DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

What is not being widely reported in the press are things like drone launch schedules, coverage areas, attack and defense capabilities, etc. You know, stuff that shouldn't be made readily available.

She was the Sec State, for crying out loud. Of COURSE she should be competent enough to realize that some of the stuff she was keeping unsecured was so secret that it can't be published in any form. If she's not competent enough for that, I don't want to give her even more responsibility.
Can you acknowledge that if she used the email system for all of her emails instead of her server, that the email system was an UNCLASSIFIED email server as well? A yes or no...

Is the email system a secure CLASSIFIED system OR is it an UNCLASSIFIED email system?

Please answer.
To the best of my knowledge, the .gov email system is not supposed to be used for private communications. We're not talking about private communications, we're talking about official Secretary of State communications.

If she utilized the equipment and software that the government certified to be secure, I would have no complaint about it. Now, I'm not privy to all the training she received as Sec State, but I'm sure that there are protocols to be followed when communicating classified information. If she was told to use the .gov email system for classified transmission, then I would have to believe that it was a classified system. Since I don't work for the government, I cannot tell you the level of security in the .gov email system (of course, if I DID work for the government, I still couldn't tell you).

It comes down to this. If she followed protocol, this would not be an issue. She did not, therefore it is. She should have used the .gov system for Sec State business and something else for private.
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?
Armitage was a rightie?
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".

no, in this country we do not jail people without a trial. her time may be coming, we are waiting for the FBI to turn its findings over to the justice dept with its recommendations for indictment etc.

be patient, its coming.
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".

no, in this country we do not jail people without a trial. her time may be coming, we are waiting for the FBI to turn its findings over to the justice dept with its recommendations for indictment etc.

be patient, its coming.
So I shouldn't hold my breath, then.
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".
She will never go to jail because she's too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. This IS the Clinton machine we're talking about, after all. What CAN happen, however, is the FBI can recommend an indictment, the OA refuses, and her campaign implodes over the blatant lack of justice.
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".

no, in this country we do not jail people without a trial. her time may be coming, we are waiting for the FBI to turn its findings over to the justice dept with its recommendations for indictment etc.

be patient, its coming.
So I shouldn't hold my breath, then.
Oh, no, please do. It's fun to watch people turn blue and fall over on purpose.
She did not send or receive anything marked classified. The emails were classified after she sent or received them.

Just keep admitting you can't provide evidence that she sent or received material marked classified.
LOL. So she never got any? What a tard.
thats correct ... she never received any emails that said classified to her private server ... how hard is that for you to understand
I know what she said but the fact is that she did get classified emails. Lies work for you, not me.
again, nobody is saying she didn't get classified emails ... what we are saying and have been saying to you numb skulls here, is she never sent or received any classified emails on her private server... thats what you keep missing here
Dude, she ONLY used her private email address. How in the name of heck does one get classified emails, but NOT get classified emails on one's private server if the ONLY email address one uses is one's private address?
you need to look up her emails accounts...
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".

no, in this country we do not jail people without a trial. her time may be coming, we are waiting for the FBI to turn its findings over to the justice dept with its recommendations for indictment etc.

be patient, its coming.
So I shouldn't hold my breath, then.

that is up to you.
your implication here is you're trying to imply, in a sarcastic way, by saying to us are you saying she never received classified emails ... we know she received classified emails ... we've never said she didn't ... what we are saying is her private server never received classified emails marked classified
Why is it relevant what they were marked?

... because the way classified emails are set up... that's what you keep missing ... your whole debate here is based on after the fact .... after she received the emails the government decided to make them classified ... what we are saying is you can't hold some one responsible for something that was doe after the fact
Let's clarify......are you saying that the particular information was not considered to be sensitive and needing protection until recently, or that there were no markings on the particular format/messages involved? The question is NOT "when" the material was classified, but "when should it have been" marked classified?
I'm saying that there were no markings on the particular format/message involved
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".
She will never go to jail because she's too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. This IS the Clinton machine we're talking about, after all. What CAN happen, however, is the FBI can recommend an indictment, the OA refuses, and her campaign implodes over the blatant lack of justice.

sadly you are probably right. some people in this country are above the law.
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".
She will never go to jail because she's too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. This IS the Clinton machine we're talking about, after all. What CAN happen, however, is the FBI can recommend an indictment, the OA refuses, and her campaign implodes over the blatant lack of justice.

Her campaign is already imploding, which is why Jake5000 and the other leftist toadies are melting down.
Why is it relevant what they were marked?

