Don't monkey up the election!

Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

  1. monkey up

    Screw Up

  2. monkey up

    To screw something up. To do the job poorly.
    1. monkey up

      To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.

Is this going to be your theme all day, answering a question nobody asked?

I already spanked you for it in the last thread you kept dropping the same thing over and over. Maybe you should try to come up with an original point.
You spanked nothing, dear heart, you only wish you did.
My theme is to make others realize how foolish they look implying something so asinine. ;)
And you still consider yourself a Moderate.........LOL
I do? When have I ever said that?

You may want to read the 2nd line of my sig.

You have selective memory......are you getting old like me......forgetting things........that's a shame

Too far back to search......but you did claim to be moderate back then....

Is today monday............hmmm
And you still consider yourself a Moderate.........LOL
I do? When have I ever said that?

You may want to read the 2nd line of my sig.

You have selective memory......are you getting old like me......forgetting things........that's a shame

Too far back to search......but you did claim to be moderate back then....

Is today monday............hmmm
Okay, I'll wait here.
And you still consider yourself a Moderate.........LOL
I do? When have I ever said that?

You may want to read the 2nd line of my sig.

You have selective memory......are you getting old like me......forgetting things........that's a shame

Too far back to search......but you did claim to be moderate back then....

Is today monday............hmmm
Okay, I'll wait here.
Where is here...........are you stuck in traffic again.........
Obama In 2008 Warns: Politicians 'Monkeyed Around With Elections

Racist much?

Obama was referring to POLITICIANS - Not one or more BLACK politicians.
Glad I could assist

When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".
“...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

Anyone who claims to believe this statement is racist is a liar, or really incredibly stupid.
Obama In 2008 Warns: Politicians 'Monkeyed Around With Elections

Racist much?

Obama was referring to POLITICIANS - Not one or more BLACK politicians.
Glad I could assist

When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.
“...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

Anyone who claims to believe this statement is racist is a liar, or really incredibly stupid.

This is racist.

Perhaps if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your very being, you would see it.

Who is he talking about that would embrace this socialist agenda?
“...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

Anyone who claims to believe this statement is racist is a liar, or really incredibly stupid.

This is racist.

Perhaps if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your very being, you would see it.

Who is he talking about that would embrace this socialist agenda?
He’s talking about the socialist agenda, obviously - it’s right there in his statement.

Show me precisely where it is racist.
It is a fallacy to assume that every issue has two valid sides.
Not every, but most. And all of the major issues.

Life is not absolute. And too many confuse fact with opinion.

Have you considered the possibility that this issue, ie Political Correctness, is one of the ones that does not have two valid sides?

And that you have been wrong in being "balanced"?
I've never claimed to be balanced or impartial or unbiased or any other such term. Ever. That's a misnomer that you folks, on both ends of course, have created in an attempt to put me on the defensive when challenged. I've even gone out of my way to address that in the second line of my sig.

Why I can't get this to sink in remains a mystery to me. Kind of.

And while there is no one here who is more anti-PC than me, no one here who takes more shit from the Regressive Left here than me, I also know they get away with it because real racism and bigotry does still exist. The Right just loves to make it easy for them and give them example after example, and/or try to deny or downplay the obvious. So of course, there are two perfectly reasonable sides to that issue.

If real racism was a real issue, we would not be seeing so much crap like this example ie monkey, because liberals, would have real examples to work with.
And there ya go.

Sorry, Mac, I made a real point there, and you did not address it.
Another example of the hypocrisy of the Left.

when they do it is ok, but when others do it bad.

Losers.....all Leftists losers!


"Monkey around" --- 2
"Monkey wrench" --- 1
"Monkey this up" ---- 0
"Monkey business", "Monkey in the Middle" and "Chunky Monkey" --- also 0.
Bottom line is that "don't monkey up this election" means "don't screw up this election". Nothing racist about it, but the Dems especially the white dems love making anything racist because they think that it is the most powerful weapon they have in their political tool box when they are wanting to win dirty.

This nation has got to get beyond this extortion tactic being used by the Demon-crats. This reaction to Desantis should be an eye opener as to how blatantly wrong the Demon-crats are in their attempts to steal elections by way of this crap they keep throwing.

The question isn't whether the speaker was "being racist". We have no evidence to tell us that. The question is whether he's intentionally race-baiting.

That's the weasel-word value of tossing innuendo --- you can always just stand there and act innocent and go "who me?" while still accomplishing what you set out to do, knowing you can't do it directly.

As Reagan advisor/Bush campaign manager Atwater put it, "You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it."

None of us are Ron DeSantis so we can't crawl into his head and say definitively that his intent was race-baiting. But we also cannot say that it was not. His deploying an awkward unusual phrase appears to be quite deliberate and preplanned, and that doesn't look good for him. In other words it doesn't appear to have "just slipped out" but rather he set it up. It was going to be his centerpiece. It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one here that talking-point scripts for a quick sound bite interview are painstakingly honed down to the letter, expressly for the purpose of producing a sound bite that will start reverberating.

The OP calls it, "tone deaf". Maybe tone-deaf, maybe intentionally provocative. After all we all know his name now don't we.
The only way that you can apply an assumed label for the man or for you to have an assumption of racism, apply guilt to him that he is a racist or to place an identity on the rehtoric spewed by him as being racist, is to have previous examples or proof that Desantis is anything that you want him to be and more in as far as a racist goes.

After reading your post it appears that you or others have nothing but a desire to wish something to be true on the issue of racism, yet the evidence of such a thing is missing big time in the case.

So why go along with the bullcrap with others who are hyper sensitive to anything that is said, and who are attempting to lead others and/or an entire party to the slaughter house over the accusations of racism with no proof of such a thing today ??

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