DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Does Hillary's server contain State Department-related e-mails, which by law she had to turn over, that she never gave to the State Department?
- The State Department has already made it clear that classified e-mails found by the FBI were never given to them. That is proof Hillary broke the law.

Once Hillary stepped down as Secretary of State she had to relinguish her access to classified information, be 'read out of' the TS compartmentalized info, have no more access to that info, and turn over (not keep) any of it.
- The FBI has found classified documents, to include TS information in her possession, on her server. That is a CRIME, even if just 'negligence' under the espionage act. Period!

Having classified, especially TS info, in her possession IS A CRIME.

Even Liberals can NOT spin that one away...
-crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!

interesting!! i just got done doing a search, out of curiosity, NBC,CBS had no reference to this TOP STORY, FOX, CNN, CBS had very similar wording of the same as what you posted. :up: VERY INTERESTING!!
I just looked on MSNBC and CNN. Either you can't read or you lie. Although they both have the headline/story nearly buried, both report how Hillary's e-mails have been upgraded to Top Secret.

Personally I am shocked the Liberal mouth-piece media is not reporting or is not making this revelation a bigger story...

Even NPR reports Hillary's e-mails have been upgraded to 'TS'....except, of course, they push the continued diversionary story of how they were not marked that way when they were sent/received(no mention of the cases where she ordered the markings to be stripped from classified documents).

They also point out the important things to focus on in these new how her friends/people kiss her ass after every event performance ("Another running theme in Clinton's emails — glowing praise from aides or friends after a good television interview or other performance") rather than the fact that the TS info in these new e-mails are so classified that they can't be released under any circumstance.
generals and other politicians have went to jail for FAR FAR FAR less. But its a clinton and barry's DOJ will cover for her.
Those indictments had better fly, or else some folks are gonna look silly.

What indictments?

She has been under scrutiny for months ; and yet nothing has became of the whole fiasco. Kind of hard to
pull the rug out from under a Presidential Candidate.

I will bet she was just top of the class of her law school.

Shadow 355
Those indictments had better fly, or else some folks are gonna look silly.

What indictments?

She has been under scrutiny for months ; and yet nothing has became of the whole fiasco. Kind of hard to
pull the rug out from under a Presidential Candidate.

I will bet she was just top of the class of her law school.

Shadow 355
You call it a fiasco? No problem there? Jesus, I hope you don't vote.
I just looked on MSNBC and CNN. Either you can't read or you lie.

are you talking to me..?? LIE? never.., you must be lying because you apparently did NOT read correctly.

NBC,CBS had no reference to this TOP STORY, FOX, CNN, CBS ... DID!!
Those indictments had better fly, or else some folks are gonna look silly.

What indictments?

She has been under scrutiny for months ; and yet nothing has became of the whole fiasco. Kind of hard to
pull the rug out from under a Presidential Candidate.

I will bet she was just top of the class of her law school.

Shadow 355
You obviously don't understand what 'UNDER INVESTIGATION' means...
I doubt it. Looks like a major cover-up is well underway. If she were a Republican, she would have already been arrested. Just look at how they went after Petraeus. It was a vicious lynching. But he was a Republican. In the end, i think Hussein will go the 'Party before Country' route and cover for Clinton. That's how i see it going anyway.

Horseshit. You cry tears of horseshit. It's boring.

Oh come on, if she were a Republican, Hussein would have already arrested her. Look at what he did to Petraeus. He's doing his 'Party before Country' duty. He's covering for one of his own.

Hussein? You mean your president? The guy WHO DOES NOT CONTROL WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DOES OR DOES NOT DO? That guy?

You mother fuckers whine incessantly. Especially you. It's never ending. You make up shit in your fantasy land and whine about it every fucking day. It's boring.

Do you really believe that if she were a Republican, your boy Hussein wouldn't have already acted and had her arrested? Do you really believe that? Because if you do, you are completely duped and lost.

You are simply imagining things. It's really.....REALLY....boring.

