DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
Petraeus went down, she's gotta go down. I mean Petraeus was a brave honorable soldier who risked his life for our country. Yet Hussein had no problem lynching him. Hillary Clinton should at the very least be arrested. She can plead her case in court afterward. Period, end of story.
number one, petraeus gave classified documents to a writer to write a book about him ... thats why he went down ... hillary didn't give one classified document to any body ... and you call that the same thing??? really are you this stupid how can she plead her case in court when she didn't break any law ??? please tell us what law she violated
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
Are you really this stupid??? the law only convicts you if you're giving information to a government ... or if you have a private server and it was hacked then you are held accountable ... if a government server is hack nobody goes to jail, you idiot !!! really are you this stupid???
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.
where ??? show us one article from the FBI web site that is saying she broke the law I don't want no right wing source of yours, I want it strait from the horses mouth ... so you go to the FBI web site and point out to us where they said she broke the law... will wait
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
Are you really this stupid??? the law only convicts you if you're giving information to a government ... or if you have a private server and it was hacked then you are held accountable ... if a government server is hack nobody goes to jail, you idiot !!! really are you this stupid???
What is your fucking problem, man.

First you call me a right wing nut -- as you did a few days ago --

Now you call me stupid because I pointed out the *was* hacked, but not Hillary's server. It was nothing about illegal, or that someone was going to jail for it.

I'm on our side, and you don't even fucking know it.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
sure i would ... the problem you have is you haven't read the law that is being consider by the FBI that she is allege of have violated ... when you as a citizen read it you to will laugh at these right wing nut jobs here ... so go read the god damn law the see how moronic you post are... there post, here from the right, they are nothing more then right wing wishful thinking
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
They looked for evidence it was hacked and found none.

But when evidence it happened at, they made it public.

State Department's unclassified email systems hacked

Had she been using that server, they would have rec'd her emails.

Almost looked like they were safer on her private, secure server.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.
where ??? show us one article from the FBI web site that is saying she broke the law I don't want no right wing source of yours, I want it strait from the horses mouth ... so you go to the FBI web site and point out to us where they said she broke the law... will wait
The first indication you will have from the FBI that they believe she broke the law is when they recommend an indictment. At that point, they believe that she has and that they have enough evidence to convict her. Until then, they're not going to say one way or the other.
yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
They looked for evidence it was hacked and found none.

But when evidence it happened at, they made it public.

State Department's unclassified email systems hacked

Had she been using that server, they would have rec'd her emails.

Almost looked like they were safer on her private, secure server.
If it wasn't hacked, it was from luck, not from design. Still waiting for someone to tell me why this was a smart or a good thing for her to have done.
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yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
sure i would ... the problem you have is you haven't read the law that is being consider by the FBI that she is allege of have violated ... when you as a citizen read it you to will laugh at these right wing nut jobs here ... so go read the god damn law the see how moronic you post are... there post, here from the right, they are nothing more then right wing wishful thinking
If it was the slam dunk case you think it is, the FBI would have ended the investigation long ago. The fact that they have so many people on the case for so long most likely means that there is evidence of lawbreaking and they want to make absolutely sure they have an airtight case before proceeding. You don't have access to all the evidence they do, nor the attorneys they are consulting with, so to pretend that someone is "moronic" because they refuse to totally exonerate Hillary before the investigation is complete is rather sophomoric, don't you think?
yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
Are you really this stupid??? the law only convicts you if you're giving information to a government ... or if you have a private server and it was hacked then you are held accountable ... if a government server is hack nobody goes to jail, you idiot !!! really are you this stupid???
What is your fucking problem, man.

First you call me a right wing nut -- as you did a few days ago --

Now you call me stupid because I pointed out the *was* hacked, but not Hillary's server. It was nothing about illegal, or that someone was going to jail for it.

I'm on our side, and you don't even fucking know it.
i read it as you implying well if the government was hacked so was her's ... thats the way I read in to it ... as you said the government has hacked , to me I thought WTF ...why is this poster trying to say something about a government site and comparing her site to the government that got hacked ... thats why I say are you this stupid ??? it look stupid to me ... if I read you wrong I apologies ... I felt you were implying her's was hacked too
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
They looked for evidence it was hacked and found none.

