Don't Let Republicans Lie to You About Pre-Existing Conditions

Demanding that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is, essentially, saying that insurance should be illegal. The entire premise of insurance is that you are protecting against future risk, not scoring free shit. ACA does away with normal health insurance and attempts to replace it with a bizarre hybrid - private corporations running for-profit social safety nets.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

The ACA cannot prevent that either.
Not sure why you think it can.

Demanding that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is, essentially, saying that insurance should be illegal. The entire premise of insurance is that you are protecting against future risk, not scoring free shit. ACA does away with normal health insurance and attempts to replace it with a bizarre hybrid - private corporations running for-profit social safety nets.

It has done nothing but drive up prices and reduce services.

The only people who seem acutely concerned about "pre existing medical conditions" are the fags who engage in risky sexual acts or I.V. drug users. Forcing an insurance company to insure a dead man walking is like getting collision insurance after your car is wrapped around a tree.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA ...

If every single one of them had voted to repeal, it would have been repealed. They failed. The truth is, they like having the federal government in charge of health care. They like raw power every bit as much as their Democrat counter-parts.

As far as PEC goes, it's utterly delusional.

Yeah these dingbats actually think that the PEC dilemma has been fixed.

Fact is it has never even changed.

The only people who seem acutely concerned about "pre existing medical conditions" are the fags who engage in risky sexual acts or I.V. drug users. Forcing an insurance company to insure a dead man walking is like getting collision insurance after your car is wrapped around a tree.

For fuck's sake, crawl back under your rock and stop agreeing with me. I'd really rather you didn't.
Believe Republicans When They Say They’re Coming After Your Health Care - "It’s not just the lies about pre-existing conditions. The GOP still wants to go after Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare."
Whether the conservatives like it or not, this is a big issue with voters. No one is buying their bullshit or excuses. As flawed as it may be, Obamacare is constitutional...except in the minds of trump fans.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away

You can see from the above posts that Republicans support neither the ACA NOR the pre-existing conditions rule and Republicans running for House and Senate CATER to THESE people.

Do NOT believe them
You can see from the above posts that Republicans support neither the ACA NOR the pre-existing conditions rule and Republicans running for House and Senate CATER to THESE people.

No, they don't. No one caters to us. Both parties want to maximize their power above all else.
You can see from the above posts that Republicans support neither the ACA NOR the pre-existing conditions rule and Republicans running for House and Senate CATER to THESE people.

No, they don't. No one caters to us. Both parties want to maximize their power above all else.
THIS guy is lying as well. He knows these Republican candidates are lying. They will NOT protect pre-existing conditions.
You can see from the above posts that Republicans support neither the ACA NOR the pre-existing conditions rule and Republicans running for House and Senate CATER to THESE people.

No, they don't. No one caters to us. Both parties want to maximize their power above all else.
THIS guy is lying as well. He knows these Republican candidates are lying. They will NOT protect pre-existing conditions.


Uh.... I do know Republican candidates are lying. At least we agree on that much.
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Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Hey libtard! Where is your link to this liberal wet dream?
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I have my violin out for you moron. More typical bullshit from liberal assholes like you. McCain was half gone and should have never been aloud to vote. He was a war hero but a brain tumor effects your judgement, memory and interferes with judgement. My mother in law has a brain tumor and she forgets things, says and does crazy things and she isn’t half as bad as McCain was. Get you hanky out because when you get beaten next week you can cry and write stupid shit like this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please don't call people morons when you use the word "aloud" instead of "allowed". It loses its punch!
As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance

If you keep your insurance up to date, pre-existing conditions have NEVER mattered.
All the ACA has done is drive premiums through the roof, what good is a product the very people you plead need it can't afford it? You cannot tax society enough to cover this, its a privilege you have to pay for...
Actually premiums have gone up at a slower pace than before the ACA...but that's not the point

Bullshit. My brothers family plan almost doubled a month so we got hurt to cover the lazy pieces of shit who Welch of the government

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The word is "welsh". You have grape juice on the brain.
Believe Republicans When They Say They’re Coming After Your Health Care - "It’s not just the lies about pre-existing conditions. The GOP still wants to go after Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare."
Whether the conservatives like it or not, this is a big issue with voters. No one is buying their bullshit or excuses. As flawed as it may be, Obamacare is constitutional...except in the minds of trump fans.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away


It may be all that liberals have. The rest of us have coverage.
As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance

If you keep your insurance up to date, pre-existing conditions have NEVER mattered.

And people WITH PECs know that.

You ain't foolin anyone tourettes boy
Believe Republicans When They Say They’re Coming After Your Health Care - "It’s not just the lies about pre-existing conditions. The GOP still wants to go after Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare."
Whether the conservatives like it or not, this is a big issue with voters. No one is buying their bullshit or excuses. As flawed as it may be, Obamacare is constitutional...except in the minds of trump fans.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away


It may be all that liberals have. The rest of us have coverage.
There's a hell of a lot of Republicans with pre-existing conditions who have their healthcare at stake.

Your "I got mine fuck you" attitude doesn't help them very much
As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance

If you keep your insurance up to date, pre-existing conditions have NEVER mattered.

And people WITH PECs know that.

You ain't foolin anyone tourettes boy

Hey, shit for brains libtard! I have Type II diabetes, which is a preexisting condition!

Why are you so fucking stupid? Is it a talent you have developed or were you brain-damaged at birth?
Believe Republicans When They Say They’re Coming After Your Health Care - "It’s not just the lies about pre-existing conditions. The GOP still wants to go after Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare."
Whether the conservatives like it or not, this is a big issue with voters. No one is buying their bullshit or excuses. As flawed as it may be, Obamacare is constitutional...except in the minds of trump fans.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away


It may be all that liberals have. The rest of us have coverage.
There's a hell of a lot of Republicans with pre-existing conditions who have their healthcare at stake.

Your "I got mine fuck you" attitude doesn't help them very much

Once again, you have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about!

Pre-existing conditions are covered by any health insurer as long as you have maintained coverage. I have been through about 20 different health insurance providers since I was diagnosed in 1996 and have NEVER lost coverage, thus they pay for my "pre-existing condition".

Also, earlier in my lifetime, and about the same time I was diagnosed, I was a life and health insurance agent.

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