Don't provoke Trump, he may actually do it

Stop opposing Voter ID and we will stop believing you are committing massive voter fraud. It really is that simple.
how would voter id stop a person registered in 2 states from voting twice, one place you vote in person, the other is via absentee voting, or absentee vote in both spots...

the vetting on citizenship should and does in some states, take place when registering, before they are approved for their voter registration card, before their names are added to the voter roll rosters....

and when the state issues a death certificate, those names should be sent to the voter registrar to be removed from the voter rolls....

easy peasy, why don't they actually do something that would help?
Trump announced to leaders of Congress that if it weren't for millions of illegal aliens voting for Hillary Clinton, he would have won the popular vote.

The media pounced. At a press conference later that day, reporters kept insisting that if Trump believes that this massive amount of voter fraud happened, he should definitely look into it.

They were playing a stupid cat-and-mouse game with Trump, trying to make Trump back down from his allegations of massive voter fraud.

But what the liberal media hasn't fully realized yet is that they aren't the cat anymore, and Trump will never be the mouse.

Trump is always the cat, so when the media challenged him to investigate voter fraud, he said, "OK, I'll do just that."

And now, the shit is going to hit the fan, because the Democrats have been getting away with voter fraud for many decades, and Republicans have always allowed it to happen, but now, the rules have changed.

And because the media provoked Donald Trump, there WILL be an investigation, and it's possible, even PROBABLE, that massive voter irregularities will be discovered, and dozens, perhaps scores or hundreds, of Democrats will go to prison for voter fraud.

So, word of warning:

Don't provoke Trump.
You be sure and let us know when you find those five million illegal Mexicans who registered to vote and then voted, all completely undetected, mm-kay?

Oops. Did I just provoke you?

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