Don't take my word for it, listen to the Rabbi yourself...

The ancestors of the Palestinians called it Palestine or Palaestina since it became a Roman province, even before the ancestors of today's Palestinians converted to Christianity from Paganism, Judaism and other religions.

While the European Zionists were successful in removing or eliminating most of the non-Jews when they implemented their colonial project to create a Gentile-free nation, they did not succeed. The Palestinians resisted the take-over of their country by the Europeans, they never demanded that the native Jews, those that arrived after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal after 1492, be expelled.
How many times do you have to be told, there were no Palestinians or Palestine in 1492, nor did the Arabs have a say, the land was under Ottoman rule,Mano had defeated the Arab invaders, after their short rule. So it wasn't up the conquered Arabs, ever.

While I was talking about the Palestinians that were removed or killed by the Zionist European invaders, Ottoman Filistin had inhabitants and they were people from Palestine. Since the Ottoman Filistin Risalesi (Palestine manual or treatise in English) exists and can be found just by googling, the Ottomans called the area Filistin (Palestine).

Of course it was and is up to the native inhabitants, always it is up to the native inhabitants.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.
Well if they wanted a free Palestine, why did they ask to be a part of 'Suria'?
The ancestors of the Palestinians called it Palestine or Palaestina since it became a Roman province, even before the ancestors of today's Palestinians converted to Christianity from Paganism, Judaism and other religions.

While the European Zionists were successful in removing or eliminating most of the non-Jews when they implemented their colonial project to create a Gentile-free nation, they did not succeed. The Palestinians resisted the take-over of their country by the Europeans, they never demanded that the native Jews, those that arrived after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal after 1492, be expelled.
How many times do you have to be told, there were no Palestinians or Palestine in 1492, nor did the Arabs have a say, the land was under Ottoman rule,Mano had defeated the Arab invaders, after their short rule. So it wasn't up the conquered Arabs, ever.

While I was talking about the Palestinians that were removed or killed by the Zionist European invaders, Ottoman Filistin had inhabitants and they were people from Palestine. Since the Ottoman Filistin Risalesi (Palestine manual or treatise in English) exists and can be found just by googling, the Ottomans called the area Filistin (Palestine).

Of course it was and is up to the native inhabitants, always it is up to the native inhabitants.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.
How many times do you have to be told, there were no Palestinians or Palestine in 1492, nor did the Arabs have a say, the land was under Ottoman rule,Mano had defeated the Arab invaders, after their short rule. So it wasn't up the conquered Arabs, ever.

While I was talking about the Palestinians that were removed or killed by the Zionist European invaders, Ottoman Filistin had inhabitants and they were people from Palestine. Since the Ottoman Filistin Risalesi (Palestine manual or treatise in English) exists and can be found just by googling, the Ottomans called the area Filistin (Palestine).

Of course it was and is up to the native inhabitants, always it is up to the native inhabitants.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.
Last edited:
While I was talking about the Palestinians that were removed or killed by the Zionist European invaders, Ottoman Filistin had inhabitants and they were people from Palestine. Since the Ottoman Filistin Risalesi (Palestine manual or treatise in English) exists and can be found just by googling, the Ottomans called the area Filistin (Palestine).

Of course it was and is up to the native inhabitants, always it is up to the native inhabitants.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.

It's easy, Palestine was a suburb of Greater Syria, and the Arabs in that area considered themselves as part of the bigger Syrian nation.
They didn't see Palestine as a separate distinct nation or country.

That's why they asked to remain in Syria, like they were under the Ottomans.
How many times do you have to be told, there were no Palestinians or Palestine in 1492, nor did the Arabs have a say, the land was under Ottoman rule,Mano had defeated the Arab invaders, after their short rule. So it wasn't up the conquered Arabs, ever.

While I was talking about the Palestinians that were removed or killed by the Zionist European invaders, Ottoman Filistin had inhabitants and they were people from Palestine. Since the Ottoman Filistin Risalesi (Palestine manual or treatise in English) exists and can be found just by googling, the Ottomans called the area Filistin (Palestine).

