more equal than others.
LOL. So she never got any? What a tard.
thats correct ... she never received any emails that said classified to her private server ... how hard is that for you to understand
I know what she said but the fact is that she did get classified emails. Lies work for you, not me.
again, nobody is saying she didn't get classified emails ... what we are saying and have been saying to you numb skulls here, is she never sent or received any classified emails on her private server... thats what you keep missing here
Dude, she ONLY used her private email address. How in the name of heck does one get classified emails, but NOT get classified emails on one's private server if the ONLY email address one uses is one's private address?
you need to look up her emails accounts...
Which other ones did she use?
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.

RW's are saying the FBI is saying she broke the law, the FBI isn;t saying squat because there was no law regarding electronic transmissions until Congress ammended the old law AFTER Clinton left office ... the FBI doesn't SAY, they arrest people then say why they arrest people.

get a grip ..

totally wrong. The laws regarding classified documents are not new. you are a victim of dem propaganda and lies.

HRC broke the law. The FBI will document it. The only question is what will the AG do with it. Is the entire govt scared of the Clintons?
btw, it was NOT a secret server, it was planned by gvt workers, which was said all along by Clinton.....

Why right wing media is calling it a Secret Server is just made up crapola, is it not? Didn't over 100 govt officials send and receive Clinton emails at her email address? that was reported, so it was no secret, it was planned.

Also, calling it an UNSECURED SERVER, said by the right wing media rags with nothing supporting such, is LIES and crapola also.

It was a SECURE SERVER, not an UNSECURE SERVER. It just was not secured at the Top Secret level of security, but it was a secure, encrypted, server for her use.....

And lastly, even if Clinton had taken a dot gov email account like you all wanted her to at the State department, the .gov system was an UNCLASSIFIED System, and these supposed top secret email chains would be on that UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....the same situation as on her server.
thats one of their ploys ... they imply her server wasn't secure... I pointed it out several times that Plate river Networks is a secure server ... the only problem was they weren't listed by the government as considered to be accepted server by the government ....never mind the fact that it has a better secure network then what the government offered you, according to the republicans because it was authorised by the government, its a illegal server ... what they forget is what the law said .... at the time, if a country got ahold of that servers information then by law she would be held accountable for using it ... the fact that no country got ahold of any information on her server says she isn't in violation of the law... the law doesn't say you can't use unauthorized server, it only say if information is taken from it then you can be held legally responsible
Melting down? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I'm not the one starting 70-page topics every month or so for the past several years ejaculating over Hillary's imminent demise.

Jake, you would NEVER start a topic that would damage Hillary. Now you'll go after Trump, Cruz, Rubio, or any other Republican, you are a partisan hack. But you will do nothing other than shriek and moan to try and distract from the criminal acts of your party choice.

You are melting down because with all the talking points from KOS that you've spewed, people are still pointing out the fact that the FBI continues to investigate your party boss.

Maybe Obama can issue an EO that all investigation of any democrat is forbidden? We know Lynch won't prosecute, but the FBI still seems to care about the law. Maybe your messiah can shut them down?
Petraeus went down, she's gotta go down. I mean Petraeus was a brave honorable soldier who risked his life for our country. Yet Hussein had no problem lynching him. Hillary Clinton should at the very least be arrested. She can plead her case in court afterward. Period, end of story.
"Indeed, the State Department has confirmed that none of the information that has surfaced on Clinton’s server thus far was classified at the time it was sent or received.

Additionally, the Justice Department indicated that its inquiry is not a criminal one and that Clinton is not the subject of the inquiry.

Here, the inspector general and the Justice Department are following an established protocol when it is determined that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of classified materials — here, by virtue of a potential after-the-fact change in classification. This protocol ensures that any classified information is properly handled going forward."

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
Also, too:

"A handful of emails forwarded to Hillary Clinton's personal server while she was secretary of state contained references to undercover CIA officers — including one who was killed by a suicide attack in Afghanistan, according to U.S. officials who have reviewed them.

But contrary to some published reports, three officials said there was no email on Clinton's server that directly revealed the identity of an undercover intelligence operative. Rather, they said, State Department and other officials attempted to make veiled references to intelligence officers in the emails — references that were deemed classified when the messages were being reviewed years later for public release.

In one case, an official said, an undercover CIA officer was referred to as a State Department official with the word "State," in quotes, as if to suggest the emailer knew the officer was not actually a diplomat. In another case, an email refers to "OGA" for "other government agency," a common reference to the CIA. Yet another now-classified email chain originated with a member of the CIA director's staff, leading some officials to question how Clinton could be blamed.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said no intelligence officer had been identified in the emails, and that misleading details from the emails were being leaked to hurt the candidate."

Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers
Petraeus went down, she's gotta go down. I mean Petraeus was a brave honorable soldier who risked his life for our country. Yet Hussein had no problem lynching him. Hillary Clinton should at the very least be arrested. She can plead her case in court afterward. Period, end of story.
"Indeed, the State Department has confirmed that none of the information that has surfaced on Clinton’s server thus far was classified at the time it was sent or received.

Additionally, the Justice Department indicated that its inquiry is not a criminal one and that Clinton is not the subject of the inquiry.

Here, the inspector general and the Justice Department are following an established protocol when it is determined that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of classified materials — here, by virtue of a potential after-the-fact change in classification. This protocol ensures that any classified information is properly handled going forward."