Let's clarify......are you saying that the particular information was not considered to be sensitive and needing protection until recently, or that there were no markings on the particular format/messages involved? The question is NOT "when" the material was classified, but "when should it have been" marked classified?
I'm saying that there were no markings on the particular format/message involved
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...

yes, it was illegal. I had a SAP clearance, I know the law on classified data. She broke the law. If I had done what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.
How Hillary Got Classified Information Onto Her Private Email
Hillary Clinton’s acolytes are racing to dismiss the latest allegations that classified material was cut and pasted into her emails, but this isn’t some mere oversight that can be hand-waved away with a shrug and a sad trombone honk. One doesn’t spill classified material into an unclassified system accidentally or through mere negligence. What these new revelations show—if they are true—is conduct that was conscious, intentional, and felonious as all get-out.

In basic and open-source terms, there is no one big computer system where innocuous, unclassified material shares space with classified material. They are kept on physically separate computer systems: there is the unclassified system, and there are several classified systems. They don’t connect, unless someone chooses to intentionally connect them.

When there is spillage of classified material into unclassified systems, all hell breaks loose. Well, at least it does when it’s not a friend of the administration doing the spilling.

Filching Information from a Secure Facility
Let’s take a look at what it would take to make this happen. Hillary Clinton refused to use a secure system. She wanted to use her own system because she could control it and unlawfully shield it from the prying eyes of the American people and their representatives. Her minions therefore had to deliberately act to circumvent the rules and procedures put in place to prevent people from doing exactly what Clinton wanted done.

First, someone would have to enter a secure facility—usually called a SCIF—to access a classified document on one of the secure systems. These terminals are behind locked doors with access controls and multiple security measures. You have to have the clearance to enter, and you leave your Android, iPad, laptop, and everything else with a chip outside.

These terminals are behind locked doors with access controls and multiple security measures.
Inside, you access the terminal and review the document you are working with. There are myriad warnings that you are viewing classified material. It is no surprise. So, Hillary’s minion would be knowingly examining classified information when he or she decided to break the law and send it to Hillary’s unclassified, private email server.

There are several ways one could move the classified material, each almost too horrific to contemplate to anyone who has worked with sensitive materials. You need to understand that even discussing this gives professionals the shakes. There are a lot of serious things in the national defense world, but nothing is taken more seriously than classified material. People can and do go to jail for screwing up. Well, at least the little people do.

How to Get the Secure Information Out
One way would be to download it to a portable medium, like a thumb drive. Leaving aside that you can’t bring a thumb drive anywhere near a SCIF, the USB ports on the computers are likely deactivated. You would need a technician to somehow work around that, which is in itself horrifying. The easier way would be to print the material out so you could take it somewhere else and either type or scan it into a new file on an unclassified system.

You would need a technician to somehow work around that, which is in itself horrifying.
Of course, printing classified material and taking it out of the SCIF are themselves huge violations even before you get to not only reproducing it but introducing it to an unclassified system. So now the minion has contaminated the unclassified system, but there are still more steps to take and rules to break.

The minion could type text into the email, but that seems unlikely. More likely is that the minion opens the PDF of the classified document, which still retains all the classification markings. The minion then cuts and pastes some or all of the classified material, sans classification header, out of the PDF and into the body of an email, then sends it, unsecure, to Clinton’s unsecure server. This was an unsecure system where, it is important to note, she stored over a thousand documents containing classified material. And those are just the documents she didn’t delete.

Enemy Intelligence Cackles In Glee
In any case, this is not hard to show. You take the text of the suspect emails and compare them to the relevant classified documents, and if they are identical or substantially the same, you have a breach. Let’s be really clear, because Clinton has tried to be anything but: classified material does not somehow become unclassified simply because it is no longer marked due to minions cutting and pasting the text out from between the classification markings. That is not a thing.

Classified material does not somehow become unclassified simply because it is no longer marked.
So, Hillary gets the email, reads it outside of a SCIF, and, unless she is transcendently stupid, sees that it is sensitive material. Now, she did fail the District of Columbia bar examination, so she is no rocket scientist, but it is utterly implausible she did not understand that this material should not ever be on a server that some start-up runs out of a bathroom in Denver.

It’s equally implausible that enemy intelligence agencies also failed to recognize the nature of this material. There’s no reasonable doubt that they pillaged through it in real time.

18 United States Code Section 1924 reads:

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

(b) For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a).

