Don't Let Republicans Lie to You About Pre-Existing Conditions

And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron
And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

Uh, no.

Again, why are you so stupid?

The coverage would be just like it was before the ACA. You know, like I had from 1996 through 2010 before the ACA ever existed!
And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

You’re wrong, he’s right, as long as you maintain coverage you will be covered. Based on your logic no one would be covered, think about it...
And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

Uh, no.

Again, why are you so stupid?

The coverage would be just like it was before the ACA. You know, like I had from 1996 through 2010 before the ACA ever existed!
Before the ACA...there were yearly and lifetime caps on what Insurance would pay.Hit that cap and you got nothing.

Stop lying.
Lying is all Republicans do.

And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

Uh, no.

Again, why are you so stupid?

The coverage would be just like it was before the ACA. You know, like I had from 1996 through 2010 before the ACA ever existed!
Before the ACA...there were yearly and lifetime caps on what Insurance would pay.Hit that cap and you got nothing.

Stop lying.
Before the ACA if you had a pre-existing condition (and who doesn't) insurance companies could raise your premium because of it.

It wasn't just having an insurance gap that caused increases. They could simply raise your insurance because you USED your insurance too much
And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

Uh, no.

Again, why are you so stupid?

The coverage would be just like it was before the ACA. You know, like I had from 1996 through 2010 before the ACA ever existed!
Before the ACA...there were yearly and lifetime caps on what Insurance would pay.Hit that cap and you got nothing.

Stop lying.

I never had any of that bullshit. You are moving the goalposts again. Typical libtard!
And if the ACA gets repealed your insurance can go through the roof stupid.

BECAUSE you have a pre-existing condition they would be able to charge you whatever the fuck they felt like

Fucking moron

Uh, no.

Again, why are you so stupid?

The coverage would be just like it was before the ACA. You know, like I had from 1996 through 2010 before the ACA ever existed!
Before the ACA...there were yearly and lifetime caps on what Insurance would pay.Hit that cap and you got nothing.

Stop lying.
Before the ACA if you had a pre-existing condition (and who doesn't) insurance companies could raise your premium because of it.

It wasn't just having an insurance gap that caused increases. They could simply raise your insurance because you USED your insurance too much

Only if you were stupid enough to buy that kind of policy! I used to sell the stuff and then did employee benefits for AT&T.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Being covered for PreXisting under a crappy O-Care plan will bankrupt the working poor anyways. The high deductibles common under Bronze/Silver plans are MONEY OUT OF THEIR POCKETS. Typical $5K to $10K a year (combos of per individual and per family) before the plans start paying benefits. So -- if you're ALREADY ILL -- you're paying. And THEN -- there's the 80/20 splits after the deductible is met. So you CONTINUE to pay.

The insurance stinks if you are already seriously ill.

Both parties are demagoguing this to death. The MAJORITY of men over 40 have pre-existing conditions because of the way the insurance companies have been allowed to define it. That's about 30 Million men and only slightly less women. You HAVE a PECondition if you take statin drugs or blood pressure meds and can be HEALTHY as all get out -- but the insurance companies "rate you" for it.

So ONE smart move is to DISALLOW theurapetic and preventative treatment protocols from being CALLED PEConditions by the insurance companies. This REDUCES THE # of people affected by PECs more than 80% in the 1st place. A healthy 40 yr old with a high cholesterol count is not ill. And medical science can't even determine the efficacy of using blood cholestorol levels as a PREDICTOR for future complications. (New study just last month casts doubt on it).

Secondly, eligibility for PEC should be determined by showing "continuous coverage" for the past XX months. If you've BEEN covered for the past XX months, you can not be rejected by any other plan. OR -- if you have a gap of longer than YY months --- then you can rated up ONLY FOR the lesser of of YY or XX months on the new plan. Simple and fair. Numbers to be negotiated. The YY number should be something like 6 months. NOBODY should burden a pool by waiting until they are sick to pay premiums. But, that should not be a CONTINUING proposition. It should end after 12, 18, or 24 months of "rated up" premiums. And even the "premium" added for that PEC rating can be controlled.

It's so much horseshit from both parties and no designing of solutions. It's just noise and conflict for political pandering. Until you REJECT 2 party politics and start electing independent voices to Congress, you'll be doomed to this hell of nobody WORKING for you and every politician pandering to your hate of the other.
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It's so much horseshit from both parties and no designing of solutions. It's just noise and conflict for political pandering. Until you REJECT 2 party politics and start electing independent voices to Congress, you'll be doomed to this hell of nobody WORKING for you and every politician pandering to your hate of the other.
Obama declared to a small group[ he was talking to before he was elected President that he wanted to institute SINGLE PAYER.

