Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

This is going to kill Republicans.

Remember as a presidential candidate in 2016, Donald Trump made bold predictions about the kind of economic growth the United States would see if he were elected. 4-6% growth. It was among the most jarring of Trump's broken promises. Even before the pandemic, GDP growth in Trump's first three years failed to reach 3 percent.

But as it turns out, the U.S. economy was able to reach growth rates unseen in a generation, but it happened under President Joe Biden.

The nation's GDP expanded 5.7% in 2021. The economy ended the year by growing at an unexpectedly brisk 6.9% annual pace from October through December, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

By any fair measure, this is excellent news that exceeded expectations. In fact, a year ago, none of the major forecasters were projecting growth this strong in the United States. Domestic growth even outpaced China's economic growth in 2021 for the first time in decades.

The economic growth is certainly not because of anything Biden did….
The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.

You idiot.... Are you serious that you don't really understand the connection between the Dow's phone numbers and the inflation that spawns them? You should not make any financial posts.
To be fair to Biden he probably doesn't have an awful lot of control over it. But for you to call this Good is to spit in the face of everyone in the lower 85% of the income earning brackets.

GDP at 7%

Unemployment under 4%

Stock Market doing great

Don't believe the right wing bullshit
The only bullshit here is the post above these words.

Unemployment at 4% is a complete and total lie.
It's closer to 20%.

Stock market numbers have absolutely nothing to do with the typical main Street paychecks. In fact they're probably inversely proportional.

Gross domestic product is synthetically inflated by the inflation of the currency which has lost 30% of its buying power in the last 12 months.

Please do not make any more financial posts the next one may actually injure your brain which apparently is already beyond recuperation.
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The OP is a Liar
The first post in this thread is a lie
The title is a lie

5.7% GDP and 6.2 million jobs is not a great economy??
No dummy, compared to precovid. Then there's Biden/Dem's policies have poured cold water on the economy. By all means you lying rat bastards on the left please tell us specifically what Biden/Dem's policies have done FOR the nothing? Yeah we know. There I bitch slapped you punk!
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Why make such a childish, desperate post. Face it, you can not defend the indefensible. As you know, you are among the few remaining egotists still supporting the trainwreck in the Oval Office.


No, you live in an alternate reality. We are not going to go with your narrative just because. Because it's not true. The economy is great. You can always find things to bitch about even when Trump is in office. If he were president, you'd say we are living in a new gilded age

The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, and industrialization demanded an ever-increasing unskilled labor force, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. The rapid expansion of industrialization led to real wage growth of 60% between 1860 and 1890, and spread across the ever-increasing labor force. The average annual wage per industrial worker (including men, women, and children) rose from $380 in 1880, to $564 in 1890, a gain of 48%.[1] Conversely, the Gilded Age was also an era of abject poverty and inequality, as millions of immigrants—many from impoverished regions—poured into the United States, and the high concentration of wealth became more visible and contentious.
The economic growth is certainly not because of anything Biden did….
Bullshit. You know his stimulus pumped money into the economy at just the right time. Consumer confidence was great in the 4th quarter last year. Fantastic. Even while you bitched, you went shopping. MAGA.

Cons so badly want to cry about the debt but they know they can't because it just exposes them as the hypocrites they are.
That's still down from the 45% Trump handed Biden.
Ha! Are they back to not believing the unemployment numbers? That's the same shit they pulled on Obama. Didn't believe the numbers. But when Obama left office, the second it went from 4% to 3.999%, suddenly the number was real and Trump was the greatest ever at it. Suddenly blacks had never had it better than on Trump's watch. Now it's not real again. LOL.

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