(c) In this section, the term ‘classified information of the United States’ means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

If these new revelations are true, then it appears Hillary Clinton systematically conspired with her minions to transmit classified information from secure systems to her unsecure server. It’s not merely hard to see how she is not guilty of multiple violations of Section 1924. It’s impossible.
Ok, take a deep breath, and clear your brain of any bias.

Then read this article and all the right wing articles you have read, again.

Are there any FACTS in these articles like the one above about the Hillary case in your articles or are THEY ALL JUST partisan SPECULATIONS and bull crud?

this guy in the right wing rag OPINION PIECE above, on his entire article speculates that someone in the State Department, went in to the top secret server, and took top secret information off of it and then put this top secret information on to the .gov email system which is unclassified....this is ALL OP speculating without thought or anything resembling thought or facts.,,,and the story this guy MADE UP, and Briebart also made a similar story, and Newsmax also made a similar story, has nothing at all to do with the FACTS that are known.

One being that ALL OFFICIALS and ALL research done by officials in her case, have SPECIFICALLY STATED that NONE of the emails Hillary Clinton received or sent, had been classified top secret, at the time she received them.... they even double checked dates..... as example when it was said she had top secret information on 2 emails, that was reported by the IG to the intelligence community, and started the FBI investigation on her server which required the FBI to secure her server in govt protection.... The IG turned over these supposed top secret emails, believing that these emails were Top Secret emails, AT THE TIME they were sent and received....especially one of them....everyone was in an uproar about it....

BUT, when they researched the email which they were certain was on their TOP SECRET SYSTEM, they found out that it was NOT made TOP SECRET and put on their TOP SECRET system until days after the email was received by her... They found out, it was NOT taken from their top secret system because it was not even on their top secret system until days or weeks later, they apparently DATE when things go in to their TS system and become TOP SECRET.

So it turned out that the TOP SECRET info that the intelligence community believed was retrieved from their TOP SECRET server, was actually information that was gathered from PUBLIC SOURCES and NOT their TOP SECRET SYSTEM.

Government officials have stated on the record several times now, that the emails received and sent to Hillary that are top secret now, were NOT CLASSIFIED Top Secret at the time she received them....

Got that? Not just that they were not "marked", but they were NOT TOP SECRET at the time she received this info....

So then your right wing rags went in to a frenzy saying that Hillary and others with top secret clearance should have known better and should have classified this info THEMSELVES.....remember all of those articles in the right wing media harping on that...? At least 20 of those articles have been regurgitated on this site with thread after thread on it....


The officials are saying that NONE of her emails were Top Secret at the time she received them...WHAT EXACTLY does that mean?

WHAT this means is that NONE of the emails in the 7 NOW top secret email chains that are NOW being classified as TOP SECRET,

drum role.............

WERE NOT ON THE GOVERNMENT'S TOP SECRET SERVER at the time they were sent and received.

Sooooooo, what does this mean in the big picture?

THIS MEANS................drum roll again..............


COULD HAVE TAKEN AND COPIED THEM OFF OF THE govt's TOP SECRET server when the emails were sent to her...

BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT ON THEIR TOP SECRET SERVER at the time the emails were sent....

THERE was NOTHING to "Steal" from the Top Secret Sever system, as the author of this piece of crap article that makes up this entire story that you all bought in to.

So this ENTIRE ARTICLE is just partisan HYPE and BULL CRAP..... and can not be true in any way.

You do get that now don't you?
LOL, go tell the FBI, Toots. Tell them it's all a vast right wing conspiracy. And I didn't see your spin on how she did get classified intel.
what officially has the FBI said on this, anything?



As far as spin saying how she got top SECRET info since we KNOW what was sent to her was NOT classified top SECRET at the time she received it....My guess is her team gathered it from PUBLIC SOURCES, BUT I truly do not know this....we don't have facts on this yet.

But what we do know, is the govt officially stated, nothing she received was classified or classified top SECRET at the time....

That would confirm your article posted is pure crap and nothing less.
that's what he doesn't want to hear
Last edited:
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


So Jake, even Mao Tse Sanders is turning on your beloved.

Now Loretta Lynch works for the most corrupt administration in United States History. She took the place of open criminal Eric Holder and has continued to use the DOJ to harass and attack people on Obama's enemies list while refusing to pursue real crime. Like Holder, she is Obama's shock collar and has no intention of upholding the law.

So this corrupt pile of shit will never indict an insider of the party. Even so, there is this Comrade;

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment.

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know."

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about."

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.}

Issa: FBI Has No Choice But To Recommend Clinton Indictment

The FBI will refer the indictment,, but the corrupt bag of puss Lynch ain't going to indict a party member.