Of course it was and is up to the native inhabitants, always it is up to the native inhabitants.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.
No they didn't, you IslamoNazi ass licker.
Ha ha ha. Ottoman Fuckenstine..another made up word. The Ottomans called the region southern Syria, deal with it. And the conquered Arab invaders had zero say what the Ottomans decided to do with conquered territory.

No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.
Point is, dumbass, it wasn't called Palestine for at least the last 700 years and probably before. Palestine or Falastine is a EUROPEAN, not Arab / Muslim name for the region and it was adopted in early 1900's due to European influences and especially after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Arabs can't even pronounce the letter "p", ignoramus.
No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.
Point is, dumbass, it wasn't called Palestine for at least the last 700 years and probably before. Palestine or Falastine is a EUROPEAN, not Arab / Muslim name for the region and it was adopted in early 1900's due to European influences and especially after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Arabs can't even pronounce the letter "p", ignoramus.

It was not palestine but independent districts of Jerusalem Sanjak, Nablus Sanjak and Acre Sanjak

Also reforms were enacted after a massacre of christians by muslims in Vilayet of Aleppo in the early 1800's. More non muslims were allowed to buy property. Jewish population had been growing since the wall was reopened to jews in the 16th C.
No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.

It's easy, Palestine was a suburb of Greater Syria, and the Arabs in that area considered themselves as part of the bigger Syrian nation.
They didn't see Palestine as a separate distinct nation or country.

That's why they asked to remain in Syria, like they were under the Ottomans.

And at the third Arab Palestine Congress, less than a year later in December of 1920 they voted to remain separate from Syria. They obviously saw Palestine as a distinct separate country. You are barking up the wrong tree. You people keep trying to delegitimize the Palestinians, but it doesn't work. They exist, they have been the people of that territory, rule by a variety of rulers, for thousands of years. Just because they changed religions over the centuries doesn't change their ancestry.
No they called it Filistin, in Turkish. As the source documentation confirms. There were few Arabian invaders. Most were long gone. The people of Filistin were the native people. As confirmed from even Jew sources:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.
Point is, dumbass, it wasn't called Palestine for at least the last 700 years and probably before. Palestine or Falastine is a EUROPEAN, not Arab / Muslim name for the region and it was adopted in early 1900's due to European influences and especially after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Arabs can't even pronounce the letter "p", ignoramus.

The Palestinians even published a newspaper called Falastin during Ottoman times. You are cracking me up. Your need to delegitimize the Palestinians leads you to make claims that go beyond your usual outrageous claims. LOL
There is no remotely neutral, independent and authoritative evidence that prior to 1850 there were more than a handful of Jews in Palestine. To the contrary:



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



"The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews."
You're funny. You talk about evidence prior to 1850 and back it up with a document dated 1921.
What's even funnier is the amount of threads screwy has using this tiny sect of Jews as his evidence.
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.
Point is, dumbass, it wasn't called Palestine for at least the last 700 years and probably before. Palestine or Falastine is a EUROPEAN, not Arab / Muslim name for the region and it was adopted in early 1900's due to European influences and especially after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Arabs can't even pronounce the letter "p", ignoramus.

The Palestinians even published a newspaper called Falastin during Ottoman times. You are cracking me up. Your need to delegitimize the Palestinians leads you to make claims that go beyond your usual outrageous claims. LOL
Your newspaper was published in the early 1900's, and as mentioned before, it was due to Christian / European influences.

Afternoon Map: Ottoman and Arab Maps of Palestine, 1880s-1910s

Afternoon Map Ottoman and Arab Maps of Palestine 1880s-1910s

Our next map, like the rest in Jughrafiya-i Osmani (see 90, 101, 104, and 116), make no mention of Palestine anywhere.This was not uncommon for the period, as Palestine did not constitute an administrative district in the Ottoman Empire.Instead, the entire region is labeled ‘Suriye’ in all of these maps.

