Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden


Poor rambtard. Those are still higher than Trump's at this same point in his presidency.

Or have you forgotten already? Rasmussen's all time low of 36 belongs to Trump.
Oh yeah...your boy Joe is doing a great should never vote are too brainwashed....where should I send the case of butt cream?....
You mean the RWNJ sources you pay attention to?
I mean a source other than the notorious long standing leftist source (WaPo) that filters all it publishes based on their well renowned neo socialist standards.
It’s amazing the mental gymnastics you people go through to defend such a petty, childish, pathetic, moronic, orange sack of garbage.
Stunningly ironic considering how you will defend the senile grifting gaffe machine who is now plumbing historically low depths in terms of public approval and confidence.
People detest that lying, pocket lining fraud. How about you?

But should we really be too hard on someone who is just a flatulent bumbling goof who everyone
understands is merely a Potemkin village (that means a fake front) of a president who just does whatever he's told to do by the many unknown and unelected people who actually run the country (poorly and ineptly) making older people wish for Jimmy Carter again.

The old fool who made an epic mess of our withdrawal from Afghanistan (are American citizens still
trapped there?), our border, the economy, etc,
His vice president hates him apparently, as well as most of the public. What's wrong with you?
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Right, normal and decent, that's Dementia.

View attachment 567923
A better communicator than trump by far. Trump can't even talk policy. Just brags about himself and insults other. Too bad you can't recognize trump's criminal intentions in just about everything he does. January 6th revealed the real trump to just about every one who hasn't been brain washed by him.
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Oh yeah...your boy Joe is doing a great should never vote are too brainwashed....where should I send the case of butt cream?....
Great? No. But we do have 5% GDP under him after 3 quarters. Compared to 4 years of Trump which gave us a paltry 1.3%. And we have gained some 6 million jobs during 9 months of Biden. Compared to 48 months under Trump which produced a loss of 3 million jobs.
A better communicator than trump by far. Trump can't even talk policy. Just brags about himself and insults other. Too bad you can't recognize trump's criminal intentions in just about everything he does. January 6th revealed the real trump to just about every one who hasn't been brain washed by him.

What did I tell you leftists about trying to win an argument using lies? When you do that, you lost the debate. Trump had nothing to do with the 6th.

Trump never did anything with criminal intentions. Biden on the other hand has a list of them from his son drug head to his brothers who he got jobs in industries they had zero experience in and became rich that way. You will find out some of these things when we take the House in 22 and the multiple impeachments begin.
What did I tell you leftists about trying to win an argument using lies? When you do that, you lost the debate. Trump had nothing to do with the 6th.

Trump never did anything with criminal intentions. Biden on the other hand has a list of them from his son drug head to his brothers who he got jobs in industries they had zero experience in and became rich that way. You will find out some of these things when we take the House in 22 and the multiple impeachments begin.
Man have some dignity.

If ya wanna give him hand it in private
I saw many claims. No backing facts to support the claims. Do you not know that your claims
have to be supported? Sad.
Seriously? You don't know what's going on? Have you been in a coma?

GDP: Annualized Growth
2016Q4: 17,812.6
2020Q4: 18,767.8 = 1.3% real GDP growth
2021Q3: 19,465.2 = 5.0% real GDP growth

Jan/2017: 145,612,000
Jan/2021: 142,736,000 = 2,876,000 jobs lost
Oct/2021: 148,319,000 = 5,583,000 jobs gained

S&P500: Annualized Growth
1/20/17-01/19/21: 13.9%
1/20/21-11/24/21: 28.2%

DJIA: Annualized Growth
1/20/17-01/19/21: 12.0%
1/20/21-11/24/21: 21.6%

Nasdaq: Annualized Growth
1/20/17-01/19/21: 24.7%
1/20/21-11/24/21: 26.1%

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