Am i? You sure about that?
....but but but didn't the Hillary Bitch tell the Americans people that she never handled classified information on her home server? Something about the only emails were about her daughter's wedding, yoga classes and her mother's funeral?

Say it ain't so Joe! No way could the Hillary bitch have lied to the American. After all isn't the Clinton family the most honest family in America and none of them have ever told a lie?

I hope the bitch spends the rest of her life in jail. Her Perp Walk will be one of the most glorious events in the history of the Republic.
Horseshit. You cry tears of horseshit. It's boring.

Oh come on, if she were a Republican, Hussein would have already arrested her. Look at what he did to Petraeus. He's doing his 'Party before Country' duty. He's covering for one of his own.

Hussein? You mean your president? The guy WHO DOES NOT CONTROL WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DOES OR DOES NOT DO? That guy?

You mother fuckers whine incessantly. Especially you. It's never ending. You make up shit in your fantasy land and whine about it every fucking day. It's boring.

Do you really believe that if she were a Republican, your boy Hussein wouldn't have already acted and had her arrested? Do you really believe that? Because if you do, you are completely duped and lost.

You are simply imagining things. It's really.....REALLY....boring.

Am i? You sure about that?


Let me ask you one question to see if you have any ties to reality.

Has president Obama directed the justice department to vigorously investigate every possible case of wrong doing by republican politicians?
Wildman, I apologize. I misread your post (at 2am :( ). You are correct - NBC & CBS, our 'grandfathers' news source back in the day', has failed to mention it, for whatever reason. I humbly apologize for my mistake.
Wildman, I apologize. I misread your post (at 2am :( ). You are correct - NBC & CBS, our 'grandfathers' news source back in the day', has failed to mention it, for whatever reason. I humbly apologize for my mistake.

Awwwww. How sweet!
Oh come on, if she were a Republican, Hussein would have already arrested her. Look at what he did to Petraeus. He's doing his 'Party before Country' duty. He's covering for one of his own.

Hussein? You mean your president? The guy WHO DOES NOT CONTROL WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DOES OR DOES NOT DO? That guy?

You mother fuckers whine incessantly. Especially you. It's never ending. You make up shit in your fantasy land and whine about it every fucking day. It's boring.

Do you really believe that if she were a Republican, your boy Hussein wouldn't have already acted and had her arrested? Do you really believe that? Because if you do, you are completely duped and lost.

You are simply imagining things. It's really.....REALLY....boring.

Am i? You sure about that?


Let me ask you one question to see if you have any ties to reality.

Has president Obama directed the justice department to vigorously investigate every possible case of wrong doing by republican politicians?

Obama has been too busy directing the DOJ to ignore the constant stream of scandals coming out of his own administration and to ignore the crimes of those like Eric Holder...
Those indictments had better fly, or else some folks are gonna look silly.

What indictments?

She has been under scrutiny for months ; and yet nothing has became of the whole fiasco. Kind of hard to
pull the rug out from under a Presidential Candidate.

I will bet she was just top of the class of her law school.

Shadow 355
You obviously don't understand what 'UNDER INVESTIGATION' means...

Hundreds......if thousands of people have been under investigation and not indicted.

The investigation is a "Witch hunt", and or personally motivated.

Law Enforcement is going in the wrong direction.

The prosecutor(s) do not know what they are doing.

False and fabricated charges - false affidavits and / or witness testimony. Possibly planted or fabricated evidence.

People have been under investigation for months......or years and never arrested, or had their case presented to a Grand Jury ; because there is not enough evidence to forward the charges. Or circumstantial evidence gets them indicted, and the evidence does not hold evidence in court. Even the fully tattooed man, with unkempt hair and painted innocent of the charges against them. The female with a history of daytime burglary, drug use and innocent. The prosecutor needs handcuffed and placed in the basement of a dungeon.

I have been in life too long and in public safety for a great number of years, not to know that some people are simply "railroaded". But someone thinks they can get and indictment / conviction.

Shadow 355

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