The final map in our collection comes from George Post’s Nabat Suriya wa-Filastin wa-al-Qatr al-Misri wa-Bawadiha (Beirut, n.p., 1884), 411 (The Flora of Syria, Palestine, and the Egyptian Country and its Desert). The title of the map itself is: The Botanical Climate of Syria(Aqalim Suriyya al-Nabatiyya). Note that Filastin does not appear anywhere on the map. Again, insofar as this is a translation of a book by one of most well-regarded botanists and geographers of Palestine in the nineteenth century, we once again see just how much the Arabs, in this case, came under the influence of their European counterparts. Indeed, this is one of the first books ever published in the Arab language which included the word ‘Filastin’ in the title of the work, and, low and behold, it is a translation from the English!

A Fraud is a fraud is a fraud. "Palestinian" is an invented identity stolen by the invading Arabs. If anything, it referred to the Jews of the region ONLY:

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it".

- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -
There is no remotely neutral, independent and authoritative evidence that prior to 1850 there were more than a handful of Jews in Palestine. To the contrary:



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



"The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)
You're funny. You talk about evidence prior to 1850 and back it up with a document dated 1921.
He's a bullshit artist doing his best as a propagandist. Yet failing miserably. What can we expect.
No they didn't call it Palestine. Maybe in your antisemtic dreams. Now run along.

Of course they called Palestine, you traitorous creep.

Part of Greater Syria,
look at 1st Arab-Palestine congress.

It was called the Arab-Palestine Congress and took place in February 1919, during which joining a Greater Syria was proposed, among other things, e.g. stopping the Zionist invasion. There was a separate Syrian National Congress later that year in May. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was established in March of 1920 and was to encompass Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and a substantial part of Iraq.

The French invaded the Kingdom in the late summer and occupied the Syrian and Lebanon part of the Kingdom. Most of the royal family fled to the Trans-Jordan part of the Kingdom (they were Hashemites) and made a deal with the British to keep that small part of the Syrian Arab Kingdom.

So, the idea that Palestine could become a part of a greater Syria lasted 18 months and never happened.

So what's your point?

Palestine has been called Παλαιστίν (Palaistíni) in Greek, Palaestina in Latin, Filistin in Turkish or Falastin in Arabic at least since Herodotus called it Palestine in the 5th century BC in his 'Histories". Why you people want to deny this obvious fact is beyond me. I can see your need to delegitimize the Palestinian people as the native people of Palestine that the Jews expropriated of their land and currently oppress them, but this lie of your's is so easily debunked.

It's easy, Palestine was a suburb of Greater Syria, and the Arabs in that area considered themselves as part of the bigger Syrian nation.
They didn't see Palestine as a separate distinct nation or country.

That's why they asked to remain in Syria, like they were under the Ottomans.

And at the third Arab Palestine Congress, less than a year later in December of 1920 they voted to remain separate from Syria. They obviously saw Palestine as a distinct separate country. You are barking up the wrong tree. You people keep trying to delegitimize the Palestinians, but it doesn't work. They exist, they have been the people of that territory, rule by a variety of rulers, for thousands of years. Just because they changed religions over the centuries doesn't change their ancestry.

Nahh they didn't VOTE to be a separate country , they wanted to remain a part of Syria. But since the French took control they had no other option.

But it was Greater Syria that the Arabs initially wanted.
The OP has a Rabbi speaking of an "an 8 generation Palestinian family."

Beyond the multiple pages of zionist trolling, the point remains.

Yup, 8th generation!

I'm sticking with the Rabbi's own words over your nonstop cutting and pasting of degenerate zionist propaganda. And ftr, I'll go out on a limb here and sugest that besides yourself, teddyderp, foreverdumb, cloudy and the rest of your loud little handful that NOONE IS BUYING IT.
I'm sticking with the Rabbi's own words over your nonstop cutting and pasting of degenerate zionist propaganda. And ftr, I'll go out on a limb here and sugest that besides yourself, teddyderp, foreverdumb, cloudy and the rest of your loud little handful that NOONE IS BUYING IT.

Oh, my. That's awkward.


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