But when evidence it happened at, they made it public.

State Department's unclassified email systems hacked

Had she been using that server, they would have rec'd her emails.

Almost looked like they were safer on her private, secure server.
If it wasn't hacked, it was from luck, not from design. Still waiting for someone to tell me why this was a smart or a good thing for her to have done.
I've said it numerous times it wasn't a smart or good thing to do.

That doesn't make it illegal.
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
They looked for evidence it was hacked and found none.

But when evidence it happened at, they made it public.

State Department's unclassified email systems hacked

Had she been using that server, they would have rec'd her emails.

Almost looked like they were safer on her private, secure server.
If it wasn't hacked, it was from luck, not from design. Still waiting for someone to tell me why this was a smart or a good thing for her to have done.
I've said it numerous times it wasn't a smart or good thing to do.

That doesn't make it illegal.
I agree, and applaud you for making that statement. My position is that action tells me she should not be given greater responsibility, aka made POTUS. My statement was not focused on anyone specific person.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
They said there was no proof it was hacked.

However -- the email server was hacked by the Russians.
The best hacks are the ones that are not detected. Quite frankly, if I was a foreign power that hacked her server, I would not advertise it, I would use it to my advantage. I mean, picture this:

Hillary: Putin, I demand that you stop threatening our strategic interests in the Middle East.

Putin: Hillary, I'd like you to read this copy of an email that we pulled off your server a few years back, then reconsider your demand.

Hillary: Since you put it that way, I will not oppose you.
They looked for evidence it was hacked and found none.

But when evidence it happened at, they made it public.

State Department's unclassified email systems hacked

Had she been using that server, they would have rec'd her emails.

Almost looked like they were safer on her private, secure server.
If it wasn't hacked, it was from luck, not from design.
Actually you need to go and Look up Plate river network ... heres what you will find ... the companies servers are secure they are far more secure then any government server ... am I saying they can't be hacked, well this is my opinion ... there are two type of servers
1) servers who have been hacked
2) and servers who are going to be hacked
there isn't any such thing as a unhackable server if theres such a word
as of luck well that has to deal with all servers because at some time they will be hacked
as for design all server companies strive on not being hacked ... that tool will pass
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the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
she pick this company plate river network it was said to be more secure then the government servers ... that's the reason she picked it ... was it smart ??? not politically ... because republicans are using it against her implying all the time that its not a secure site ... thats gravy for republicans ... for people who do research look at the law and see she didn't violate any law by doing this ... it will tell you witch hunt ... i would say in this case it wasn't a good choice by going to a private server, as for not being smart, can you imagine if any one on the right got ahold of her private emails, it could be a field day for the right ... that's why i said it wasn't a good decision .. as for smart, i would say it was a good decission but not a real smart political one ...
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John Kerry said he KNOWS his server was hacked...


and his was appropriately secured / encrypted. He sent e-mails to Hillary's private server, which was NOT encrypted.


1. Hillary said she never sent / received any classified info.
- Kerry sent some to her.

2. It is highly believed Kerry's system was hacked...and you can bet when our enemies found out she had a private server they went after it.

The reason why the number of devices Hillary used is important is because every single one had to be set up with the same encryption, as per the law, as her govt-issued Blackberry. Why? From the moment her plane touched down anywhere in the world, during her time as Sect of State, operatives (enemy and allied) were using every technique they could to hack into her devices, using equipment monitoring all the various frequencies to tap into phone conversations, trying to intercept e-mails, etc...

Remember how often in the last year we repeatedly heard about the Russians and Chinese hacking into government computers and how millions of Americans' private info had been stolen? You really think they would AVOID trying to go after the Secretary of State's personal server, that was sitting in the bathroom of a small IT company, a server that was not appropriately / adequately secured, as per the law?


This is one of those times that even the most partisan Liberal has to use a touch of common sense...
I'm just enjoying the story arc here. One minute it's a done deal, she's going to jail, there's no way around it ZOMGZOMGZOMG.

Oh cool;

So you can link to where I posted that, right?

Oh wait, you're just lying. democrat!

