Don't Let Republicans Lie to You About Pre-Existing Conditions

Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Do you want more affordable healthcare or do you want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions? Pick one, because you only get one or the other.
what about Harry Reids "Missing Eye" is that considered a pre-exsisting condition? {i wonder if he ever found it}
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Do you want more affordable healthcare or do you want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions? Pick one, because you only get one or the other.

Get rid of Obamacare and fix any of the issues.

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Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Without free shit, I believe your head would have already exploded, or imploded?

Try getting over the pre-existing condition of always needing free shit.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Without free shit, I believe your head would have already exploded, or imploded?

Try getting over the pre-existing condition of always needing free shit.

I work for my shit and being a retired police officer I have great medical coverage. I’m looking out for other people especially my brothers and sisters you fucking moron. Your stupidity is scary like the rest of you liberal assholes. Get your vibrator out and service yourself. You brain dead idiot

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Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA ...

If every single one of them had voted to repeal, it would have been repealed. They failed. The truth is, they like having the federal government in charge of health care. They like raw power every bit as much as their Democrat counter-parts.

As far as PEC goes, it's utterly delusional.

They never intended to do away with it, everyone of those votes was simply a show for their base.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Do you want more affordable healthcare or do you want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions? Pick one, because you only get one or the other.

It's not that easy......We all pay for the unisured

Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Do you want more affordable healthcare or do you want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions? Pick one, because you only get one or the other.

It's not that easy......We all pay for the unisured


Who said we had to? I don't see anywhere in the Constitution that mandates that obligation.
Read what these folks say.

They don't WANT the healthcare system to work. They are not in favor of the pre-existing conditions rule...and neither are the Republican candidates lying about it
Believe Republicans When They Say They’re Coming After Your Health Care - "It’s not just the lies about pre-existing conditions. The GOP still wants to go after Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare."
Whether the conservatives like it or not, this is a big issue with voters. No one is buying their bullshit or excuses. As flawed as it may be, Obamacare is constitutional...except in the minds of trump fans.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away

Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Passed via threats and bribes over the objection of the American people. Dem's lost the House for 8 years and counting as punishment.
Not only is it's




Don't let them take it away

The reason it is all we have is because Obama and the Democrats destroyed the existing health care system and imposed their minority-supported Socialist Agenda / 'Stepping Stone to Single Payer' down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it then backed it up with economic punishment for failing to comply with their edict.

It was NOT Constitutional.

Before the ink from his Auto-Signature on the bill signing it into law was dry he was already CHANGING THE LAW ON HIS OWN by writing hundreds of exemptions for businesses that informed him that if it included them they would be firing hundreds of thousands of employees.

When the challenge to it went before the USSC it was proven to be Un-Constitutional, and the only reason it survived was because - according to Scalia - was because Chief Justice Roberts did not just rule - he changed the government's argument from the claim that it was a punitive fee for non-compliance to the claim that it was a TAX. At this point the case should have ended because a TAX can only be brought to court once an attempt has been made to collect it, which was not the case. Roberts over-stepped his 'authority' again - again according to Scalia - be declaring they would go ahead and hear the case anyway.

The fact that it is or is not Constitutional is only part of the issue. The fact that it was a deliberate lie / manipulation of the American people, that it was a socialist ploy to destroy the existing health care system thereby FORCING the American people down the path towards single-payer, the fact that it delivered nothing promised (No cost, pay for itself, lower health care cost...), etc was just as important
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA ...

If every single one of them had voted to repeal, it would have been repealed. They failed. The truth is, they like having the federal government in charge of health care. They like raw power every bit as much as their Democrat counter-parts.

As far as PEC goes, it's utterly delusional.

They never intended to do away with it, everyone of those votes was simply a show for their base.

Sad, but true. The want to control it, to be sure. But they don't want to repeal it.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I have my violin out for you moron. More typical bullshit from liberal assholes like you. McCain was half gone and should have never been aloud to vote. He was a war hero but a brain tumor effects your judgement, memory and interferes with judgement. My mother in law has a brain tumor and she forgets things, says and does crazy things and she isn’t half as bad as McCain was. Get you hanky out because when you get beaten next week you can cry and write stupid shit like this.

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Thanks so much for your diagnosis Dr. Fraud, did you learn basic brain anatomy before you dropped out of home schooling?
Obama: "Suddenly Republicans are saying they're gonna protect your pre-existing conditions when they've literally been doing the opposite. "That's some kind of gall. That's some kind of chutzpah. Let's call it what it is: it's a lie."
As a pro life person pre existing conditions must be protected. It's not even debatable.

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