Don't like Big government? - more nations=more government - time for New World Govmnt


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Don't like Big government? then put your hypocrisy aside and become a part of the new world government - no billionaires allowed and they will never be able to manipulate it, they can only pay and fund distractors. Do not wait for Jesus Christ to return and bring it to you on a silver platter, ONLY YOU can create new world government, with me.

With one world government, military size can be reduced, which will mean less young men on government welfare,
With one world government, no more hypocrite career politicians to save us from the boogie men they create so they can travel around the world at the expense of tax payers
New world government means YOU will have MUCH MORE POWER over everything going on in government WITHOUT GETTING PAID for it, but you have a regular job so you do not NEED to get paid for it, you will be able to vote on new laws from your home, because YOU my friend are absolutely no worse than any senator, any congressmen any president of any country, and that is not just empty flattery, but that is HONEST TO GOD TRUTH that I speak from the bottom of my heart.
WE DON'T NEED secession of states, secession of counties, secession of communities, secession of families, secession of religions to worship god under a different names, we do not need political industry, and yet political industry is ALL OVER THE PLACE, they sneak into every corner, every thread, every organization that has more than one member, but New World Government will wipe out political industry from the face of the earth, leaving them no place on earth to regroup
What need would there be for all the BS organizations within the US government, if there were no nations to begin with? THINK
No. The problem with a one-world government is that Chinese people don't hold all of the same values as Japanese, Brazilian, and certainly not Americans.



is what is needed most of all in the 21st century. We the People need decentralization of wealth and power, not more consolidation of wealth and power. Everything has been inching upward to the oligarchy since the end of WWII and it is becoming unbelievable. 85 people have as much money as the poorest half of the world's population. THAT is who will be running the "one-world government", not you or I.

We need to break up the global financial structure, the global energy market, the global arms race. We need to make countries independent and prosperous. We need the Middle East to become irrelevant to the rest of the world. None of that will happen under a one-world government. Under a one-world government, the oil will be bled from the ground and the sea, the rivers and oceans will be polluted, and the majority of the profits from all of it will continue to go to wealthy industrialists just as it does now.
No. 1. The problem with a one-world government is that Chinese people don't hold all of the same values as Japanese, Brazilian, and certainly not Americans.



is what is needed most of all in the 21st century. We the People need decentralization of wealth and power, not more consolidation of wealth and power. Everything has been inching upward to the oligarchy since the end of WWII and it is becoming unbelievable. 85 people have as much money as the poorest half of the world's population. THAT is who will be running the "one-world government", not you or I.

2. We need to break up the global financial structure, the global energy market, the global arms race. 3. We need to make countries independent and prosperous. We need the Middle East to become irrelevant to the rest of the world. 4. None of that will happen under a one-world government. 5. Under a one-world government, the oil will be bled from the ground and the sea, the rivers and oceans will be polluted, and the majority of the profits from all of it will continue to go to wealthy industrialists just as it does now.
1. Maybe if you can describe what exactly American values are? Jerry Springer bunch? Obama voters? tea party bunch? white leg waving Christian American women on fox which is owned by Saudi prince Al Waleed Bin Talal?
2. Global arms race, exactly! energy should be produced locally, so I guess also a big yes. global financial structure I am not sure what you mean, but globally planned out highway system and trading that benefits all people equally in my view is a good thing and is the complete opposite of what we have now, so I think we are also in agreement, just misunderstanding each other.
3. That is the problem with independence, when small and broken up, these countries have NO POWER to defend themselves against international criminals - look at Ukraine, Syria, any nation. I agree about Middle east, we should not need their oil AND politicians all talk nice about it, but what have they DONE towards it? NOTHING! they just sing us a song. YOU need to tell ME HOW you will achieve those things you just mentioned, and if you CAN NOT, THEN you should continue listening to me and asking me questions!!!
4. WRONG! Only UNITED new world government can defeat a global criminal industry, which is the welfare class of billionaires. NOT divided nations, where people's pride in nationalism is oozing out of their asses, where those bankers who control the media are brainwashing them each in different directions, flattering them and turning them (US) against each other - I did a whole video explaining that, see on the bottom.
5. WRONG! under new world government, which will be built only by a man who worked construction all his life (no other person will ever convince humanity to unite) all welfare class of billionaires will be put to work, they will have no place to hide. I suggest you read my biography: when they have different nations, then once one nation wakes up, they can rise up other nations against it, history has shown us that. This will no longer be the case under new world government
Don't like Big government? then put your hypocrisy aside and become a part of the new world government - no billionaires allowed and they will never be able to manipulate it, they can only pay and fund distractors. Do not wait for Jesus Christ to return and bring it to you on a silver platter, ONLY YOU can create new world government, with me.

With one world government, military size can be reduced, which will mean less young men on government welfare,
With one world government, no more hypocrite career politicians to save us from the boogie men they create so they can travel around the world at the expense of tax payers
New world government means YOU will have MUCH MORE POWER over everything going on in government WITHOUT GETTING PAID for it, but you have a regular job so you do not NEED to get paid for it, you will be able to vote on new laws from your home, because YOU my friend are absolutely no worse than any senator, any congressmen any president of any country, and that is not just empty flattery, but that is HONEST TO GOD TRUTH that I speak from the bottom of my heart.
WE DON'T NEED secession of states, secession of counties, secession of communities, secession of families, secession of religions to worship god under a different names, we do not need political industry, and yet political industry is ALL OVER THE PLACE, they sneak into every corner, every thread, every organization that has more than one member, but New World Government will wipe out political industry from the face of the earth, leaving them no place on earth to regroup

You're serious?
Don't like Big government? then put your hypocrisy aside and become a part of the new world government - no billionaires allowed and they will never be able to manipulate it, they can only pay and fund distractors. Do not wait for Jesus Christ to return and bring it to you on a silver platter, ONLY YOU can create new world government, with me.

With one world government, military size can be reduced, which will mean less young men on government welfare,
With one world government, no more hypocrite career politicians to save us from the boogie men they create so they can travel around the world at the expense of tax payers
New world government means YOU will have MUCH MORE POWER over everything going on in government WITHOUT GETTING PAID for it, but you have a regular job so you do not NEED to get paid for it, you will be able to vote on new laws from your home, because YOU my friend are absolutely no worse than any senator, any congressmen any president of any country, and that is not just empty flattery, but that is HONEST TO GOD TRUTH that I speak from the bottom of my heart.
WE DON'T NEED secession of states, secession of counties, secession of communities, secession of families, secession of religions to worship god under a different names, we do not need political industry, and yet political industry is ALL OVER THE PLACE, they sneak into every corner, every thread, every organization that has more than one member, but New World Government will wipe out political industry from the face of the earth, leaving them no place on earth to regroup

You're serious?
More serious than your president

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