Don't Let Republicans Lie to You About Pre-Existing Conditions

Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Amen! Thank you!
The week before the ACA was voted into law an overwhelming number of Americans called into DC and shut down the phone lines sending the message that they did not want the ACA or anything like it, that they did not want the Democrats to pass this bill.

The Democrats pulled the bill and shut down the vote. They waited an entire week, allowing Americans to think that they had one, and then the Democrat rammed their minority supported socialist piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept, and the Wee hours of the morning.

This was a betrayal of the American people's trust.
The kind of idiot comment that I would expect from you. You are completely delusional.
I should hope so because it's the truth. The ACA replace the previous existing Healthcare System. The government designed and created a product, mandated Health Care coverage for all Americans, and then ordered the American people to buy it with the threat of being punished, find, for not obeying.

You are too dumb to know what the truth is. The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation. People would game the system by not buying insurance when they were healthy. When they got sick, they would buy insurance to pay for their doctors' bill. When they were healthy then they would drop the insurance, leaving all the people who have insurance to pay their bills. The mandate ensured they would pay into the system instead of freeloading.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Obama care is horrible and the only thing the Democrats are taking over is bathroom duty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The week before the ACA was voted into law an overwhelming number of Americans called into DC and shut down the phone lines sending the message that they did not want the ACA or anything like it, that they did not want the Democrats to pass this bill.

The Democrats pulled the bill and shut down the vote. They waited an entire week, allowing Americans to think that they had one, and then the Democrat rammed their minority supported socialist piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept, and the Wee hours of the morning.

This was a betrayal of the American people's trust.

The shoe is on the other foot. Republicans are falling all over themselves trying to say they are for things such as protections for pre-existing conditions.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Free shit is always popular. It's just not sustainable.

Especially when we are footing the bill. Get a job and pay for health care like everyone else but they can’t do that or they will lose welfare benefits

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The week before the ACA was voted into law an overwhelming number of Americans called into DC and shut down the phone lines sending the message that they did not want the ACA or anything like it, that they did not want the Democrats to pass this bill.

The Democrats pulled the bill and shut down the vote. They waited an entire week, allowing Americans to think that they had one, and then the Democrat rammed their minority supported socialist piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept, and the Wee hours of the morning.

This was a betrayal of the American people's trust.

The shoe is on the other foot. Republicans are falling all over themselves trying to say they are for things such as protections for pre-existing conditions.

Yep. Chickenshits every one. It takes real leadership to say "no". To speak the truth, even when it contradicts the "will of the people". We've got none of that.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I'd prefer you stop lying about Republicans, the bill the house passed to replace maobamacare contained protections for preexisting conditions. But hey, no reason to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


You are the one who is lying about Republicans. All the alternatives allowed states to dispense with protections for people with pre-existing conditions. You are the one spoting propagandist talking points.

Stop drinking the liberal Kool Aid

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Obama care is horrible and the only thing the Democrats are taking over is bathroom duty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is why it looks like Republicans are abandoning the House. Trump's travels has mostly been to states in which Republicans have tough Senate races and gubernatorial races. Trump has not been trying to save House seats.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I'd prefer you stop lying about Republicans, the bill the house passed to replace maobamacare contained protections for preexisting conditions. But hey, no reason to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


You are the one who is lying about Republicans. All the alternatives allowed states to dispense with protections for people with pre-existing conditions. You are the one spoting propagandist talking points.

Stop drinking the liberal Kool Aid

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You are the one drinking the Trump Kool-Aid. We know members of the cult of Trump like any cult relies on weak minded people.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Free shit is always popular. It's just not sustainable.

So you say. The fact is that helping people with their premiums are among the most popular and that holds true with Democrats and Independents.

Obamacare hurts millions more then it helps. Plus you idiots want to let more illegals into the country so we have to pay more to cover them but it doesn’t matter to libtards, they just want there votes.

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As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance

Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that we didn't have healthcare in this country until Obama generously bestowed it upon us.

Come to think of it, we did have a robust healthcare system, didn't we?. And Medicare. And Medicaid. If Medicare and Medicaid weren't good enough to care for those people who couldn't afford private healthcare, why didn't Obama fix those, instead of dreaming up a new social program? Wasn't that like re-inventing the wheel, only to find that square wheels don't roll very well?

Very nice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I'd prefer you stop lying about Republicans, the bill the house passed to replace maobamacare contained protections for preexisting conditions. But hey, no reason to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


You are the one who is lying about Republicans. All the alternatives allowed states to dispense with protections for people with pre-existing conditions. You are the one spoting propagandist talking points.

H.R.1121 - Pre-existing Conditions Protection Act of 2017

The kind of idiot comment that I would expect from you. You are completely delusional.
I should hope so because it's the truth. The ACA replace the previous existing Healthcare System. The government designed and created a product, mandated Health Care coverage for all Americans, and then ordered the American people to buy it with the threat of being punished, find, for not obeying.

You are too dumb to know what the truth is. The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation. People would game the system by not buying insurance when they were healthy. When they got sick, they would buy insurance to pay for their doctors' bill. When they were healthy then they would drop the insurance, leaving all the people who have insurance to pay their bills. The mandate ensured they would pay into the system instead of freeloading.

You libtards are all the same. You’ll believe anything they tell you. The only dumbass is you and your dysfunctional followers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The week before the ACA was voted into law an overwhelming number of Americans called into DC and shut down the phone lines sending the message that they did not want the ACA or anything like it, that they did not want the Democrats to pass this bill.

The Democrats pulled the bill and shut down the vote. They waited an entire week, allowing Americans to think that they had one, and then the Democrat rammed their minority supported socialist piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept, and the Wee hours of the morning.

This was a betrayal of the American people's trust.

The shoe is on the other foot. Republicans are falling all over themselves trying to say they are for things such as protections for pre-existing conditions.

You are trying to sell vacuums to Dyson. They don’t need them like we don’t need liberals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The week before the ACA was voted into law an overwhelming number of Americans called into DC and shut down the phone lines sending the message that they did not want the ACA or anything like it, that they did not want the Democrats to pass this bill.

The Democrats pulled the bill and shut down the vote. They waited an entire week, allowing Americans to think that they had one, and then the Democrat rammed their minority supported socialist piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept, and the Wee hours of the morning.

This was a betrayal of the American people's trust.

The shoe is on the other foot. Republicans are falling all over themselves trying to say they are for things such as protections for pre-existing conditions.

Yep. Chickenshits every one. It takes real leadership to say "no". To speak the truth, even when it contradicts the "will of the people". We've got none of that.

Obama had that mastered

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Obama care is horrible and the only thing the Democrats are taking over is bathroom duty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is why it looks like Republicans are abandoning the House. Trump's travels has mostly been to states in which Republicans have tough Senate races and gubernatorial races. Trump has not been trying to save House seats.

Keep telling yourself that. Come Tuesday you liberals will be crying

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Dang, someone sure has a preexisting condition.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Obamacare is now popular. That is why Republicans are trying to fool voters into believing that. Healthcare has been a major issue for Democrats and they are likely to take the House.

Obama care is horrible and the only thing the Democrats are taking over is bathroom duty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is why it looks like Republicans are abandoning the House. Trump's travels has mostly been to states in which Republicans have tough Senate races and gubernatorial races. Trump has not been trying to save House seats.
There are too many House seats for a president to campaign for, but he is mostly doing all 3 at the same time.

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