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Bleepin scam. Just like 'Fast & Furious.' They'll all skate.
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.
You are such a rat-faced liar.
thats correct ... she never received any emails that said classified to her private server ... how hard is that for you to understand
I know what she said but the fact is that she did get classified emails. Lies work for you, not me.
again, nobody is saying she didn't get classified emails ... what we are saying and have been saying to you numb skulls here, is she never sent or received any classified emails on her private server... thats what you keep missing here
Dude, she ONLY used her private email address. How in the name of heck does one get classified emails, but NOT get classified emails on one's private server if the ONLY email address one uses is one's private address?
you need to look up her emails accounts...
Which other ones did she use?
she had her private server and all classified emails are view from government account thats the way it works ..what she didn't do is set up a private email account on a government server ... what republicans are hoping is some of these classified emails went to her private server ... which by law, at the time, doesn't say you have to have a private government email server ... it only say if they are taken by a foreign country in your private server then you can be held accountable ... thats what the law says the fact that no emails so far on her server has the word classified or top secret on it says she's so far fine ... the fact that no foreign hacker her server says she hasn't violated any law...
Petraeus went down, she's gotta go down. I mean Petraeus was a brave honorable soldier who risked his life for our country. Yet Hussein had no problem lynching him. Hillary Clinton should at the very least be arrested. She can plead her case in court afterward. Period, end of story.
"Indeed, the State Department has confirmed that none of the information that has surfaced on Clinton’s server thus far was classified at the time it was sent or received.

Additionally, the Justice Department indicated that its inquiry is not a criminal one and that Clinton is not the subject of the inquiry.

Here, the inspector general and the Justice Department are following an established protocol when it is determined that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of classified materials — here, by virtue of a potential after-the-fact change in classification. This protocol ensures that any classified information is properly handled going forward."

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime

Bleepin scam. Just like 'Fast & Furious.' They'll all skate.
yeah George Bush scared that one HUH !!! after it was his plan
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".

Six days since the OP was absolutely, positively, 100% certain that she was going to jail.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Melting down? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I'm not the one starting 70-page topics every month or so for the past several years ejaculating over Hillary's imminent demise.

Jake, you would NEVER start a topic that would damage Hillary. Now you'll go after Trump, Cruz, Rubio, or any other Republican, you are a partisan hack. But you will do nothing other than shriek and moan to try and distract from the criminal acts of your party choice.

You are melting down because with all the talking points from KOS that you've spewed, people are still pointing out the fact that the FBI continues to investigate your party boss.

Maybe Obama can issue an EO that all investigation of any democrat is forbidden? We know Lynch won't prosecute, but the FBI still seems to care about the law. Maybe your messiah can shut them down?
Poor butt hurt UC. Projecting his meltdowns onto others. :lol:
I'm saying that there were no markings on the particular format/message involved
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.

RW's are saying the FBI is saying she broke the law, the FBI isn;t saying squat because there was no law regarding electronic transmissions until Congress ammended the old law AFTER Clinton left office ... the FBI doesn't SAY, they arrest people then say why they arrest people.

get a grip ..

totally wrong. The laws regarding classified documents are not new. you are a victim of dem propaganda and lies.

HRC broke the law. The FBI will document it. The only question is what will the AG do with it. Is the entire govt scared of the Clintons?
ok if she broke the law, as you say she did, what country hacked her server ???what country compromised her server ??? thats the only way you can be held as doing something illegal in that law ... point out in the law where it stated you can't use a private server ??? can you do the reddeadfish??? no you can't you can't ... you can't point out anywhere where it says you have to be on a government server now can you ... I'll wait
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
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VOTER: If elected, what will you do to fix our crumbling infrastructure?

DEMOPUB: I have a plan called the Plan A Infrastructure Funding Bill. Among other things, I will raise gas taxes to pay for infrastructure.

REPUBLOCRAT: She's a crook! She's going to jail any second! (*holds breath*)

VOTER: I guess I'll go with Plan A since that's the only plan out there. Now what will you do about our health care?

DEMOPUB: I will fix the problems in the ACA. I have a plan called the Plan A ObamaCare Repair Bill.

REPUBLOCRAT: Benghaaaaaaaazeeeeeeeeeeeee!

VOTER: I guess I will go with Plan A since that's the only plan out there. What will you do about skyrocketing higher education costs?

DEMOPUB: I have a plan called the Plan A Free College For All.

REPUBLOCRAT: Commie pinko fag-lover!

VOTER: Ummmm...okaaayyyyy. Looks like Plan A then.
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not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.

RW's are saying the FBI is saying she broke the law, the FBI isn;t saying squat because there was no law regarding electronic transmissions until Congress ammended the old law AFTER Clinton left office ... the FBI doesn't SAY, they arrest people then say why they arrest people.

get a grip ..

totally wrong. The laws regarding classified documents are not new. you are a victim of dem propaganda and lies.

HRC broke the law. The FBI will document it. The only question is what will the AG do with it. Is the entire govt scared of the Clintons?
ok if she broke the law, as you say she did, what country hacked her server ???what country compromised her server ??? thats the only way you can be held as doing something illegal in that law ... point out in the law where it stated you can't use a private server ??? can you do the reddeadfish??? no you can't you can't ... you can't point out anywhere where it says you have to be on a government server now can you ... I'll wait
Is a parent who lets a small child play unattended beside a busy street any less negligent if the child doesn't wander into traffic? Is a rich guy any less stupid for openly carrying a lot of cash in a bad part of town if he doesn't get mugged? I'm still waiting for someone to convince me that what Hillary did was either smart or a good thing. And no, "It wasn't illegal at the time" doesn't cut it.

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