This is not a nation of laws, this is a nation of the party. The party is above the law.
I'll take that as a "No, she is not in jail yet".
She will never go to jail because she's too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. This IS the Clinton machine we're talking about, after all. What CAN happen, however, is the FBI can recommend an indictment, the OA refuses, and her campaign implodes over the blatant lack of justice.

Her campaign is already imploding, which is why Jake5000 and the other leftist toadies are melting down.

Melting down? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I'm not the one starting 70-page topics every month or so for the past several years ejaculating over Hillary's imminent demise.
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.

RW's are saying the FBI is saying she broke the law, the FBI isn;t saying squat because there was no law regarding electronic transmissions until Congress ammended the old law AFTER Clinton left office ... the FBI doesn't SAY, they arrest people, they say why they arrest people.

get a grip ..
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I wonder when the assholes who have destroyed the conservative brand will ever figure out that smear tactics and whining don't win Presidential elections.

Sooner or later, you have to stop your retard wishful thinking and put some ideas on the table for the American people to choose from. Because when offered a choice between Plan A and NOTHING, they always go with Plan A.

Hillary's not going to jail, idiots. So you better come up with Plan B. Soon. Because for many years now, you've had NOTHING.
The system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the same as her server.

Her emails even if she used the system, would be gone thru for these FOIA requests, and these alleged CLASSIFIED emails would be redacted and held back, even if she only used the email system because is an UNCLASSIFIED system, and classified information AFTER THE FACT would occur there as fact officials have specifically state that it is common to classify things after the fact, after they were initiated, and sometimes years afterwards.
I just heard Rubio on this. He does have top level clearance. They were removing the classified header so they could send it. That doesn't unclassify anything. Her server could have been hacked, we may never know, but she put the nation at risk. Whether by stupidity or sheer arrogance, I do not know.
It's commendable watching righties fight for national security. Where was this patriotism when a rightie outed a CIA agent to the press?

not even close to the same thing, but there was plenty of outrage from conservatives on that.
Yeah, sure there was.


Please tell us why you think Hillary is above the law. I would really like to understand that.
She's not. And if the investigation determines that she broke the law, then I'll condemn her for it. What I don't do... is give any consideration to you right wing nuts who spew nonsense here daily that she broke the law.

the FBI is saying that she broke the law, not me, not the GOP, not conservatives, THE FBI.

The question is whether Obama's AG will indict her once the FBI brings its evidence to her.
I don't think she will because the Party has deemed Hillary their candidate and have no one better than crazy uncle Joe waiting in the wings (Sanders will not get the nomination). The best outcome (and actually fairly likely) is:

1. The FBI recommends indictment in order to maintain integrity.
2. The OA refuses to indict because, well, it has no integrity.
3. The FBI goes public with its evidence to maintain its independence from the administration.
4. Hillary's campaign implodes from the negative publicity because her poll numbers indicate people would rather sleep naked with a rabid weasel than vote for her.
5. The DNC installs Joe as their candidate because Sanders was always just comedy relief.
6. Joe becomes even bigger comedy relief with a gaff 10 minutes after accepting the "draft Joe" movement.
7. Sanders' supporters and ordinary democrats get ticked off at the blatant lack of justice and Party machinations and democrats lose big.

That would be cool.
Why is it relevant what they were marked?

Let's clarify......are you saying that the particular information was not considered to be sensitive and needing protection until recently, or that there were no markings on the particular format/messages involved? The question is NOT "when" the material was classified, but "when should it have been" marked classified?
I'm saying that there were no markings on the particular format/message involved
Which is entirely irrelevant as to whether she committed a crime or not.
I not 100% sure ... if she is receiving a classified document on her private server was consider illegal ... when you read the law it doesn't say you can't ... what I understand it to mean is, if her server is hacked and its not a government protected server then she can be held responsible ... the fact that it was never hacked, I believe, the law that was written at the time, never said its a crime for you to store it there ... it says to me its only a crime if you don't protect that email
It doesn't have to be a crime to be monumentally stupid. She was Sec State, and supposed to know how to identify and properly handle classified information. If she was unable/unwilling to do so, she is incompetent to handle such and should NOT be rewarded with greater responsibility.
the point you are missing was it illegal and according to the laws it was not illegal ...
No, the point you are missing is not the question of legality. That's for someone else to decide. What I CAN decide is whether it was smart or a good thing for her to do this. I have seen no one say it was. Since no one thinks it was either smart or a good thing, why is anyone wanting to give her MORE responsibility?

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