Don’t ceiling deal reached in principle

If it's the two-year deal, McCarthy got played.
Obviously no details are known yet but you can bet the partisans on both sides will claim their side won and the other got played. That also is as predictable as both sides waiting to the last minute to reach a deal.
They are just following the script. It is no different than an episode of 24. Everything will get finished up just in time. It is the plan all along. It someday will all be done by AI, instead of the B-actors we now have.
Watch Biden sign this after it gets through the Senate on June 5.
We all know this.
Did anybody think that the Republicans (that we were so glad taking over the House) would do anything other than give into the Democrats and incur more debt?

Whenever the Democrats do their destruction you can bet there will be Republicans that will help them.

We see it time and time again.

All the Republicans had to do was say was "no more debt, stop spending so much money" but they didn't have the courage to do it.

Our country is fucked. We are not going to unfuck it the the ballot box by electing RINOs over the Democrat assholes.
Republicans and Democrats have reached a deal it seems this worked out as it always does despite all the hyperventilating from the partisans on both sides in and out of the media.
Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans — Fox News

"We do not have a deal," McCarthy told reporters. "We are not there yet. We did make progress, we worked well into early this morning. And we're back at it now."

The article said Biden talked to Schumer and Jeffries, meaning they are still scheming to find a way to screw over McCarthy and the GOP (& American people).

They have until June 5th - Biden and Democrats will wait until the last minute, blaming Republicans the whole time, as always.

Biden and Democrats would rather let the nation default before allowing it to look like the GOP forced Biden's hand to take THEIR deal. They have to make it look like they won.

Remember, for the Democrats its all about power and control. 'Good of the nation' is further down the priority pole.
Did anybody think that the Republicans (that we were so glad taking over the House) would do anything other than give into the Democrats and incur more debt?

Whenever the Democrats do their destruction you can bet there will be Republicans that will help them.

We see it time and time again.

All the Republicans had to do was say was "no more debt, stop spending so much money" but they didn't have the courage to do it.

Our country is fucked. We are not going to unfuck it the the ballot box by electing RINOs over the Democrat assholes.

Last I heard the GOP agreed to raising the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts leading to the elimination of $4 trillion in debt over 10 years. Have I missed 'the latest'?
Last I heard the GOP agreed to raising the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts leading to the elimination of $4 trillion in debt over 10 years. Have I missed 'the latest'?
Saying that we will be reducing (if real) potential future spending while raising existing debt is just a scam. Why not reduce existing spending? For instance, stop giving money to Illegals and stop building EV recharging stations? How about cutting back on welfare or do away with the Department of Education, which is worthless?

The reason is because nobody has any intentions of cutting back on anything.

The cost of government goes up each year and the debt grows each year. It will continue in the future.
Why not reduce existing spending? For instance, stop giving money to Illegals and stop building EV recharging stations? How about cutting back on welfare or do away with the Department of Education, which is worthless?

These are Democrat Party MAJOR Agenda issues. You'd have to pry them from their cold dead fingers.
Good to see the GOP brought to heel once more.

Good news for Americans and bad news for Trumpians since there won't be blood flowing in the streets (which is what they all hope for).

This episode of the recurring debt ceiling serial confirms the ultimate goal of America's two party corporate duopoly; rich people always want more:

Manufactured crisis over U.S. debt ceiling sets stage for bipartisan assault on Social Security and Medicare | MR Online

"Behind the mutual recriminations between the two capitalist parties and the stage-managed crisis negotiations, there is a basic agreement: All of the social gains made by the working class in the course of more than a century of struggle must be wiped out to pay for the drive by the American ruling class to remove, by force of arms, Russia and China as obstacles to U.S. hegemony, even if it means triggering a nuclear war.

"The social cuts implemented in an eventual debt limit/budget deal will be only a down payment.

"They will set the stage for an assault on the core entitlement programs—Medicare and Social Security—extracted from the ruling class in the class battles of the 1930s and 1960s."
Republicans and Democrats have reached a deal it seems this worked out as it always does despite all the hyperventilating from the partisans on both sides in and out of the media.
Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans — Fox News

Now comes the fun part: the voting.

Based on what I'm seeing so far in the twitter-verse, this seems like a come-from-behind win for Biden, who was on the verge of choking on his ice cream.

But now we'll see how both the MAGAs and the Bernistas swallow this one. Either faction could fuck this one up, I'd say.
Good to see the GOP brought to heel once more.

Good news for Americans and bad news for Trumpians since there won't be blood flowing in the streets (which is what they all hope for).

If it's the 'deal' I'm seeing, it doesn't do shit about the debt, which will only get worse. Maybe that's what McCarthy and the GOP secretly want. But I doubt they're capable of playing the multi-dimensional long game of chess here.

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