Then y'all change your underwear and find some other way to spin it because the most important thing is the Gloat Factor.

Some of you would rather die than admit you don't know what you're talking about. So you just keep moving the goalposts so you can say "See? SEEE? I was right!"

Silly, but amusing.

Powerful democrats are not subject to the law, that is a fact. Shit, Bill Clinton could threaten an old black woman that if she snitched on him, he would make sure she lost her job, would never get another one, and would lose her pension - and get away with it while party fuckwads praised him for it.

In fact, he did exactly that, and you piles of shit did praise him.

Look, you democrats are basically the Khmer Rouge, gangsters running roughshod over a nation, with bribes, intimidation, and graft as your basic operating principles.

You have yet to post any evidence or proof to support what is best an allegation based on Conjecture, Contention, Innuendo and Supposition. No proof.

You believe that contravention of a myriad of security fail safes and firewalls that Classified, Secure/Classified Communications/Material was passed from an otherwise Classified/Secure Serve(s)r of the U.S. Department of State and/or U.S. Intelligence Services was held and/ovatelassed on to an otherwise privately held Non-Secure/Non-Classified Server(s).

You further allege that then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton knowingly and willingly and with intent to the same have held on said private server(s) Classified Material and did with the actions and intent pass on or held said classified communcations/material in willful and direct violation of Federal Law regar ding the handling of classified communications/material.

On one you state that you believe that Hillary Clinton knew she had her private server(s) Classified Material, and on the hand you claim Hillary Clinton to stupid to realize she is holding Classified Material,

You ignore that there is no mechanism by which heretofore classified communcation/material can be transferred a Classifed/Secure U.S. Government Server(s) to privately held sever(s) that are classified or secure.

You believe that Ms. Clinton was to stupid to know she had Classified Communications/Material on her server(s), while at the same time smart enough to hold or pass on said Classified Communications/Material to person or persons unknown.

You want it both ways and can have neither.

You have no proof, You have no evidence to support your allegation.

You have unsupported claims based on second and third hand hearsay.

Thank You For Playing Grasping At Straws.
yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
you a bald face liar and we all know it .... read the god damn law ... not anywhere in that law does it say you can't receive classified documents on an private unauthorized server ... not any where in that law ... it only says if it's been hacked or compromised ... the fact that it was never compromise or hacked say she didn't do anything illegal ...
Do you know for a fact that it was not hacked? If you do, how?
the FBI has stated it wasn't ... wishful thinking on your part tells me you have looked up anything on what the law reads ... you just jump on board with the rest of the right wing nuts case for survival ... after all they only reason this is in the news is republicans are scared to death they will lose control of the house and along with the white house ... thats the only reason this is in the press... cloud the voters thinking is the only way republicans can win
So, IOW, you're going to cling to the "It wasn't illegal" defense. Still not hearing from you that what she did was good or smart, and why. Now, will you change your defense if the FBI recommends an indictment?
thereupon she pick this company plate river network was said to be more secure then the government servers ... thats the reason she picked it was it smart not politically because republicans are using it against here implying all the time that its not a secure site ... thats gravy for republicans ... for people who do research look at the law and see she didn't violate any law by doing this will tell you witch hunt ... i would say in this case it wasn't a good choice by going to a private server as for not being smart, can you imagine if any one on the right got ahold of her private emails, it could be a field day for the right ... thats why i said it wasn't a good decision .. as for smart, i would say it was a good decission but not a real smart political one
You say it was a good decision, but that's based on a faulty premise. Platte River Networks was NOT cleared by the DSS to handle classified materials, so your statement that it was "said to be more secure than the government servers" is a non-starter. I've worked in IT for 30 years now, and when someone has access to upgrade and maintain a server, unless someone takes extraordinary steps to specifically block it, they can access the data on that server as well. In my personal experience, I worked for a company that holds a government contract, and I had to get a security clearance because I had access to the data. That was just for healthcare related data, not information on our drone or satellite programs. The admin access plus the company not being cleared to handle classified information tells me that Hillary put classified information at risk, whether through neglect or ignorance. That is NOT a good or smart thing to do. I do applaud you, however, for at least attempting to make the case that it was.

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