Once in, despite overwhelming opposition by the majority of Americans, the Democrats rammed their minority-supported socialist agenda into law.
- Harry Reid almost immediately admitted that the ACA was a 'stepping stone to Single Payer' and that it was DESIGNED TO FAIL.

The Democrats could not attempt to blame the GOP fast enough for the ACA, attempting to claim, 'It belongs to the GOP now'. IT STILL BELONGS TO THE DEMOCRATS / OBAMA!
-- It's like the Captain of the Exon Valdez who ran his tanker onto the rocks spilling millions of gallons of crude oil in Alaska, trying to blame the clean-up crew for the disaster.

A select few created Obamacare and then the rest of the Democrats were coerced into getting behind it and voting for it / passing it without ever knowing what was in it. There was no discussion or arguments about what was in it, again, because most never read it.

Republicans, on the other hand, read every idea for an alternative and could not come to a consensus on what to do / which plan to go they just didn't pass any.

The Republicans were also gutless, especially led by the likes of McConnell, who hates to make any decision because he knows he can't please everyone and will be criticized by some....which means he would just rather do nothing.

The Republicans did, however, conduct approximately 100 SHOW VOTES - voting against Obamacare approx. 100 times...when it did not matter. When they actually had the chance to de-fund Obamacare they chose NOT to do so....again, because they had no replacement plan.

The GOP definitely deserve criticism for the inability to lead, to come together to pass THE BEST LEGISLATION THEY COULD. The idea of offending / making anyone mad and being criticized by anyone paralyzed the GOP, but ownership of the ACA - forever to be known as OBAMACARE - is all on the Democrats

Yes, Obamacare is popular now...because it is the only thing we have, since the Democrats destroyed the previously existing system. Of course no one wants to give it up now, especially we haven't got anything to replace it...and because (IMO) secretly Washington Insiders like McConnell want Single Payer. (What the hell does he care - he is one of the Elite and is not dependent on the f*ed up ACA the government imposed on the rest of us).
The OP has the pre-existing condition of not being an American. Just like the horde at our borders.

I am very concerned about that.
Too bad someone could not do something about that nasty 'pre-existing condition' of Obama's - his inability to tell the truth - BEFORE he started pushing Obamacare...then we would not have had to suffer through his bullshit about 'It will pay for itself', 'It won't cost a dime', 'It will lower the cost of health insurance / care', 'If you like your plan / doctor you can keep your plan / doctor'....

It's so much horseshit from both parties and no designing of solutions. It's just noise and conflict for political pandering. Until you REJECT 2 party politics and start electing independent voices to Congress, you'll be doomed to this hell of nobody WORKING for you and every politician pandering to your hate of the other.
Obama declared to a small group[ he was talking to before he was elected President that he wanted to institute SINGLE PAYER.

Once in, despite overwhelming opposition by the majority of Americans, the Democrats rammed their minority-supported socialist agenda into law.
- Harry Reid almost immediately admitted that the ACA was a 'stepping stone to Single Payer' and that it was DESIGNED TO FAIL.

The Democrats could not attempt to blame the GOP fast enough for the ACA, attempting to claim, 'It belongs to the GOP now'. IT STILL BELONGS TO THE DEMOCRATS / OBAMA!
-- It's like the Captain of the Exon Valdez who ran his tanker onto the rocks spilling millions of gallons of crude oil in Alaska, trying to blame the clean-up crew for the disaster.

A select few created Obamacare and then the rest of the Democrats were coerced into getting behind it and voting for it / passing it without ever knowing what was in it. There was no discussion or arguments about what was in it, again, because most never read it.

Republicans, on the other hand, read every idea for an alternative and could not come to a consensus on what to do / which plan to go they just didn't pass any.

The Republicans were also gutless, especially led by the likes of McConnell, who hates to make any decision because he knows he can't please everyone and will be criticized by some....which means he would just rather do nothing.

The Republicans did, however, conduct approximately 100 SHOW VOTES - voting against Obamacare approx. 100 times...when it did not matter. When they actually had the chance to de-fund Obamacare they chose NOT to do so....again, because they had no replacement plan.

The GOP definitely deserve criticism for the inability to lead, to come together to pass THE BEST LEGISLATION THEY COULD. The idea of offending / making anyone mad and being criticized by anyone paralyzed the GOP, but ownership of the ACA - forever to be known as OBAMACARE - is all on the Democrats

Yes, Obamacare is popular now...because it is the only thing we have, since the Democrats destroyed the previously existing system. Of course no one wants to give it up now, especially we haven't got anything to replace it...and because (IMO) secretly Washington Insiders like McConnell want Single Payer. (What the hell does he care - he is one of the Elite and is not dependent on the f*ed up ACA the government imposed on the rest of us).

This tune goes out to all the party partisans growling over PECs and doing nothing INTELLIGENT to fix it..


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